The Kadavo slave processing facility was a mining complex located on the planet Kadavo, operated by the Zygerrian people for slave labor.
During the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], the Zygerrian Slave Empire utilized the Kadavo slave processing facility. To discourage slaves from rebelling, it was constructed above a very deep crater and was under the command of Keeper Agruss. A Togruta artisan colony from the Kiros system was kidnapped and taken to the facility during the Clone Wars. Following a failed rescue mission to save Governor Gupat Roshti, who was being held prisoner on Zygerria, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Clone Captain Rex were also enslaved there.
Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano soon discovered the location of the facility and initiated an attack with the 104th Battalion, which was commanded by Jedi General Plo Koon and Admiral Barton Coburn. Agruss attempted to murder the slaves on the orders of Count Dooku, but a cruiser was positioned underneath the facility, preventing the majority of them from falling to their deaths. Rex then used an electrostaff to kill Agruss, and the facility was destroyed by Republic gunships.
The Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Slaves of the Republic" marked the initial appearance of the Kadavo slave processing facility.