"Slaves of the Republic" represents the twelfth installment within the fourth season of the animated television show Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Serving as the middle chapter in a three-part narrative arc, this episode delves into the activities of the slavers on Zygerria and the plight of the abducted inhabitants of Kiros, a storyline that commenced in the preceding episode, "Kidnapped." Its original broadcast occurred on December 2, 2011.
In an effort to find the missing colonists, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka embark on an undercover operation to infiltrate the slaver ranks on Zygerria. Anakin grapples with intense emotional challenges as a cunning Zygerrian queen manipulates him into making morally ambiguous choices in pursuit of his objective.
Anakin Skywalker, accompanied by Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, and Rex, journey to Zygerria aboard the vessel acquired from Darts D'Nar, only to discover the planet's orbit teeming with numerous starships, indicating a significant event. Prior to their landing, they assume disguises and split into two teams: Obi-Wan and Rex are tasked with uncovering the whereabouts of the abducted Togruta colonists, while Anakin and Ahsoka, posing as master and slave respectively, proceed to meet the Zygerrian queen.
Within the bustling slave markets situated near the palace, Ahsoka inadvertently attracts unwanted attention when she intervenes to prevent a Zygerrian slaver from physically assaulting one of his slaves with a whip. Anakin subtly suggests that he possesses information for the Queen concerning one Bruno Denturri, which leads to him and Ahsoka being summoned to the palace by the queen herself. Adopting the persona of a slaver named Lars Quell, Anakin quickly gains the queen's favor by claiming to have killed Denturri and seized Ahsoka from his residence. While Anakin is in conversation with the Queen, one of her slaves attempts to assassinate her with a knife. Anakin thwarts the slave girl's attempt to murder the Queen, and facing being sent to reprocessing, the girl throws herself off the balcony to her death. Queen Miraj decides to take Ahsoka as her new slave, whereupon Anakin quickly grants Ahsoka as a gift, winning Miraj's trust even more. Captivated by Anakin, she invites him to attend that night's slave auction by her side.
Meanwhile, Obi-Wan and Rex make their way to the slave pits, where they encounter the Togruta governor of Kiros, Gupat Roshti, weakened and traumatized by his ordeal. Unable to extract information about the other colonists' location, Obi-Wan decides to prioritize his liberation. However, the alerted guards manage to intercept and capture Obi-Wan and Roshti, while Rex manages to escape. The Zygerrians subject Obi-Wan to torture, attempting to ascertain his identity. However, Atai Molec recognizes Obi-Wan from his conversation with Darts D'Nar on Kiros.
During the auction, Roshti is presented as the first slave for sale, serving as a representation of the Togrutan people. Unexpectedly, the Queen announces a special guest, Obi-Wan Kenobi. To demonstrate his loyalty, the Queen commands Anakin to whip Obi-Wan with an electro-whip in front of the assembled bidders. With the assistance of Ahsoka, R2-D2, and Rex, who has successfully infiltrated the auction, Anakin initiates an impromptu escape. However, in the ensuing brief conflict, they are subdued, starting with Ahsoka, followed by Rex, Obi-Wan, and finally Anakin. Miraj summons Anakin to her private chambers and declares that he will serve as her personal slave and bodyguard in exchange for the lives of his companions. Ahsoka is imprisoned within the palace, confined to a cage as a slave, while Obi-Wan, Rex, and Roshti are transported to the Zygerrian reprocessing center on Kadavo, where the remaining Togrutans are being held. Obi-Wan is coerced into submission by the center's warden, Keeper Agruss, who reinforces his authority by executing several Togrutan prisoners and threatening further violence should Obi-Wan contemplate rebellion. Miraj, attempting to sway Anakin to her cause, argues that as a Jedi and servant of the Republic, he is already effectively a slave. She proposes to release his friends if he willingly joins her, a proposition that prompts Anakin to contemplate his options.
This episode garnered the second-lowest viewership within the series, attracting only 1.36 million viewers.
The scene where Anakin salutes R2, signaling him to eject his lightsaber, pays homage to Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, mirroring the roles of the movie's main characters. Obi-Wan assumes Han's position, Rex embodies Lando's role, Anakin represents Luke, the Queen corresponds to Jabba, Ahsoka takes on Leia's part, and R2 maintains his consistent placement from the movie.
During the scene in which Anakin, Ahsoka, and Rex attempt to rescue Obi-Wan and Roshti, Ahsoka uses her lightsaber to threaten the queen into submission; however, when she is knocked unconscious, it is her shoto that falls to the ground.