The HH-87 Starhopper, alternatively referred to as the Hutt fighter due to its usage by the Hutt Clan, and sometimes simply called the starhopper, was a multi-role, long-distance, single-pilot starfighter that saw extensive service. The Hutt Clans employed it from at least the era of the High Republic Era all the way through the Clone Wars. The Zygerrian Slave Empire also utilized these starhoppers, deploying them in air-to-air combat during the Battle of Kadavo.
In the year 4 ABY, Wedge Antilles made use of an HH-87, which previously belonged to Gev Hessan, to survey several worlds in the Outer Rim in search of signs of concealed Imperial strongholds. After the ISD Vigilance captured his starhopper above Akiva, Antilles set it up to explode, hoping that the resulting disruption would aid his escape. Before the attack on Tuanul, Vi Moradi and her astromech droid U5-GG were captured aboard a starhopper by the First Order Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Absolution.
The HH-87 Starhopper was originally conceived for "Escape from Kadavo," which is the thirteenth episode from the canon animated show Star Wars: The Clone Wars' fourth season. Its design drew inspiration from an initial conceptual illustration for the Imperial shuttle that was created for the 1983 movie Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi.