
MandalMotors, a Mandalorian enterprise, was situated on the Outer Rim planet of Mandalore. General Gustav Zenlav, a Mandalorian, established MandalMotors, which subsequently evolved into a major corporation overseen by a board of executives reporting to a singular CEO. The corporation's main offices were in Keldabe, Mandalore's capital city, where its iconic business logo adorned a towering, hundred-meter-tall tower, a recognizable part of the cityscape. MandalMotors primarily specialized in the manufacturing of starships, but the Mandalorian entity also gained recognition for producing various speeder models, gunships, and at least one class of ground-based tank. As time passed, MandalMotors became known for its exceptional ship designs and formidable military craft.

MandalMotors, largely a neutral entity, significantly propelled Mandalore's economy, offering its wide array of products to any willing buyer with the necessary credits. Mandalorian police forces adopted the company's Pursuer-class enforcement ships, while the extremist Mandalorian group known as Death Watch famously utilized Kom'rk-class fighter/transports. When Mandalore the Resurrector rose to power towards the end of the Clone Wars, the Mandalore and his military commandeered MandalMotors' facilities exclusively for the Confederacy of Independent Systems, as he had allied the Mandalorians with them against the Galactic Republic in their widespread war across the galaxy. Following the Republic's transformation into the Galactic Empire after the Declaration of a New Order, MandalMotors fell under the control of an Imperial Advisor forcibly installed on its board, leading to the production of dungeon ships for the galactic regime. After the Empire's defeat, MandalMotors aligned with the New Republic, supplying military vessels to several of its member worlds. The discovery of a rich deposit of the valuable and incredibly durable iron ore known as beskar on Mandalore following the Yuuzhan Vong War led to MandalMotors' work with this rare metal, which spurred the Mandalorian world's economic revival.


General Gustav Zenlav established MandalMotors several centuries prior to the Battle of Yavin. The company engineered a multitude of starships, including the Pursuer-class enforcement ship, one of which was acquired by the renowned bounty hunter Boba Fett and eventually renamed Slave II. They were also responsible for manufacturing the StarViper-class attack platform, one of which became Prince Xizor's personal vessel, the Virago.

Prince Xizor's Virago
A MandalMotors M22-T Krayt gunship

During the Clone Wars, Mandalore the Resurrector and his newly formed army of Mandalorian Protectors took control of the MandalMotors factories for the benefit of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, with whom Mandalore was then allied.

Under the authority of the Galactic Empire, MandalMotors was prohibited from conducting business until an Imperial "advisor" was appointed to the company's board of directors. However, this did not prevent the sale of weaponry to Tyber Zann's criminal syndicate. Following the Battle of Endor, this "advisor" was removed, and the company shifted its support to the New Republic.

During the Battle of Mandalore, amidst the Yuuzhan Vong War, MandalMotors' hundred-meter tower suffered substantial damage, yet remained standing. By the time of the Second Galactic Civil War, Jir Yomaget was at the helm of the company, which had donated MandalMotors Hall—a public building where clan chieftains could convene to deliberate on Mandalorian politics and significant issues, occasionally with the Mand'alor—to the community of Keldabe. After the discovery of a fresh vein of beskar ore near the settlement of Enceri, production commenced on two new designs reinforced with beskar: the Bes'uliik-class assault starfighter and the Tra'kad-class assault vessel_.

