Keldabe-class cruiser

The Keldabe-class cruiser, alternatively referred to as the Keldabe-class battleship, represented one of several distinct warship types that were in service with Tyber Zann's organization and other entities during the era of the Galactic Civil War. During the Galactic Civil War, at least one ship of this classification was operated by the Mandalorians.



A Keldabe-class battleship under attack by a flight of B-wing starfighters.

Similar to the Crusader-class corvette, the design of the Keldabe-class battleship originated from Mandal Hypernautics. The vessel received its name from Mandalore's principal city, Keldabe. Echoing the design principles of other Mandalorian spacecraft, the battleship exhibited sharp angles, a visual callback to the ancient Mandalorian Kandosii-type dreadnaught. A tower situated on top of the main superstructure was another important characteristic of the design, bearing a resemblance to the Galactic Empire's Star Destroyers.

Offensive and defensive systems

Keldabes possessed the capability to challenge the Galactic Empire's Imperial-class Star Destroyers, as they were equipped with an array of turbolasers, ion cannons, and a collection of mass driver weaponry. The mass drivers were positioned in groups between the two engine systems and at the front of the vessel.

A noteworthy characteristic of the ship's architecture was its ability to siphon energy from opposing ships and shields to fuel its own weapons arrays, employing technology procured through the black market from the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

In general, the battleship's power exceeded that of the Consortium's Aggressor-class Star Destroyer by roughly one-third; however, this superior performance resulted in a significantly higher production cost for each battleship.


Rear view of a Keldabe-class battleship.

The Zann Consortium came into possession of the Keldabe-class battleship after its pirates coerced the plans from Mandal Hypernautics. Despite his displeasure with the pirate's disregard for his directives to avoid the shipyards, Tyber Zann incorporated the Keldabe-class into his armada nonetheless, following the execution of the offending captain. Subsequently, Keldabe-class battleships participated in numerous Consortium operations, including the Battle for the Eclipse.

