The Kandosii-type dreadnought, its name derived from the Mando'a term meaning "unyielding," served as the largest capital ship within the arsenal of the Mandalorians throughout the duration of the Mandalorian Wars.

The Kandosii design exhibited acute, slender profiles and was predicated on an assortment of acquired technologies. A significant weakness in their construction was the susceptibility of their hyperspace navigation systems to impairment via a precisely positioned explosive charge at the stern.
Kandosii-type dreadnaughts possessed substantial armaments for combat situations, featuring five formidable double turbolaser batteries as their primary means of offensive firepower. Furthermore, they were equipped with two point-defense triple laser cannon batteries strategically located to ensure complete hull protection. Each dreadnaught also incorporated a pair of super-heavy concussion missile batteries capable of engaging capital ships or deploying nuclear missiles for planetary bombardment, a tactic observed during the Battle of Serroco. These missile launchers were situated in the ship's forward section and the lower extended superstructure.
The Kandosii-type possessed a sizable cargo bay and the capability to transport up to 128 starfighters for both defensive and offensive operations. The Davaab-type starfighter was generally the most frequently deployed fighter. Additionally, each dreadnaught had the capacity to carry eight Shaadlar-type troopships, each accommodating 800 soldiers. Complementing these assets, the Kandosii-type could accommodate a number of Basilisk war droids.

Initially conceived and constructed by the Fenelar, the Mandalorians appropriated the Kandosii-type blueprint during their subjugation and annihilation of the species. Subsequently, these dreadnaughts were utilized by the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders in the Mandalorian Wars against the Galactic Republic.
A Mandalorian Dreadnaught commanded a battle group of Jehavey'ir-type assault ships during the Battle of Serroco, where the fleet unleashed nuclear missile strikes upon the planet's surface. Later in the conflict, a vessel of this classification, under the command of Cassus Fett, bombarded the surface of Jebble to contain the Rakghoul plague from propagating to other star systems.

At some point preceding 100 BBY, Rendili Star Systems embraced a Mandalorian warship design to produce the Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser. The configuration employed in the Mandalorian Wars exhibited certain superficial resemblances to the Rendili Dreadnaught design. Furthermore, certain MandalMotors designs, such as the Crusader-class corvette, would also adopt the sharp-edged, aggressive aesthetic of these then-ancient warships.
The indication that the Dreadnaught-class heavy cruisers were derived from Mandalorian starships originates from The Dreadnaughts of Rendili; coupled with Palpatine's subsequent declaration in the comic that the heavy cruisers would be converted into dungeon ships, it was manifestly intended to depict the evolution of the Mandalorian Dungeon Ship from Star Wars: Dark Empire. However, The History of the Mandalorians article later explicitly designated the dungeon ship as a distinct ship class.
According to Dustin Weaver, he was cognizant of the Mandalorian Dreadnaught serving as the foundation for the Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser, but intentionally opted for a dissimilar visual representation, citing transformations over the millennia and a more assertive appearance. He predicated the design on the Crusader-class corvette and the Lictor-class dungeon ship. He also asserted that they were manufactured by MandalMotors, although this is not substantiated by the subsequent Campaign Guide.