The Shaadlar-class troopship represents a line of military transports employed by both the Mandalorian Crusaders and their successors, the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders.

Drawing inspiration from the Basilisk design, the Shaadlar-class initially possessed a distinctly unsettling, insect-like aesthetic. These vessels could deploy ground forces onto planets, utilizing four extending "legs" to bear the ship's weight. As technology advanced, subsequent iterations of these troopships displayed a less insectoid form, featuring six legs positioned beneath the main hull of the craft.
The different versions of the ship carried ion cannons and concussion missile launchers as their armaments. While the concussion missile launchers were mainly intended for attacking ground based targets, they could be adapted to engage spacecraft.
These troopships saw action in conflicts such as the Great Sith War and the Mandalorian Wars, where they were used to invade planets after achieving space superiority.