Vi Moradi

title: Vi Moradi

Vi Moradi, also known by various codenames like Starling, Amaka Kottu, Evette Harlo, Magpie, or Mother Hen, was a human female intelligence operative serving the Resistance. Her assignments included investigating First Order Captain Phasma's background and establishing a Resistance foothold within the Black Spire Ruins located on Batuu.


Vi Moradi, a human woman hailing from the Inner Rim world of Chaaktil, functioned as an intelligence operative for the Resistance throughout the Cold War. Sometime before the attack on Tuanul, she and her droid companion, U5-GG, were captured while piloting their starhopper and subsequently brought aboard the First Order capital ship Absolution. While on the vessel, she underwent interrogation by Cardinal, a rival of Phasma's, who sought information regarding Captain Phasma's history in exchange for Moradi's freedom.

Moradi recounted all the information she had gathered from Siv, a former associate of Phasma's from Parnassos, concerning his adversary, all while subtly extracting details from Cardinal. Ultimately, when Cardinal demanded evidence to accuse Phasma of killing General Brendol Hux, Moradi furnished him with a Parnassos beetle, the instrument Phasma had used to commit the act. After Cardinal's failed attempt to present the evidence to his superiors and his subsequent loss in a duel against Phasma, Moradi came to his rescue. She later journeyed to Parnassos to liberate Siv and his daughter Torbi.

Subsequently, Moradi made her way to Black Spire Outpost on Batuu, where she broadcast a message to all Resistance sympathizers, urging them to join the remaining Resistance forces on Batuu and assist in the ongoing conflict between the Resistance and the First Order.

Vi Moradi being interrogated by Kylo Ren

Moradi linked up with fellow Resistance members on Batuu and received the task of infiltrating the First Order shuttle located in Black Spire Outpost to acquire a datacard containing First Order fleet deployment information. During their mission briefing, two stormtroopers disrupted the meeting but were quickly subdued by Chewbacca and other Resistance operatives. Despite the stormtroopers' threats of incoming reinforcements, Moradi correctly pointed out their inability to report their location. While aboard the shuttle, Resistance sympathizers warned her, so she hid to avoid detection by the troopers. After successfully acquiring the datacard, she handed it off to a pilot from Blue Squadron. Before she could return to base, Kylo Ren confronted her, demanding to know the whereabouts of General Organa and the Resistance Base. Upon her refusal, Ren used the Force against her and prepared to strike her down. However, the arrival of Rey interrupted Ren, allowing Vi to engage a First Order Officer in combat and escape. Vi then rejoined the Resistance operatives and was present when Blue Leader communicated with them, confirming the successful retrieval of the datacard and its delivery to General Organa, and expressing his gratitude to Vi Moradi.

Personality and traits

Moradi evading stormtroopers in Black Spire Outpost

Vi Moradi possessed dark brown, burnished skin and amber-colored eyes, which she occasionally concealed with dark brown contacts to protect her identity. She also changed her hair color frequently, sometimes using a dark shade or bleached yellow, or styled it in flat twists covered by a wig. One of her preferred styles was a smooth, shaggy bob, black with blue-tipped ends. During her time as a spy, she operated under numerous aliases, including Starling, Amaka Kottu, Evette Harlo, Magpie, and Mother Hen.

When Archex attempted to kiss Moradi, she rejected his advances, stating that she would be there for him as a friend and support him in almost every way, except romantically and physically. She reflected that she had never felt that way about anyone, male or female, and had never experienced such urges. She had a brother named Baako whom she cared for deeply.

Skills and abilities

Moradi demonstrated the ability to pilot a Resistance transport pod, doing so during one particular mission. She successfully landed the pod on an asteroid to evade another vessel.

Behind the scenes

Vi Moradi was a character created for Delilah S. Dawson's 2017 novel, Phasma. According to Dawson, Moradi can be viewed as a "female Poe Dameron" due to her humor, ego, and skill, but with a hint of James Bond added. Originally, Moradi was identified as "Amaka" on James Zapata's blog, the designer of her, Cardinal's, and Keldo's appearances. Dawson was asked to change the name to Vi when it was decided that the character would appear in Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge, where the actress and stuntwoman Alex Marshall-Brown originated the role. The character played a role in the opening ceremonies for both versions of Galaxy's Edge, and can be randomly encountered by visitors. She is portrayed by various actresses at both parks.

