Parnassos beetle was a species of venomous beetle found on the planet of Parnassos, characterized by its golden hue and potent poison. This venom was capable of completely breaking down a victim's internal organs into liquid. Notably, Captain Phasma employed one of these beetles to kill Brendol Hux.
The Parnassos beetle was distinguished by its golden shell, horns, and a pointed, sharp proboscis. Its body exhibited a shimmering, rainbow-like reflection due to its golden surface. A bite from this beetle would likely result in a red and itchy wound. Furthermore, the bite introduced a venom that caused significant swelling and fever over time. Within a few days, the affected individual would become immobilized due to extreme illness. Ultimately, the victim's body would undergo internal liquefaction, followed by a rapid external dissolution, releasing water and internal organs into the surrounding environment.
Parnassos beetles exhibited a strong attraction to any form of moisture, including water, sweat, and blood. While typically residing underground, the beetles would emerge in massive numbers when moisture reached the surface of the nearby sand. They would rapidly consume all available moisture before retreating back underground, leaving behind distinctive cone-shaped mounds.
These beetles formed colonies beneath the grey desert sands of Parnassos. They were generally considered to be particular creatures, both towards their own kind and comparable insectoid species, like the Gand. However, if a beetle sustained an injury that caused it to bleed, the others would turn cannibalistic, consuming all fluids from the injured beetle and leaving behind only the exoskeleton.
During a mountain descent, one of Phasma's warriors, named Carr, suffered a Parnassos beetle bite on his finger. Over the ensuing days, Carr's condition worsened, leading to significant swelling. Eventually, Carr liquefied and exploded, releasing water and leaving behind only shriveled organs and translucent bones. This event attracted a swarm of Parnassos beetles, which devoured his remains.
Given the venomous and hazardous nature of the Parnassos beetles, certain Parnassian tribes, including marauders who traveled on lizard sleds, utilized the beetles as weapons against unsuspecting enemies, carrying them in intricately carved wooden boxes. These marauders engaged in combat with Phasma and First Order General Brendol Hux's group, who were en route to Hux's downed starship.
With the consent of Hux's son, Armitage Hux, Phasma carried out the assassination of Brendol Hux using a Parnassos beetle. The beetle bit Hux on the neck. Over the subsequent days, Hux experienced swelling before disintegrating in a bacta tank, displaying the same symptoms that had led to Carr's demise. The First Order's medical droids were unable to identify the cause of Hux's illness, classifying it as an "unknown malady." The death of the elder Hux remained a closely guarded secret within the First Order.
After Vi Moradi, a Resistance spy, revealed the truth about Hux's death to Cardinal, a stormtrooper captain, she provided him with a beetle contained in a plastoid case. Cardinal intended to present this beetle as evidence to the younger Hux and high-ranking First Order officers at a gathering. However, this beetle was later killed when Phasma crushed it during a confrontation with Cardinal in the simulator room.
The Parnassos beetle made its debut in Delilah S. Dawson's 2017 novel, Phasma, which details the background of the character of the same name. This novel was created as part of the multimedia project Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi, preceding the release of Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi on December 15, 2017.