Armitage Hux, a human male, held the rank of general within the First Order's military during the New Republic Era. With Supreme Leader Snoke's backing, Hux assumed command of Starkiller Base and spearheaded the creation of new technology that gave the First Order fleet the ability to track targets through hyperspace. However, Snoke's death derailed the young general's ambitions, as did the years Hux devoted to vying for power against his rival Kylo Ren, who ultimately seized control of the First Order to become the new Supreme Leader.
Born on the planet of Arkanis around the time of the Battle of Yavin, Hux was the illegitimate son of Commandant Brendol Hux and a kitchen woman. Following the Galactic Civil War, Armitage, along with his father, Grand Admiral Rae Sloane, and a group of children who would later become some of the first First Order stormtroopers, escaped into the Unknown Regions. By the time of the Cold War, Hux had become a ruthless officer, orchestrating his father's demise, overseeing the training and indoctrination of a new generation of stormtroopers, executing Admiral Brooks, and commanding the Starkiller superweapon to destroy the New Republic's capital on Hosnian Prime. During the First Order-Resistance War, Hux initially served as the commanding officer of the _Resurgent_-class Star Destroyer Finalizer, and later of the Mega-class Star Dreadnought Supremacy until it faced destruction shortly before the Battle of Crait.
Hux's influence within the First Order diminished when Ren ascended to the rank of Supreme Leader. Although he participated in the First Order Supreme Council alongside other members of the First Order High Command, Hux possessed limited independent authority and was placed under the supervision of Allegiant General Enric Pryde aboard his flagship, the Steadfast. Growing disillusioned with his position under Ren's leadership, he provided the Resistance with intelligence concerning the Sith Eternal's fleet, the Final Order, located on Exegol, with the intention of seeing his rival lose the war. However, Pryde uncovered Hux's role as a double agent and promptly executed him for treason.

During the reign of the Galactic Empire, specifically in 1 BBY, Armitage Hux entered the world on the planet Arkanis. He was the son of Commandant Brendol Hux, conceived outside of wedlock with a kitchen woman rather than Brendol's wife, Maratelle, making him an illegitimate child. Never knowing his mother, Armitage spent his childhood without friends. As a youngling, he became a subject of whispers among the Imperial officers' ranks, who gossiped about Brendol's illegitimate son and his unknown mother.
Brendol openly displayed his low opinion of his son, viewing him as a frail and weak-willed boy, though not entirely without potential. Grand Admiral Rae Sloane suspected that Hux endured regular psychological and physical abuse from his father, a suspicion that proved accurate. Hux found solace in his father's tales of the Empire bringing peace to the galaxy after the tumultuous Clone Wars, even as he suffered abuse at his father's hands. Influenced by his Imperial heritage, Hux developed a sense of entitlement and believed he deserved to sit on the throne that governed the galaxy. From a young age, Hux vowed to disprove his father's negative perceptions. Inspired by the career of Sheev Palpatine, the Naboo senator who rose to become the Galactic Emperor, Hux believed he too could attain absolute power. He envisioned himself as the future ruler of the galaxy, a savior bringing order to the chaos he blamed on the New Republic.
Young Hux became acquainted with his father's fellow officers, including Enric Pryde, a friend of both Brendol and Maratelle, and Admiral Brooks, who openly mocked Hux's illegitimacy. Once, Brooks ridiculed Armitage after he spilled refreshments, suggesting that the illegitimate son of a kitchen woman should at least be able to serve drinks. As Brendol expressed his contempt for his son, calling him pathetic and useless, Hux promised to clean up the mess, prompting Brooks to suggest he lick the floor. Hux looked to his father for support before reluctantly agreeing to the admiral's demand. Brendol, however, watched Armitage with disgust and began to physically assault his son.

As a consequence of the Rebel victory at [Endor](/article/endor], the Empire was nearing its end. In 5 ABY, with the New Republic besieging Arkanis, Armitage and his father were compelled to flee their homeworld. Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax, a political protégé of the late Emperor Palpatine, took a special interest in Armitage Hux's future due to his father's groundbreaking ideas concerning stormtrooper training. At Rax's request, Sloane hired bounty hunter Mercurial Swift to rescue the Huxes, ensuring they would not become prisoners of the New Republic. Unbeknownst to Sloane, Rax was carrying out the Emperor's Contingency, a clandestine operation aimed at destroying the Empire from within and ensuring its rebirth in the Unknown Regions of galactic space.
After the Attack on Chandrila, Armitage and Brendol journeyed to Jakku to meet with the Imperial Military. In the months leading up to the Battle of Jakku, the Huxes remained close to Rax, who, as the self-proclaimed Counselor to the Empire, led the Imperial show government. While Brendol trained twenty-four local orphans, Hux tried to avoid his abusive father. By the end of their training, these child soldiers became Counselor Rax's personal bodyguards.
When the New Republic Defense Force invaded Jakku, a transport carried Armitage, his father, Counselor Rax, Yupe Tashu (the Emperor's adviser), and the child soldiers to the Jakku Observatory in the Plaintive Hand plateau. As part of the Contingency, Rax intended to use the observatory to detonate Jakku's planetary core, eliminating both the New Republic and the Empire simultaneously, before taking Armitage and Brendol to the Unknown Regions to establish a new Empire. En route to the observatory, Armitage found himself alone in the transport hold with the child soldiers. The older children, trained by his father to be ruthless killers, intimidated him. Although Rax planned to utilize Brendol's training methods to build the army of the new Empire, he deemed Armitage's role as Brendol's successor more critical.

Counselor Rax ultimately gifted the child soldiers to Armitage, recognizing that Hux would continue his father's work by training a new generation of soldiers bred for warfare. Rax then addressed his troops personally, instructing them to follow Hux's orders to the death and without question. To test his newfound authority, Hux ordered one of the boys to strike his comrade. Upon reaching the observatory, the Huxes were invited by the Counselor to board his luxury yacht—a replica of the Emperor's Imperialis. However, Sloane killed Rax before he could execute his plan to destroy Jakku. Seizing the chance to shape the next Empire according to her vision, Sloane accompanied Hux and Brendol on their journey to uncharted space.
During the voyage, Sloane befriended Hux, who began to see her as his protector from Brendol. Hux, in turn, protected Sloane from the child soldiers, who remained loyal only to him as per Rax's final wishes. Sloane reprimanded Brendol, warning him to stop abusing his son. However, she also wanted Hux to benefit from his father's experience and ordered Brendol to educate his illegitimate son as if he were a legitimate heir. For several months, the Imperialis traveled through the Unknown Regions, during which time Hux and his soldiers grew even more vicious under Brendol's tutelage. Even Sloane was surprised by Hux's cruelty, considering it an unusual trait for such a young boy. Their journey eventually led to the discovery of the Emperor's Super Star Destroyer, the Eclipse.

Despite the Empire's surrender to the New Republic and the signing of the Galactic Concordance that marked the end of the Galactic Civil War, the principles of the New Order lived on through a new generation of followers. Armitage Hux belonged to this generation, having been raised on stories of legendary Imperial leaders. As part of his upbringing, Hux was taught that the Empire had saved the galaxy from the chaos of the Clone Wars, while the New Republic lacked the strength to maintain such order.
Simultaneously, various elements of the Old Empire merged to form a new regime, uniting the Empire's political, military, and spiritual survivors under a movement known as the First Order. As the son of an Imperial Academy commandant, Hux was part of the military branch that served as the foundation for the First Order military. He eventually achieved the rank of general, becoming the youngest First Order officer to hold that military rank and also serving as a member of First Order High Command. However, Hux aspired to control both the First Order Navy and the First Order Army as Grand Marshal, a title that Supreme Leader Snoke denied him.
Having dedicated his life to the ideals of Imperial power, General Hux continued his father's legacy, which included Brendol's radical ideas on training soldiers from birth. This approach led to a new generation of stormtroopers, starting with Brendol and continuing through Hux, who also revived another Imperial ideal—achieving military dominance through technological terror.
At some point, Hux journeyed to Parnassos in response to the distress signal sent by Brendol from the crash site of his ship. Hux arrived at the crash site, greeting his father, Phasma, Siv, and Frey impersonally and welcoming Phasma and Frey into the First Order. Hux informed his father that his disappearance had caused concern among the First Order's higher ranks and that he needed to return immediately, as the Supreme Leader had many matters to discuss with him.
During the ride with Brendol, Phasma, and Frey to the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Absolution, Hux witnessed Brendol's orbital bombardment of Parnassos. Footage from the shuttle that transported them to the Absolution was later recovered by Resistance intelligence agents. One of these agents, Vi Moradi, watched the recording and remarked that the look Armitage gave Brendol was one of pure hatred.

Throughout his ascent to power, the young general ruthlessly eliminated numerous enemies and potential threats before they could pose a significant danger. This included the discreet elimination of his father, Brendol, the elder General Hux. Aware of his father's true feelings towards him, Hux resolved to kill him, although this wasn't the sole reason for his patricidal actions. Driven by ambition and a sense of destiny, he viewed Brendol as an obstacle to his pursuit of greater power. To that end, he enlisted the help of Captain Phasma, and the two conspirators agreed that the old Imperial veteran had to be permanently removed to advance their own interests.
Although Hux had no qualms about committing patricide, he delegated the actual killing to his co-conspirator, instructing her to use an untraceable method to avoid implicating himself in the murder. Phasma, therefore, used a toxin derived from the bite of a Parnassos beetle to assassinate Brendol. Once the deed was done, Hux proceeded with the formalities by addressing the members of the First Order Stormtrooper Corps, informing them of their founder's death. After his speech, Hux quickly positioned himself as his father's successor and even took possession of Brendol's suite on the Absolution.

In the years following Brendol's death, Hux reshaped the First Order army to his liking, promoting Phasma to complete the older stormtrooper cadets' training. Her methods emphasized loyalty, obedience, and ruthlessness, qualities that Armitage approved of. Continuing his pattern of eliminating potential threats, Hux sidelined Captain Cardinal, knowing that he was a loyal supporter of the general's deceased father. Cardinal eventually deduced that Phasma was responsible for his mentor's death, though he remained unaware of Hux's involvement. He reported his findings to Hux, who revealed his own role in the conspiracy to assassinate his father. Although Cardinal ultimately deferred to Hux due to his authority, Hux remained skeptical of Cardinal's loyalty and expected Phasma to eliminate him as well.
As a precaution, Hux excluded Cardinal from a meeting of senior First Order officials. When Cardinal arrived with evidence of Phasma's crimes, Hux curtly dismissed the captain, informing him that his services were no longer needed. Having spent a lifetime following protocol, Cardinal complied but later attempted to avenge Brendol by killing Phasma. However, he was defeated by his fellow captain in single combat and severely wounded. Cardinal only escaped with Moradi's help. Ultimately, his idealized view of the First Order was shattered by the actions of Hux and Phasma. As the new leaders of Project Resurrection, Hux and Phasma recruited Jinata Security to assist the First Order in capturing infants to mold into new stormtroopers.
Sometime before the cold war, Hux allegedly developed a dislike for First Order Security Bureau agent Terex, largely due to Terex's criminal past. Terex had launched a manhunt against Resistance agent Poe Dameron, an action strongly opposed by Hux and other First Order leaders.

Hux, Kylo Ren, and two First Order admirals convened in a conference room aboard the Finalizer above the planet GUHL-JO387O. They were discussing travel to a planet located in the Western Reaches. During the conference, the creature that FN-2187 was pursuing turned off the lights, disrupting the meeting.

While traveling through hyperspace, a shuttle carrying Hux and Ren crashed on a terrestrial forested planet. They survived due to Ren's mastery of the Force, although the dark warrior admitted that Hux's survival was purely accidental. After concluding that the ship had been sabotaged, Hux engaged in an argument with Ren, taunting him by pointing out that Ren's grandfather, Darth Vader, required his mask to survive, while Ren used his mask for show and to conceal his parents' faces. This angered Ren, who ignited his lightsaber and threatened to kill Hux, reasoning that no one would ever find out. Hux countered that Supreme Leader Snoke would discover the deed and punish Ren. Ren deactivated his lightsaber but remarked that he didn't understand why Snoke kept Hux alive.
Suddenly, the two men noticed an animal's leg. Hux identified it as bait just as a massive beast known as a norwood emerged from the shrubbery, surprising them. Ren activated his lightsaber and told Hux to stay behind him, but Hux had already fled. Kylo then used the Force to injure the norwood. Believing the beast to be dead, Ren approached it. Suddenly, the enraged beast rose and struck Ren, knocking his helmet off and rendering him unconscious.

Hux, concealed among the trees and observing the unfolding scene, spotted a man approaching the creatures, a blaster clutched in his hand. Noticing Hux's hiding place, the man aimed his blaster directly at him, demanding that he reveal himself. Obeying the command, Hux emerged from his hiding spot. He was struck by the man's ability to control the norwoods. Examining the man's attire, Hux determined that he was a member of the Palace Guard. The man informed Hux that he had been away from Alderaan when the Death Star brought about its destruction. Subsequently, the man fled, seeking refuge from the Empire on this remote planet. Upon learning the man's identity as Bylsma, Hux revealed that the Empire had been defeated years ago. Bylsma, in disbelief, questioned how Hux could possibly know this to be true. Hux responded by invoking the name of Kylo Ren. He further explained to Bylsma that Kylo Ren was in fact Ben Solo, the son of Leia Organa, Princess of Alderaan, and that Ben's parents had emerged victorious in the war. Bylsma then inquired about the Death Star. Hux clarified that both the Death Star and its successor had been obliterated. Bylsma expressed his astonishment upon discovering that the Empire had constructed a second Death Star. Hux retorted by stating that the Galactic Empire was never known for its originality. Bylsma then revealed that he had known Ben's grandfather and mother personally.
As they journeyed back to Bylsma's dwelling, Hux inquired as to why Bylsma remained on this isolated planet. Bylsma explained that he was unsure who would receive his transmission. He didn't want to risk being found, having already lost one world. After placing Ben on a bed, Hux, feigning concern, persuaded Bylsma to allow him to utilize the communication array, so they could both benefit from the peace that had been won. Eventually, Kylo regained consciousness, with Hux informing him that the shuttle, courtesy of Bylsma, would arrive shortly.
In due course, a First Order shuttle landed on the planet, carrying Phasma and a small squad of stormtroopers. Upon the ship's arrival, Phasma and her stormtroopers immediately opened fire, killing Bylsma's norwoods. Hux, revealing his true allegiance, instructed Phasma to spare Bylsma's life, stating his intention to use the planet for target practice once Starkiller Base became operational. The shuttle then departed, leaving behind a devastated and heartbroken Bylsma.

After communicating with Snoke via hologram on Starkiller Base, Hux received permission to deal with the radar technician. Hux took care of the radar technician. But he was not yet satisfied. He arranged a meeting with Admiral Brooks, a friend of his father and a personal adversary. After requesting that Phasma confiscate Brook's weapon, Hux then seized Phasma's blaster and dismissed Phasma, instructing her to leave them alone.
Once Phasma had departed, Hux ordered Brooks to be seated. Brooks asserted to Hux that he had never sabotaged the shuttle. Hux countered by stating that he was aware of this fact and that he had already dealt with the individual responsible for the sabotage. However, Hux informed Brooks that as the radar technician's superior, Brooks ultimately bore the responsibility for the incident. Brooks reminded Hux that he had known him since childhood. He then referenced a past incident involving the two of them during Hux's youth. Hux acknowledged that he remembered the incident. Brooks then declared that Hux was as spineless as he had been as a child and that Brendol held him in low regard. Hux retorted that this was one of the reasons why he had his father killed before fatally shooting Brooks.

Thirty years following the Battle of Endor, Hux held the rank of general and served as the commander of Starkiller Base, the primary operational hub of the First Order, as well as the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Finalizer, reporting directly to Supreme Leader Snoke. Considering Luke Skywalker, the last Jedi, to be a significant threat to the First Order, Hux, along with Ren, received a specific directive concerning him. Although the First Order possessed maps inherited from the Empire that could potentially lead them to the planet where Skywalker was in hiding, they were missing a crucial final piece. Consequently, the Finalizer journeyed to Jakku and deployed a contingent of stormtroopers to attack the settlement of Tuanul, where Ren successfully captured a Resistance pilot named Poe Dameron, who had already acquired and concealed the missing piece of the map. Following Ren's interrogation of Dameron, he informed Hux that the prisoner had entrusted the map to the BB-series astromech droid BB-8. Hux promptly dispatched stormtroopers back to Jakku to locate the droid and issued a bounty for its capture.
Subsequently, Dameron was liberated by a stormtrooper, and the pair attempted to escape aboard a TIE/sf space superiority fighter, disabling the Finalizer's turbolasers in the process. Hux ordered the ventral cannons to target and destroy the fighter, causing it to crash-land on Jakku. Upon informing Ren of the incident, the dark knight deduced that the traitorous stormtrooper was none other than FN-2187. Hux verified this information with Phasma, who confirmed that this was indeed FN-2187's first offense.
Subsequently, Supreme Leader Snoke issued an order for BB-8 to be captured or, if necessary, destroyed. When Hux relayed this order to Ren, the latter questioned the competence of their stormtroopers, considering that one of them had committed high treason, and suggested that the First Order should instead adopt a clone army, similar to the Galactic Republic and the early Empire. Hux reassured him that his stormtroopers were rigorously trained from birth to ensure their success and cautioned Ren not to allow his obsession with Skywalker to interfere with their primary mission.

After BB-8 fled Jakku aboard the Millennium Falcon, Hux and Ren returned to Starkiller Base, where they communicated with Supreme Leader Snoke via hologram. Snoke expressed no surprise that they had allowed the droid to slip through their grasp and warned that the Jedi would rise again if the map fell into the hands of the Resistance. Hux humbly accepted full responsibility for his failure, but the Supreme Leader interrupted him, declaring that their strategy needed to be revised. Hux proposed utilizing the superweapon to obliterate the New Republic for its support of the Resistance, thereby leaving their enemies vulnerable. After receiving authorization for this undertaking, Hux assembled the First Order army at Starkiller Base and delivered a stirring speech, essentially a Neo-Imperial manifesto, proclaiming that the destruction of the Republic would mark the beginning of the First Order's ascent to power in the galaxy. Hux transmitted his speech via hologram to the First Order's garrison stationed at the Colossus station on Castilon. Upon his signal, the Starkiller weapon was activated and destroyed the Hosnian system, which at the time served as the Republic's capital and housed its Senate, effectively eliminating its leadership and fleet.

Subsequently, the First Order received intelligence from an informant on Takodana indicating that BB-8 was present there, prompting Ren to lead an attack squadron to the planet. However, Ren instead captured BB-8's accomplice, the Jakku scavenger Rey, due to her having seen the map, and ordered the division to retreat as the Resistance engaged them. Ren brought Rey back to Starkiller Base and attempted to extract the map from her mind, only to discover that the girl possessed a strong connection to the Force and turned his own mind probe against him. Hux later interrupted a conversation between Ren and Snoke, with the latter inquiring about the whereabouts of BB-8. The general humiliated his colleague by informing the Supreme Leader that Ren had decided that the droid was no longer essential to the First Order's mission and that the girl was all they required. He then informed Snoke that they had tracked the Resistance scout ship performing reconnaissance on Starkiller Base back to the Ileenium system. Snoke instructed Hux to utilize the superweapon to destroy the Resistance before they could locate Skywalker.

However, while its weapon was in the process of charging, the Resistance launched a starfighter assault against Starkiller Base, resulting in the planet's imminent collapse before it could target D'Qar. Hux was then instructed by Snoke to evacuate the base and to bring the defeated Kylo Ren with him, a task that Hux, harboring a very low opinion of Ren, was eager to fulfill, knowing that Ren had suffered a humiliating defeat.
During his evacuation of the base, Hux's path led him near the quarters of the Jerjerrod couple, which had been struck by debris from a crashed TIE fighter. There, he briefly witnessed the ongoing conflict between First Order forces and members of the Resistance's J-Squadron. Officer Jul Jerjerrod requested assistance from him, which Hux granted, assigning several of his accompanying stormtrooper detachment to aid in the capture of the squadron.
A few days after the assault on Starkiller Base, Hux personally greeted Phasma upon her arrival on his ship, the Finalizer. He questioned Phasma's delayed return, to which she responded that she had been occupied with chasing down and eliminating the true culprit responsible for deactivating the shields at Starkiller Base. She identified Lieutenant Sol Rivas as the perpetrator. Hux complimented her and promptly departed, leaving Phasma to contemplate the sight of the First Order fleet assembling in large numbers.

Following the assault on Starkiller Base, Hux led a First Order fleet, which included a Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought, to the evacuated main Resistance base on D'Qar. Prioritizing spectacle over tactical considerations, Hux opted against deploying fighters, instead choosing to obliterate the base and fleet from orbit using the dreadnought. However, he was momentarily distracted by an insulting transmission from Poe Dameron, who repeatedly referred to Hux by the derisive nickname "General Hugs" and suggested that Organa wished to convey a message about Hux's mother. Hux responded that he would not engage in negotiations with the Resistance, but Dameron acted as if he could not hear him. After several more attempts that fueled Hux's anger, he ultimately ordered the dreadnought to destroy the Resistance base, followed by the main fleet.
When Dameron launched a direct attack on the dreadnought, Hux dismissed it as an act of insanity, only to witness in shock and disbelief as the Resistance ace systematically destroyed the dreadnought's surface cannons, prompting him to contact the dreadnought's commanding officer and demand why he was not eliminating "that puny ship." The dreadnought's captain, a veteran of the Old Empire with little patience for Hux, retorted that the ship was too small and too close and ordered the deployment of the ship's fighters, directly contradicting Hux's prior orders.

Although the base was ultimately destroyed, the victory proved to be largely pyrrhic, as it had been completely evacuated, and the Resistance deployed bombers that annihilated the dreadnought, enabling the Resistance fleet to escape. Hux was subsequently contacted and subjected to painful humiliation by Snoke, who used the Force to slam the general into the floor of the bridge for his failure to destroy the Resistance. Hux, despite his injuries and bleeding lip, asserted that he had a plan to track the Resistance through hyperspace, a plan that he fully explained to the Supreme Leader aboard his flagship, the Mega-class Star Dreadnought Supremacy.

During the assault on the Resistance fleet, Hux grew increasingly frustrated that the Resistance fleet, composed of only three cruisers, managed to maintain a sufficient distance to render the First Order cannons ineffective against their shields, lamenting this latest setback to his adjutant, Captain Edrison Peavey.
Despite its ineffectiveness, Hux ordered the barrage to continue, specifically targeting the MC85 Star Cruiser Raddus. After the Resistance's medical frigate exhausted its fuel reserves, Hux ordered its destruction as soon as it came within range, although the ship was successfully evacuated prior to its destruction.
When Finn and Rose Tico were captured while attempting to disable the tracker on the Supremacy, they were escorted to an assembly area of stormtroopers in the hangar, under the command of General Hux. Hux then struck Finn on the cheek, expressing his contempt for him. After insulting the people of the Otomok system, Tico's home system, she retaliated by biting Hux on the hand, enraging him. Shortly thereafter, Hux left the pair to be executed by Captain Phasma, having deduced the Resistance's plan to escape using thirty U-55 orbital loadlifters, thanks to DJ divulging this information to the First Order. He also proceeded to have the fleet systematically eliminate each of the escape ships. Fixated on the destruction of the transports, Hux dismissed the news that the Raddus was preparing a hyperspace jump as a futile attempt to distract them, unaware that Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo intended to jump the Raddus to lightspeed directly at the Supremacy. Upon realizing her intentions, Hux frantically ordered all firepower to be concentrated on the Raddus, but it was too late. The faster-than-light collision bisected the Mega-Destroyer, also annihilating twenty other nearby Resurgent-class Star Destroyers in the process.

Following Holdo's suicide attack, General Hux proceeded to the throne room to report to and assess the condition of Snoke. Upon arriving, however, he discovered the room in disarray, littered with the corpses of Snoke's Elite Praetorian Guard, who had been slain by Kylo Ren and Rey, Snoke's dismembered body lying near the throne, and Kylo Ren lying unconscious amidst the wreckage. Hux attempted to capitalize on the situation by eliminating his rival, but Kylo regained consciousness before he could act. After expressing disbelief at the sight of Snoke's lifeless body, Kylo informed him that Rey had killed Snoke and ordered him to relocate the troops to Crait in order to crush the Resistance once and for all. Hux protested, asserting that Kylo had no authority to command him or his men, but Kylo simply seized Hux in a crushing Force choke until he acknowledged him as the new Supreme Leader.

Hux was aboard Kylo Ren's command shuttle during the Battle of Crait. Once Kylo Ren issued the order to advance, Hux also attempted to give the command, resulting in a sideways glance from Kylo. After Kylo Ren fired upon Luke Skywalker's Force projection using All Terrain MegaCaliber Six and First Order All Terrain Armored Transport walkers, Hux shouted at the pilots to cease firing, believing that Skywalker had been completely destroyed by the barrage. Hux inquired whether Ren believed he had succeeded, but was taken aback when the smoke cleared to reveal Skywalker unharmed. Ren ordered the command shuttle to land, only for Hux to protest that Ren was becoming distracted. In response, Kylo Ren hurled Hux against a wall with the Force, briefly incapacitating him. By the time Hux regained consciousness, the Resistance had already fled and reorganized itself into the Rebellion. He and Kylo Ren accompanied the First Order snowtroopers as they searched through the now-abandoned base.

A period characterized by confusion and uncertainty followed as news of Supreme Leader Snoke's death spread throughout the ranks of the First Order. A group of First Order officers engaged in discussions regarding the implications of their ruler's demise, speculating whether General Hux had assumed the reins of power as the First Order's new Supreme Leader.
Under the new Supreme Leader's rule, Hux journeyed to the First Order supertanker, the Titan, to confer with Commander Pyre as Supreme Leader Ren desired an update on the First Order's inventory of refueling stations and the pursuit of Resistance cells. While aboard the station, he and his stormtrooper escort requested that Kazuda Xiono, who was disguised as a First Order technician, lead them to the station's briefing room. Xiono, a native of Hosnian Prime who was cognizant of Hux's role in the planet's destruction, nearly attacked Hux in retaliation as the General spoke condescendingly to his subordinate. Upon reaching the briefing area, Hux issued further orders to Pyre concerning the acquisition of valuable supertanker assets, specifically to quell the resistance cell on the Colossus. During the subsequent meeting, Hux became irritated by the disruption caused by Xiono's theft of the Titan's radiation deflector.
Hux then led a fleet that destroyed the planet of Tah'Nuhna due to its assistance to the Resistance, despite pleas from its leaders regarding their long-standing neutrality in galactic affairs. At the behest of Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, Hux also instructed the Kendoh Gang to apprehend Resistance operative Finn when they alerted him to his presence, although Hux had initially dismissed the validity of the gang's claims.

Hux was eventually contacted by Chadkol Gee concerning the Resistance presence on Mon Cala. Upon arriving on Mon Cala, Hux ordered the annihilation of rebellious Quarren and Mon Calamari fighters. Following the skirmish, Hux concluded that Mon Cala had ultimately aligned itself with the Resistance.
In the aftermath of the devastation of Aeos Prime, Hux was informed via holoprojector by Commander Pyre and Agent Tierny that the suppression of the Aeos system was complete and that there was no longer any Resistance presence in the sector. Hux then departed, allowing Supreme Leader Ren to converse with Pyre and Tierny regarding the remaining Resistance presence in the sector, the Colossus.
During the Battle of Batuu, stormtrooper CF-8011 observed that Hux appeared more impatient than usual. During the battle, Hux, alongside Supreme Leader Ren, commanded the Finalizer when it captured a Resistance Intersystem Transport Ship. However, Commander Dameron managed to escape before returning with a substantial fleet that caught the First Order off guard.

In the year following the Battle of Crait, a cryptic transmission echoed across the cosmos, carrying the voice of Emperor Palpatine, publicly known as Darth Sidious, who had been believed deceased at Endor decades earlier. Much to Hux's frustration, Ren shifted his focus from suppressing the Resistance to addressing the potential threat posed by the resurrected Emperor to his authority, a concern Hux dismissed, viewing Ren's actions as a futile pursuit. To locate Sidious, Ren needed a Sith wayfinder, which he eventually found, despite Hux's disdainful attitude, on the volcanic world of Mustafar, once governed by Ren's grandfather Darth Vader from his personal bastion, Fortress Vader.
Accompanied by Hux and Allegiant General Enric Pryde, a rival since the Crait debacle, Ren journeyed to Mustafar, which Hux derisively labeled a "desolate hellscape." Upon arrival, Ren and a contingent of stormtroopers engaged in combat with the Alazmec of Winsit, a persistent group of Sith cultists dedicated to guarding Corvax Fen and who revered Vader as a god of the dark side. Hux and Pryde observed the confrontation from a safe distance. During the spectacle, Pryde questioned Hux's reaction to Ren's fighting, prompting Hux to express his belief that Ren had lost his mind by prioritizing the Emperor's alleged return over the ongoing rebellion throughout the galaxy, leading Pryde to remind Hux that there was an originator behind the broadcast and that Leader Ren answered to no one due to the sacrifices he endured to obtain his position.
Ultimately, Ren gained access to Fortress Vader and retrieved Vader's wayfinder, which guided him to the ancient Sith planet of Exegol. There, Ren discovered that Darth Sidious' essence had somehow survived, and leveraging his power as Emperor and Sith Lord, he had established a clandestine Empire on the galaxy's fringes. With the support of the Sith Eternal from Exegol, Sidious had created the Final Order—a fleet of unprecedented size. Following an initial meeting with a resistant Ren, Sidious convinced him to bolster his forces with the Sith fleet and achieve total galactic control as the new Emperor. Concurrently, Ren tasked Hux's successful First Order military with crushing the remaining Resistance forces, who had continued their struggle after Crait but had largely been driven into hiding by the oppressive and expanding regime. During these operations, several TIE fighters became involved in a pursuit of the Millennium Falcon as it gathered intelligence from Boolio about a spy embedded within the First Order who could lead the Resistance to the resurrected Sidious.

Soon after the TIE fighters pursued the Falcon from the Sinta Glacier Colony, the Supreme Leader and his Knights of Ren appeared, interrogated, and ultimately executed Boolio before presenting his severed head to a gathering of the First Order Supreme Council, including Pryde and Hux. Ren informed his subordinates that a traitor existed among them. Sensing unease, the Supreme Leader asked if his newly repaired helmet made Hux uncomfortable; the General quietly replied that it did not and congratulated him for fixing it. A remark from General Bellava Parnadee expressing her liking for the mask briefly paused the proceedings.
General Domaric Quinn voiced his opinion that Sidious and his followers resembled a cult more than anything else. Pryde dismissed this concern, but Quinn persisted, questioning whether the Sith fleet promised by the Dark Lord was a gift and what he might demand in return. Enraged, Ren used the Force to choke General Quinn and propel his body towards the ceiling. As Quinn perished, Ren declared to the remaining members that his mission was hunting Rey with the Knights of Ren while they focus on crushing any worlds that defy them.
Following a brief confrontation between First Order troops and Rey's Resistance group on Pasaana, Hux presented Pryde with a "valuable prisoner" captured during the battle: Chewbacca, whom his allies believed to be dead. The older commander, unfazed by the Wookiee's roars, ordered an immediate interrogation. Shortly after, Ren returned to the Steadfast, having failed to complete the task assigned by Darth Sidious.

The Steadfast eventually arrived at Kijimi shortly after Rey's group, with Ren quickly departing to assist his knights in pursuing the scavenger and her companions. Through a former associate of Dameron, the fugitives managed to infiltrate the vessel to rescue Chewbacca from First Order captivity, Rey having learned of his survival through the Force. Despite eliminating several stormtroopers, all members of the strike team except for Rey were eventually overwhelmed and captured. Hux soon arrived to confront the prisoners and ordered their immediate execution. He chose to accompany the squad of troopers selected for the duty as they escorted Finn, Dameron, and Chewbacca to a sequestered section of the ship.
Just before the sentence was to be carried out, Hux declared that he wished to join the firing squad. Accepting a blaster from one of the troopers present, the general swiftly turned and killed the troopers before revealing himself as the spy that Ren and Pryde had been searching for within their ranks. Offering his assistance to the bewildered Resistance agents, he quickly led them to the imprisoned Falcon, lingering behind them as they blasted their way through his own troops.
Halting Finn before he could board the Falcon, Hux demanded that the former stormtrooper shoot him in the arm to validate his cover story that he had been forced to aid in their escape. Out of spite, Finn shot the general in the thigh. He then inquired as to why Hux would betray the First Order he had helped build; disdainfully, the general said that he didn't care if the Resistance won so much as that Ren needed to lose. The Resistance agents then completed their escape, rejoining Rey as she ended her latest duel with Ren, who had returned to the Steadfast after discovering she was aboard.

Hux received treatment for his injured leg with bacta gel, which caused the wound to itch, and had it bandaged before reporting to Pryde on the bridge of the Steadfast. He provided Pryde with a fabricated account of the Resistance's escape to conceal his acts of treason and murder. He then intended to frame Ren as the spy who provided the Resistance with information about the fleet on Exegol, believing this was his chance to seize power from his rival.
Hux's attempt at deception failed to deceive Pryde. Instead, Hux inadvertently revealed his treachery to the Allegiant General, who turned around and requested to communicate with Supreme Leader Kylo Ren before snatching a blaster from a nearby stormtrooper, turning back and blasting Hux dead for betraying the First Order just so he could have vengeance against the Supreme Leader, sending Hux's body sliding down through the aisle behind him. The general's last thought was about Rey, whom he held responsible for the failure of his plans. Although Hux hated the scavenger, her defiance allowed him to die with a sense of hope that Ren would still lose the war.

General Armitage Hux spent his final days under the command of Supreme Leader Kylo Ren and Allegiant General Enric Pryde, both of whom outranked the ambitious officer who aspired to rule the galaxy through the First Order. Pryde held Hux personally responsible for the loss of Starkiller Base; as such, he welcomed the First Order's alliance with the Sith Eternal, convinced that they needed their allies' warships to replace the resources that were lost in the wake of Starkiller's destruction.
Driven by jealousy and insecurity, General Hux made reckless decisions with significant consequences, leading not only to his own death but also to the collapse of the First Order. Following Hux's death and Ren's subsequent renunciation of the dark side, Pryde traveled to Exegol to oversee the deployment of the Sith fleet, having sworn fealty and giving complete control of the First Order to the resurrected Emperor. However, the Final Order fleet was destroyed by the Resistance and its allies during the Battle of Exegol. As a result, the First Order lost its dominance over the galaxy as multiple worlds, including Bespin, Jakku, and Endor, revolted against military rule.

General Armitage Hux, a human male, possessed a height of 1.85 meters and a weight of 75 kilograms. He was characterized by his red hair, green eyes, and pale complexion resulting from limited exposure to sunlight. His preferred beverage was the bitter tarine tea. He was a merciless officer within the First Order and a devotee of the Galactic Empire's ideals. Similar to other members of his generation who spearheaded the First Order's leadership, Hux was remarkably young, holding the distinction of being the youngest general in its ranks; however, his lack of experience and wisdom was compensated for by his fervent dedication. Due to his youth, Hux's experience in warfare was purely theoretical. Despite recognition for the thoroughness and intricacy of his simulations, Hux garnered little respect for his abilities as a combatant.
As the offspring of a high-ranking official in the former Imperial Academy, Hux was nurtured to revere his Imperial heritage. Throughout his upbringing, he idolized historical Imperials who attained legendary status within the First Order. Hux firmly believed that the Empire had rescued the galaxy from the turmoil of the Clone Wars, and that the galaxy once again required salvation from itself. This responsibility, in Hux's view, fell upon the First Order, as the New Republic was too feeble to avert the inevitable chaos. Hux harbored nothing but disdain for the New Republic, a regime he deemed corrupt, illegitimate, and treacherous for secretly supporting the Resistance, another organization the general despised.
In addition to his perspectives on the New Republic, Hux did not perceive the First Order as a mere continuation of the Old Empire, but rather as its successor. Despite his admiration for the Empire's achievements and his longing to relive its past glories, Hux believed the Empire had crumbled due to inherent flaws, whereas he regarded the First Order as a more refined and pristine iteration of what the Empire had aspired to become but never achieved. This viewpoint led Hux to look down on the older generation of Imperial veterans who founded the First Order. In Hux's estimation, officers such as Captain Edrison Peavey belonged to a bygone era and had outlived their prime.

Due to his domineering nature, Hux sought far greater authority than his official rank as general and harbored aspirations of becoming the individual who would rescue the galaxy from chaos. While his ultimate ambition was to ascend to the position of Supreme Leader, Hux was content to wield authority over both the armies and fleets of the First Order as Grand Marshal during Snoke's reign. Undeterred by Snoke's refusal to grant him this title, the young general persisted in currying favor with the Supreme Leader to advance his military career, ultimately leading to his appointment as commander of Starkiller Base. With his ruler's backing, Hux proudly assumed control of the Starkiller project, determined to become the face of the First Order regime. Hux exercised great caution to conceal his ambitions as best he could, having to occasionally restrain himself from referring to himself as "Supreme Leader Hux," as he was well aware of the First Order's extensive surveillance system. In addition to the Supreme Leader's title, Hux coveted Snoke's flagship, the Supremacy, and would often transfer his command ship from the Finalizer to the gargantuan Mega-class Star Dreadnought. Hux respected Snoke for building the First Order out of a group of Imperial refugees exiled to the Unknown Regions, but in private he did not consider anyone other than himself as being capable of directing the galaxy's industries and nurturing their innovations, while commanding the citizens' respect.

Hux was obsessed with his appearance; believing it was a vital part for maintaining discipline, he would always wear a parade uniform designed to broadcast his authority as general. Even his posture was affected by this belief, as Hux would often pose in a formal parade stance. In addition to his uniform and bearing, Hux's hair was coiffed to his exacting standards. Hux carried an officers version of the SE-44C with dark plaster as opposed to the regular white blaster pistol.
Hux possessed limited understanding of and patience for the mystical ways of the Force. While he acknowledged its existence, having witnessed its power firsthand and even experienced it in the form of punishment, Hux nonetheless regarded it as the cornerstone of an outdated religion belonging to a bygone era. He believed the future would be shaped by industry and innovation, and as such, he considered himself a man of science and technology. Despite his lack of faith in the Force, Hux maintained unwavering belief in himself and considered it his destiny to occupy the throne that would govern the galaxy. When accompanying Kylo Ren to Mustafar, Hux became desperate to leave the volcanic planet and even considered to join the Supreme Leader's fight with the Alazmec of Winsit to hurry things up, but knowing that his fighting skills weren't as good to those of Ren and considering himself to be too valuable to risk, Hux preferred allowing Ren to do all the dirty work.

As a rival of Kylo Ren, Hux harbored animosity towards the Supreme Leader's apprentice, whom he disdainfully referred to as "Snoke's loathsome creature." Their competition for the Supreme Leader's approval fostered a tense rivalry between Hux and Ren; Hux viewed Ren as immature and self-absorbed, while Ren regarded Hux as ineffective without access to the mystical aspects of the First Order, which Hux disregarded. Despite their mutual contempt, Hux held a degree of respect for Ren and his Force abilities, although Ren had little to no regard for Hux's combat skills. Ren also considered Hux a coward, an impression reinforced when Hux once turned and fled from a hostile animal, leaving his rival to defend himself while he sought refuge in tall grass. In his animosity towards Ren, Hux derived satisfaction from his adversary's failures and Snoke's displeasure with his apprentice. The fact that Ren required rescue from Starkiller Base after being defeated by a lightsaber novice particularly delighted the young general.
His hatred for Ren extended to his followers, the Knights of Ren, whom he despised for their unkempt appearance and their tendency to track dirt into the pristine halls of First Order capital ships. By the war's end, Hux viewed Ren as a mindless dog and a crude instrument in combat. Another of Ren's traits Hux greatly disliked was the Supreme Leader's disordered hair, to the point Hux was glad that Ren repaired his mask so he would be able to no longer see what he deemed an indignant detail a good leader shouldn't have. Hux swore himself that the first thing he would do if once he could take the role of Supreme Leader would be ordering Ren to cut off his hair.

Hux was raised within the military branch of the First Order. As a general, he inherited the stormtrooper training regimen pioneered by his father, Brendol, whose perspectives on military training influenced the new generation of soldiers who served the First Order. Hux firmly believed in his father's notion that stormtroopers trained through realistic simulations made the most loyal troopers. Openly proud to be the inheritor of his father's legacy, Hux refused to stand by while Ren criticized the stormtroopers that had been trained under two generations of the Hux family. Having invested a lifetime in their training, Hux regarded his stormtroopers as exemplars of the perfect warrior—soldiers trained from birth and programmed for absolute loyalty. Although perplexed by the treasonous actions of FN-2187, Hux believed that the renegade trooper was an anomaly whose isolated case had no bearing on the reliability of the other stormtroopers who obeyed their orders without question.

Ultimately, Hux was an unscrupulous individual who craved power above all else. He was utterly ruthless, possessing a predisposition to killing that had been present since his early childhood. As he ascended to power, Hux eliminated numerous enemies and potential adversaries, including his own father, the elder General Brendol Hux. As the commanding officer of Starkiller Base, the younger Hux was responsible for the deaths of billions. He took pride in the weapon that the First Order had integrated into a planet, marveling at its destructive power, and was certain that the new galactic war would be won with the firing of a single shot. Throughout his career, Hux utilized assassination and sabotage as methods for eliminating his enemies, both within the First Order and without, although he rarely carried out such tactics on his own, preferring to have his allies or subordinates do the work for him. However, Hux made an exception for Admiral Brooks. Having never forgotten the way Brooks treated him as a child, Hux shot the elder officer in the shoulder and proceeded to torture him, ignoring the Brooks' pleas for mercy before finally executing the injured, unarmed man.

Beneath the surface of Hux's pride and ambition lay a smoldering shame that originated from the abuse he suffered under his father's care. Despite also enjoying a privileged life due to Brendol's elevated position in the early First Order, young Armitage was the target of Brendol's contempt and therefore lived in fear of his father. Brendol regarded his son as pathetic, weak, sniveling and utterly useless. Hux likewise loathed his father and regarded Brendol as an "old bastard" whose death gave him a sense of relief. Nevertheless, Hux was proud of his ties to the Empire, being the son of an Imperial Academy commandant. However, he was forced to live with the shame of being his father's bastard son by a kitchen woman, rather than a legitimate heir by Brendol's lawful wife, Maratelle. For all of his imperiousness and sense of manifest destiny, Hux never forgot his origins—he was the unloved, illegitimate son of a man who hated him—and he never forgave his abusers. As an adult, Hux possessed a delicate ego that was easily wounded by mockery, such as Poe Dameron's deliberate mispronunciation of his name as "General Hugs."

Hux's declaration of Starkiller Base's technological prowess marked the last time he felt certain about anything. He helplessly witnessed his fortunes decline, with Ren's ascension to the rank of Supreme Leader following Snoke's unexpected demise, and his other rival, Allegiant General Enric Pryde, gaining greater favor in the new regime at Hux's expense. His cunning and years of maneuvering for power backfired on the general, as the new Supreme Leader deemed Hux untrustworthy and entrusted him with nothing of significance. After Ren seized power, Hux lost much of the zeal he possessed under Snoke's reign, despite managing to survive under his rival's rule. By then, Hux no longer aspired to the title of Grand Marshal, as that role had been essentially taken by the Allegiant General.
He continued to adhere to military protocol, but no longer did so with genuine enthusiasm—and although he was granted a seat on the Supreme Council, Hux maintained an uncharacteristically silent presence, careful not to provoke Ren's temper as he had done in the past. Without Snoke's protection, Hux began addressing Ren with the deference due to the latter's power and rank. In private, however, he strongly disapproved of Ren's leadership of the First Order as well as his handling of the war, and was convinced that Ren had gone mad for diverting his attention from the Resistance to investigate Darth Sidious' return. In particular, he thought that Ren was turning the regime into his own personal military to carry out whatever crusade he cared about that day.

Even as he watched his career trajectory veer drastically off course, Hux did not entirely abandon his scheming nature. Ultimately, the general who spearheaded the First Order's invasion of the galaxy committed treason by spying for the Resistance. However, his actions were not driven by remorse for his past deeds or a newfound belief in the Resistance's cause. Hux remained unrepentant to the end; all that remained was his rivalry with Ren, whose reign he sought to undermine until it culminated in defeat. Hux thought his actions against Ren were the greatest act of loyalty he could carry out for the First Order, even if to others they were the acts of a traitor, and did so in the name of protecting everything he had worked to build from falling apart at Ren's hands.

As a child, Armitage Hux's father, Brendol Hux, viewed him as feeble and ineffective, deeming his son unreliable in nearly every aspect. However, in contrast to Brendol, Gallius Rax recognized Armitage's potential contribution to his future schemes, specifically in shaping the next generation of soldiers, entrusting their leadership to him. Supreme Leader Snoke also perceived Hux as a valuable asset for his own designs. Consequently, Snoke backed Hux's career progression despite Kylo Ren's disapproval of a "rabid cur" holding a prominent position within the First Order.
Hux displayed meticulous precision and a systematic approach in his ascent to power and his strategies for warfare. Driven by a blend of patience and deep-seated shame, he relentlessly pursued greater authority at the detriment of his adversaries, even orchestrating the assassination of his own father. With a keen eye for advanced technology, Hux spearheaded the development of groundbreaking innovations, including the Starkiller Base superweapon and the technology for active hyperspace tracking. Moreover, he possessed comprehensive knowledge of the operational systems of both Resurgent-class Star Destroyers and Starkiller Base.
The attire of General Hux consisted of a charcoal grey general's uniform, complemented by black gloves, a gleaming officer's buckle, traditional flared-hip breeches, and insulated boots. Additionally, he sported a crested command cap adorned with the First Order insignia, along with a gaberwool officer's greatcoat. Hux firmly believed that a well-maintained appearance was vital for upholding discipline. When addressing his troops, he donned a parade uniform specifically designed to project his authority as a First Order General.
Following the Battle of Starkiller Base, Hux carried a SE-44C blaster pistol in a cross-draw holster and concealed a monomolecular dagger within his sleeve.

General Hux's character was conceived for the 2015 cinematic release, Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, with Domhnall Gleeson taking on the role. Gleeson secured his part in April 2014, just a day before a publicity shot of the cast during a script reading was released. Subsequently, Gleeson booked a screening room in his hometown of Dublin, Ireland, to watch all three films in the original Star Wars trilogy as preparation for shooting the new film. He described his first day on a Star Wars set as a surreal and breathtaking experience. Details regarding Gleeson's character, including the name General Hux, were initially revealed to the public during the San Diego Comic-Con in July 2015.
During the development of Hux's persona, Gleeson and the film's production team theorized that he was a character with obsessive tendencies and deprived of sleep. They designed his appearance accordingly, giving him a pale complexion, dark eyes, and an unwavering focus on his objectives. J.J. Abrams, the director of The Force Awakens, characterized Hux as a ruthless figure, while Gleeson depicted him as someone who relishes authority and clings to it at all costs. Gleeson also mentioned that Hux "would just like a little bit more order in the universe" and is willing to do anything to achieve that order. Leading up to the film's premiere, he jokingly attributed Hux's villainous nature to his British accent, a common trait among Star Wars antagonists. Gleeson expressed his enthusiasm for portraying such a character, as it was unlike any role he had previously undertaken, allowing him to explore the concept of authority. later confirmed Gleeson's return in Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi.

During the filming of The Force Awakens, multiple iterations of a scene featuring Hux addressing the First Order troops were filmed, as J.J. Abrams aimed to experiment with varying degrees of intensity. Ultimately, he sought a "big" impact, and he and screenplay writer Lawrence Kasdan considered it to be Hux's defining moment in the film. Although the sheer number of stormtrooper extras present during the scene made Gleeson apprehensive, he also felt that it conveyed the magnitude of the speech's intended influence. The speech has drawn comparisons to Adolf Hitler's addresses at Nuremberg Rallies. Star Wars Insider 192 created a parody of Hux's speech, depicting its annoyance to the stormtroopers.
Before the release of The Force Awakens, the character Brendol Hux was introduced in Servants of the Empire: The Secret Academy, a book for young readers by Jason Fry that is connected to the television show Star Wars Rebels. In the book, Brendol Hux expresses his desire to establish an army of soldiers devoted to the Galactic Empire from birth. A Databank entry on subsequently revealed that Brendol Hux is General Hux's father, and Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary further confirmed that Hux's army of stormtroopers in the film—trained from infancy to pledge allegiance to the First Order—are an extension of his father's group, the Commandant's Cadets.
Fry initially developed the cadets to advance a plotline in his story, but he struggled to define their ultimate goal or purpose. The idea of connecting them to General Hux emerged in November 2014 during a meeting with Lucasfilm Ltd. concerning another project, Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Incredible Cross-Sections, where he had access to concept art, stills, and a synopsis of the upcoming film. He then suggested to Pablo Hidalgo of the Lucasfilm Story Group that the concept of training children to become stormtroopers originated with Hux's father during the era of Star Wars Rebels, and after Hidalgo presented the idea to higher authorities, it was approved. Fry considered including a "red-haired baby" Hux in his book, being cared for by a sinister nanny droid, but he ultimately decided that it was a reference for the sake of a reference and removed it from the final version.
Domhnall Gleeson's brother Brian Gleeson portrayed the character's father Brendol Hux in The Mandalorian episode Chapter 23: The Spies.
General Hux was introduced as a playable character with the same name in the 2015 mobile game Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes in 2019, which features characters and ships from both the canon and Legends continuities.