Chadkol Gee

Chadkol Gee was a Quarren advisor to General Nossor Ri during the conflict known as the war between the First Order and the Resistance. A strong believer in isolationism, Gee was part of a group of government officials who met with Resistance General Leia Organa upon her arrival on Mon Cala.

The family of Chadkol suffered torture and death under the Imperial occupation. Chadkol held Leia Organa responsible for this, pointing to the fact that Darth Vader, her father, was the one who issued the orders. Driven by this belief, he contacted General Armitage Hux to inform the First Order of Leia's presence on Mon Cala, along with her allies.

Following an incident on the landing platform between the Resistance members and Quarren, orchestrated by Chadkol and Nossor Ri, King Ech-Char oversaw a trial. During this trial, Chadkol proposed the use of the Ancient Rite of Challenge to determine the fate of the Resistance members, selecting Arkay-Nine as his champion. After violations of the Rite's rules, Leia's group received orders to depart Mon Cala.

When one of Chadkol and Ri's attendants attempted to sabotage the Resistance ship, Rey captured them. As a First Order fleet appeared, Leia confronted Chadkol, refuting his claims that she had brought the fleet to Mon Cala and presenting the captured attendant to testify against him. Ech-Char then denounced Chadkol for treason. Ech-Char permitted a Mon Cala fleet to join the Resistance, but the First Order retaliated against Mon Cala, leaving Chadkol repeating, "I warned them that they would bring war to Mon Cala again... I warned them..."

Behind the scenes

Chadkol Gee made his debut in the comic Allegiance 1, though the Quarren's name was first revealed in the comic's Behind the Scenes section. It is noted that Gee was originally scripted to deliver Nossor Ri's dialogue, a change that did not make it into the final version of the comic.

