
During the conflict between the First Order and the Resistance, Ech-Char held the position of king over the planet of Mon Cala. Similarly to his predecessor, King Lee-Char, in his final days, Ech-Char required life support to survive. Despite Leia Organa's fervent appeals, the monarch initially hesitated to commit Mon Cala to the Resistance cause.


The reluctant king

Ech-Char, a Mon Calamari male, reigned as the king of the ocean planet, Mon Cala. By 34 ABY, Ech-Char's existence depended on life support, a situation mirroring that of his ancestor, King Lee-Char, decades prior. Following the Battle of Crait in 34 ABY, the diminished Resistance forces, still engaged in war against the First Order military regime, sought allies to bolster their fleet. General Leia Organa, reaching out to a former ally, led a Resistance party on a mission to Mon Cala, aiming to persuade the inhabitants to join their cause and rebuild the Resistance navy. Upon landing, Organa anticipated a warm reception from both the Quarren and the Mon Calamari, but instead faced threats from Chadkol Gee, advisor to the Quarren General, Nossor Ri. Ri instructed Gee to stand down and allow Ech-Char to decide their gut. Yet, Gee remained intent on eliminating the Resistance operatives, believing it would spare the king the trouble.

Shortly thereafter, General Organa prepared to meet King Ech-Char, accompanied by Aftab Ackbar, the son of the deceased Admiral Gial Ackbar. Ackbar cautioned Organa that Ech-Char might lack the resolve to provide the desperately needed ships, but she dismissed this concern.

Subsequently, Organa joined Ackbar in an audience with the king in a grand hall, surrounded by numerous Quarren and Mon Calamari. Organa expressed gratitude to Ech-Char for granting them the meeting, viewing it as an honor. The king, connected to life support, urged Organa to be direct, citing his busy schedule. The Resistance general warned Ech-Char that the war would inevitably reach Mon Cala, disrupting any business he hoped to conduct. She then reminded him of the sacrifice made by his ancestor, Lee-Char, against the Galactic Empire. Organa implored Ech-Char to trust her once more and provide the Resistance with the ships necessary to fight back against the First Order. However, King Ech-Char countered that his people were still recovering from long-standing wounds and then adjourned the meeting until the following day.

Judge Ech-Char

General Organa's next encounter with the king occurred sooner than anticipated, as her fellow Resistance members, Chewbacca, Rose Tico, and Rey, faced trial for instigating a brawl with Quarren individuals. In the Royal Throne Chamber of the Court Of Justice, Organa cautioned Tico that a simple apology might not suffice. Ri then announced that Ech-Char would preside as judge over the Resistance operative's fate.

King Ech-Char informed Organa that Mon Cala had extended a polite welcome due to their shared history, but this time she had overstepped. Ri interrupted Ech-Char, urging him not to be swayed by nostalgia. Arguments erupted throughout the chamber until Organa attempted to sway the king by asserting that only with the Mon Calamari's support could the Resistance liberate the galaxy. Gee seized the opportunity to suggest that the dispute be settled through the Ancient Rite of Challenge. The king initially objected, deeming it a barbaric custom unused for centuries. However, Rey accepted the challenge to fight Gee's AQ-series battle droid, Arkay-Nine, in the Ancient Rite of Challenge, on the condition that her friends be freed.

Following this, King Ech-Char and other Quarren observed Rey's duel against Arkay-Nine in the Sacred Arena of Salka'a. During the battle, Arkay-Nine gained the advantage and was on the verge of kill Rey when Tico intervened, disabling the droid's head. Tico's interference violated the rules of the Challenge. Gee demanded that the Resistance members be exiled from Mon Cala. Ech-Char reluctantly agreed, banishing Organa and her group of freedom fighters from the planet.

Ech-Char helped the Resistance

As Organa's Resistance prepared to depart from Mon Cala, the First Order navy appeared in orbit. General Organa immediately sought out King Ech-Char, refusing to leave Mon Cala without the necessary vessels. In the Royal Throne Chamber, the king expressed anger over the First Order's arrival, as well as a failed assassination attempt on General Organa orchestrated by Gee's personal attendant. Organa then presented evidence that Gee had personally informed the First Order of the Resistance's presence on Mon Cala. Ech-Char declared Gee's actions as treason and assured Organa that he would be punished.

Organa then renewed her efforts to persuade the king to provide her with the ships she needed. She asserted that it was now the time for Mon Cala and the Resistance to unite. She believed that it was time to revive an old alliance that had fought against Imperial aggression. Only with the Mon Calamari ships, the Resistance stood a chance, and only through resistance could Mon Cala remain free. Organa acknowledged the magnitude of her request but called upon everyone on Mon Cala to fight against the First Order. The speech resonated with King Ech-Char, reminding him of Mon Cala's values, and he agreed to donate the vessels to her cause. However, the king feared it would be too late to get the ships through a First Order blockade. Ri volunteered to break the blockade.

General Ri ultimately sacrificed himself to provide the Mon Cala fleet with a window of escape. Led by Aftab, the fleet escaped the First Order's grasp via hyperspace and became a crucial element in rebuilding the Resistance navy. Subsequently, the First Order arrived on Mon Cala to make an example to the galaxy of the repercussions of harboring Resistance operatives.

