Nossor Ri, a male chieftain of the Quarren species, played a significant role during the Clone Wars. Initially a supporter of the Mon Calamari monarchy, he switched allegiances to lead the Quarren Isolation League. This shift in loyalty resulted in the Battle of Mon Cala, where Ri and the Quarren Isolation League sided with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, while the Galactic Republic backed the monarchy. Eventually, Ri and his followers became disillusioned and rejoined the Republic, and together they successfully defeated the Separatists.
During the mission to Mon Cala, Ri tragically died in orbit above Mon Cala. He sacrificed himself to divert the attention of First Order Star Destroyers, enabling the Resistance and Aftab Ackbar's MC95 Star Cruiser to escape Mon Cala and evade the First Order.
At the time of the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], Nossor Ri served as the chieftain representing the Quarren people on Mon Cala. He shared a close friendship with King of Mon Cala Yos Kolina before Kolina's death. Upon the coronation of Kolina's son, Prince Lee-Char, as king, Ri and his Quarren Isolation League ultimately defected to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Following the outbreak of the Battle of Mon Cala between the Mon Calamari monarchy and the Galactic Republic against the Quarren Isolation League and the Separatists, under the command of Riff Tamson, Ri and his group grew disenchanted with the Separatist cause. Ri intervened to rescue Lee-Char from execuction at the hands of the Separatists. The Quarrens assisted the Republic forces in defeating Tamson's droids, and Ri acknowledged Lee-Char as the rightful king.
During the Imperial Era, Mon Cala was subjected to occupation by the Galactic Empire. Ri endured torture during this period, resulting in lasting scars that remained for decades.

By the time the conflict between the First Order and the Resistance began, Ri had attained the rank of general. He expressed his anger when Resistance leader Leia Organa arrived on Mon Cala seeking assistance. Aftab Ackbar interrupted Ri, prompting Ri's advisor, Chadkol Gee, to contact the First Order.
After Organa's meeting with King Ech-Char concluded unfavorably, the Resistance members engaged in the Ancient Rite of Challenge. When Rose Tico stepped in between Rey and Arkay-Nine, Ri invoked the law and called for their exile.
However, after their ship was sabotaged by Chadkol Gee, one of Ri's agents, the Resistance reached an agreement with the King for ships. As the First Order launched an attack on the Resistance at Gee's instigation, General Ri volunteered to create a diversion to make amends for his agent's actions. Piloting his fighter, he radioed his defiance as the First Order Destroyer opened fire. His sacrifice proved successful, enabling the Resistance and Aftab Ackbar's MC95 Star Cruiser to escape.
Corey Burton provided the voice for Nossor Ri in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
Prior to the cancellation of The Clone Wars, episodes planned for the unfinished seventh season envisioned Nossor Ri being murdered near the end of the Clone Wars. This would have paved the way for Tikkes to be appointed as his political successor. This storyline is not considered canonical, as Nossor Ri was shown to have survived until the mission to Mon Cala during the First Order-Resistance War in the comic series Star Wars: Allegiance.