Obi-Wan Kenobi is pictured here during his period of self-imposed isolation on Tatooine.
Banishment served as a type of consequence or atonement utilized by various entities throughout the galaxy, where those penalized were cast out from their communities. The expression concealment applied to individuals existing in banishment, although not always as a result of punishment.
During the age of the High Republic Era, Mother Aniseya's coven were compelled into banishment due to being targets of relentless pursuit and mistreatment, leading them into a state of hiding as they faced the very real possibility of extinction.
Following the conclusion of the Mandalorian Civil War, those who persisted in upholding the Mandalorian warrior ethos were banished to the moon known as Concordia. Pre Vizsla of Clan Vizsla, the governor of Concordia, later restructured these exiled Mandalorians into the group called Death Watch with the explicit objective of reclaiming Mandalore from the control of the New Mandalorians.

After his defeat at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi during the conflict known as the Battle of Naboo, the Sith Lord known as Darth Maul was left behind and entered a period of isolation on the junkyard planet of Lotho Minor, until his sibling Savage Opress located and saved him. Maul was then transported to Dathomir, where Mother Talzin restored his mental faculties and provided her offspring with newly constructed cybernetic legs. Shortly thereafter, he and his brother formed an alliance with Vizsla and the banished warriors of Death Watch.
As the Clone Wars drew to a close, Jedi Master Yoda entered a period of self-imposed isolation on Dagobah after his failure to overcome the Sith Lord, Darth Sidious, who bore direct responsibility for the near annihilation of the Jedi Order. Following his duel with Darth Vader on Mustafar, Obi-Wan Kenobi commenced a self-imposed exile on Tatooine with the intention of watching over and safeguarding Vader's concealed son, Luke. Numerous Jedi who managed to survive the events of Order 66 and the subsequent Great Jedi Purge went into hiding to evade the reach of the Galactic Empire and their specialized hunters, the Inquisitors.
A Chiss individual known as Thrawn asserted that he had been banished by his own people. However, he had secretly orchestrated events with their cooperation to fabricate this appearance, all in an effort to gain acceptance into the Galactic Empire and study its inner workings. When questioned by Imperial authorities regarding his origins, Thrawn used the Sy Bisti phrase "Xishu azwane," which translates to "exiled." Later, during the Liberation of Lothal in 1 BBY, Thrawn was forcibly exiled to the extragalactic planet of Peridea when Jedi Padawan Ezra Bridger summoned a group of purrgil to support the rebel cause. These purrgil transported both Thrawn and Bridger, along with Thrawn's Star Destroyer, the Chimaera, and its crew, to another galaxy. By 9 ABY, Thrawn's forces, along with Bridger, would escape Peridea due to the actions of Morgan Elsbeth.
After failing to train a new generation of Jedi, Luke Skywalker retreated into self-imposed isolation on the planet of Ahch-To, severing his connection to the Force and intending to spend his remaining days in solitude and isolation. A year later, his apprentice Rey considered replicating this action, but the Force spirit of her master convinced her to continue the fight against the First Order.
Subsequent to his death at [Endor](/article/endor], Galactic Emperor Darth Sidious was secretly brought back to life within a clone body on Exegol, where he remained in a state of exile. While in exile on Exegol, Sidious was attended by devoted Sith loyalists who tirelessly worked to sustain their revered master through a combination of genetic engineering technologies and the occult practices associated with the dark side of the Force. During this time, the deposed Emperor transformed the Sith cult into a substantial military force comprising soldiers and laborers.