Sever Force

LukeTLJ Luke Skywalker in exile, his connection to the Force deliberately cut off

A unique Force phenomenon existed, effectively cutting off Force-sensitive beings from their connection to the Force. This severance, whether intentional or due to circumstances, hindered or completely prevented individuals from utilizing Force powers, and could even make them undetectable to other Force users through the Force.

Several members of the Jedi Order, including figures like Cere Junda, Ahsoka Tano, Kanan Jarrus, and Luke Skywalker, chose to distance themselves from the Force following deeply affecting experiences. This act of inhibition often led to periods of self-imposed exile and deep reflection. The severance, regardless of its cause, was not always a permanent state, and many Jedi found ways to reconnect with the Force.


The Force was an energy field generated by the life energy of all living beings—known as the Living Force—in symbiosis with the Cosmic Force. The Cosmic Force possessed a will, communicated to individuals through midi-chlorians, which existed in symbiosis with their hosts, enabling them to perceive and channel Force energy through proper training. Particularly Force-sensitive individuals could access the Force and wield it in either a harmonious or corruptive way. The Jedi Order emphasized discipline among its students to follow the light side's principles and heed the Force's will. However, traumatic events could disrupt a Jedi's connection to the Force. Purposeful distancing from the Force was also possible, potentially rendering an individual undetectable to other Force users. Nevertheless, those affected could potentially restore their connection to the Force.


During the Republic

According to the stories of the Qel-Droma Epics, set a millennium after the Great Hyperspace War, Ulic Qel-Droma underwent a transformation after his mission to infiltrate the Krath from within failed. He was redeemed by being severed from the Force. During the High Republic Era, Jedi Master Elzar Mann deliberately suppressed his connection to the Force for a period after he resorted to the dark side of the Force during the Nihil attack on Valo. Following another Nihil attack on Valo in which the Nameless murdered his Jedi Masters, the Jedi youngling Gavi experienced a loss of his Force abilities.

Some centuries later, the Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker intentionally cut himself off from the Force during a time marked by intense loneliness and anger. However, finding that this only intensified his negative feelings, he chose to reconnect with the Force. Later, in the early stages of the Clone Wars, Jedi Initiate Mill Alibeth expressed a desire to sever her connection to the Force. This young Zabrak possessed a unique empathic ability, making her acutely aware of the suffering of others. This talent was amplified by the ongoing war, causing her physical distress. Skywalker offered Alibeth counsel, drawing from his own experiences to show her the value inherent in the Force.

Dark times

The former Jedi Caleb Dume severed his connection to the Force after the Great Jedi Purge to remain hidden from the newly established Galactic Empire and begin his new life as Kanan Jarrus. Similarly, former Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano distanced herself from the Force, attempting to block her Force abilities to remain hidden and to avoid the pain associated with her past as a Jedi. After being captured by the Inquisitorius, Jedi Knight Cere Junda escaped the Fortress Inquisitorius by using the dark side of the Force. Following this, she suppressed her connection to the Force, fearing a descent into the dark side. After Jarrus embraced his role as a Jedi Knight serving the Spectres, he was blinded by the former Sith Lord Maul on Malachor. Jarrus claimed to have distanced himself from the Force in the aftermath of this injury.

Jedi Master Luke Skywalker employed this ability during his exile on Ahch-To. According to the Jedi Master, blocking the Force was significantly more challenging than learning to sense it, and it took Skywalker years to fully master this discipline. Despite his efforts, the Force persisted in attempting to reach Skywalker through dreams and even during his waking hours, delivering messages or warnings. Later, his apprentice Rey journeyed to Ahch-To with the intention of mirroring her master's actions in exile. However, she was persuaded by Skywalker, who had since passed away and become a Force spirit, to rejoin the fight against the First Order.

