In the waning years of the Republic Era, there existed a Zabrak female, gifted with the Force, known as Mill Alibeth. This individual served the Jedi Order as a Jedi Initiate. Alibeth's empathic powers were considerable, yet she struggled to master them. Exposure to combat or violence, even in discussion, induced severe nausea. In an attempt to cut herself off from the Force, she instead discovered a way to channel her unique ability to provide medical and spiritual aid to injured Jedi during the Clone Wars.
Alibeth, along with her comrade Vivert Stag, numbered among the few within the Jedi Order who evaded the Great Jedi Purge and remained hidden. By the time the First Order-Resistance War erupted, they were employed as Bounty hunters alongside fellow hunter Mwarr Ja'Randa. Together, they journeyed with Ja'Randa to Kashyyyk with the intention of capturing the Jedi Rey and claiming the reward for her capture.
Around the time of the First Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY, Mill Alibeth held the rank of Jedi Initiate. She belonged to an Initiate Clan comprising eight younglings, including her friend Vivert Stag. While the rest of the Clan eagerly anticipated their upcoming journey to Ilum for The Gathering, Alibeth was overwhelmed by intense feelings of nausea due to the escalating violence across the galaxy. Despite her efforts to conceal her true feelings, she couldn't muster any enthusiasm for the prospect of constructing a lightsaber. The reason for her unique connection to the Force remained a mystery, and Alibeth found herself increasingly unhappy. Eventually, she resorted to rejecting the Force altogether, a direct contradiction of her Jedi teachings.
On the eve of her clan's departure for Ilum, a bombing struck Cato Neimoidia, the Purse World of the Trade Federation, diverting the attention of most of the adults at the Temple's. This event only intensified Alibeth's growing distress as she sensed the impending war drawing near.
As her friends leaped out of bed and devoured breakfast in anticipation of boarding the Jedi Starship Crucible for transport to Ilum, Alibeth battled nausea and a throbbing headache. She lagged behind her friends as they made their way to the landing platform. From the corner of her eye, she glimpsed the glow of a holo-recording depicting the aftermath of the bombing on Cato Neimoidia. She could only endure a few moments of the recordings before she stumbled and collapsed to the ground. She desperately tried to block out the images, but her connection to the Force relentlessly brought everything back to her as if she had a direct link to the population's suffering. Closing herself off from the Force proved futile.
Upon reaching the platform's Turbolift, Ami-Kat-Ayama and Stag were discussing their lightsabers and their eagerness to fight battle droids on the warfront. Alibeth struggled to maintain her composure, but the mere mention of such events conjured images in her mind so overwhelming that she collapsed and vomited on the floor of the ship. Padawan Malera Quinn rushed to Alibeth's aid, and despite her attempts to persevere, Quinn ultimately informed the protocol droid onboard, M-3M4, that Alibeth required a different assignment while they journeyed to Ilum.
It was then that Alibeth vowed to herself that quieting the Force was insufficient. She needed to discover a way to completely sever her connection.
Subsequently, Alibeth was assigned to a group of Younglings tasked with accompanying Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and D'urban Wen-Hurd on an aid mission to Langston. The planet had recently been struck by an attack from the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and the Galactic Republic was providing humanitarian assistance.
Since the outbreak of the war, Skywalker had been experiencing what he described as "a vacuum in the Force," but only when he was within the Temple. The Force would abruptly cut out for brief moments before the energy dissipated once more. Prior to their departure for Langston, Skywalker was instructed to address the group of younglings about his experiences as a Padawan as part of his recent promotion to Jedi Knight. He noted the peculiarity of feeling this vacuum in the small, unassuming training room.
En route to Langston, Skywalker discovered Alibeth hiding in a corner of the ship. He realized that the vacuums he had been sensing originated from her and approached her cautiously. After introducing himself, he inquired about her evident distress. Alibeth questioned why the Jedi, typically regarded as Peacekeepers, were acting as soldiers. She also expressed her belief that she did not belong in the Jedi Order.
Skywalker immediately empathized with her struggles and encouraged her to lean into the Force rather than run from it, something she had attempted through meditation but without success.
Skywalker deemed it appropriate to show Alibeth the surface of Langston to illustrate the ways in which Jedi could be useful beyond violence. However, she remained confused as to why the Jedi were leading the clones in battle, a question Skywalker realized he couldn't answer. Yet, amidst the devastation of war, Alibeth finally found peace. Taking a few moments for herself, she was able to follow the currents of the Force and allow them to guide her, just as she had been taught.
With this newfound healthy connection to the Force, Alibeth was able to assist a family of Gharal siblings. She instinctively knew how to help a young infant with dust in her lungs. The Force also granted her a type of thermal sensor, allowing her to see those in pain through changes in color. Rokura, an older Gharal, glowed red in Alibeth's vision, and she was able to alleviate some of Rokura's fears by enveloping the Force around her like a warm blanket so the bacta could have an effect on her physical injuries. She was astonished and perplexed by this recent, profound understanding of the Force, but it was a welcome change from before. Skywalker remarked that he now saw much of both himself and his wife, Padmé Amidala, reflected in Alibeth.
Shortly after arriving on Langston, Alibeth learned that Skywalker had been secretly communicating with Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi on Cato Neimodia, but grew concerned for the older Jedi's safety after overhearing someone else on their secure comlink. Despite his protests, Alibeth insisted on accompanying Skywalker to Cato Neimodia to rescue Master Kenobi. They departed Langston on the Norriker, an old freighter belonging to the Gharal sisters.
Disguised as merchants in ponchos, Alibeth and Skywalker landed on the outskirts of Zarra while they searched for Kenobi. Although the city's residents were grappling with the recent tragedy in the Cadesura district, Alibeth was not overwhelmed by their collective pain as she would have been even a day prior. She could sense their suffering but was no longer drowning in it.
After spotting Kenobi on Cato Neimodia's version of the HoloNet News, Skywalker instructed his Astromech droid R2-D2 to scan the area for more information. While Alibeth and Skywalker were investigating, R2's scans revealed the location of a bomb in the city. The construction of the bombs turned out to be sloppy and rudimentary, but R2 unfortunately found two more in additional scans, a possible chain of explosives. The pair then had to decide between finding and defusing all of the bombs, or going after Kenobi, not having the time for both. In the end, Skywalker put his trust in Kenobi to do what he needed to do, and told Alibeth that they would be there for him right when he needed them if they ran out of time. It ended up taking a little more than a day for Alibeth and Skywalker to find and defuse all seven bombs that were found in the city. Each of them were attached to landmarks of local significance, all centered around the Grand Theatre of Judgment, the place where Kenobi's trial would be held. This indicated that whoever planted the bombs was trying to send a message.
While walking with the others to the Theatre of Judgement, Alibeth remarked that she could feel what and how the people were feeling, like walking through a stream. Their pain wasn't all that different from the people of Langston; it transcended the war. Alibeth sat with the others as the proceedings played out, and it was revealed that Kenobi was on trial for conspiring against Cato Neimodia and trying to cover up the Republic's involvement in the bombing. Alibeth steadied herself as all of the crowd's various emotions flowed through her. Even within a few short days, Alibeth's abilities had already developed into instinct. She was able to filter all of the different inflow and outflows of emotion and connect with the Force without it overwhelming her senses. With everyone except for Skywalker; he remained a mystery.
After splitting from Skywalker, Alibeth's unique abilities to see pain and suffering as colors in the Force, revealed several infirmaries unguarded by the military. This proved to be useful when Alibeth met back up with Skywalker, now accompanied by Kenobi. Kenobi needed to locate the governmental data center to retrieve evidence of the Republic's innocence. The data center was conveniently located next to the largest of these infirmaries, a job made easy with the combined abilities of Alibeth and R2.
Alibeth made it about halfway to R2's projected route to the data center when she suddenly felt unbearable suffering and rage radiating from everywhere. It was completely overwhelming and caused her to press up against her temples to try and stop it, to no avail. Simultaneously, R2 identified another bomb close by, a far different location than the others. Alibeth, fighting through her own agony, warned Kenobi and Skywalker that the source of the disturbance was getting closer, eventually turning out to be Ketar Nor.
Nor revealed himself to be the one who planted the bombs, intentionally placing them on Neimoidian landmarks to force the Republic to actually see them, and as more than just asset traders. Alibeth advised Kenobi and Skywalker on Nor's changing moods so they could gauge how volatile the situation was becoming. It reached a fever pitch and Kenobi lost all sway with him when Asajj Ventress interrupted on his comm, provoking his idealism. Ruug Quarnom was able to intervene moments before Nor detonated the bomb.
With Nor in custody, the group eventually made their way to the data center where Kenobi accessed the necessary data. After a quick exchange with Amidala so the data could be retrieved before it expired, Skywalker took Alibeth and headed back to their ship. However, once they entered a tunnel, they were ambushed by Ventress. Skywalker tried to keep Ventress at bay while protecting Alibeth from her, but she soon realized Skywalker was not alone. She caught onto Alibeth's fear and uncertainty about the Jedi and offered to show her another path, something used to taunt both Skywalker and Alibeth. After throwing Skywalker back with the Force, Ventress grabbed hold of Alibeth's wrist. Skywalker pulled on Alibeth but not before Ventress could strengthen her hold and Alibeth was dangling in midair as she was pulled in opposite directions with the Force. Kenobi arrived in time to break Ventress' concentraction for Skywalker could pull Alibeth towards him. Skywalker, Kenobi, Alibeth, and R2 quickly made their way to the shuttle and off the planet.
Once back on Coruscant, Alibeth grew quiet, reserved, and nervous again, a stark contrast to the person she had grown into on Cato Neimoidia. Sensing her unease and wanting her to regain confidence in herself, Skywalker had Alibeth meditate with him as they both felt out their places in the galaxy together. Alibeth came out of her meditation with a gasp and a sudden understanding of so much more than she had before. After relaying her gratitude to Skywalker for everything he had done for her, she broke the news to Master Yoda, Kenobi, and Skywalker that she did not want to become a Jedi Knight. This stunned Skywalker the most, who had just felt as if he connected with Alibeth on a very personal level during their meditation. Despite this, he urged Yoda to trust Alibeth's decision on this matter. With Skywalker's confidence in her, Alibeth was able to explain how her particular unique talents with the Force can be utilized in other ways.
Shortly after the passage of the Jedi Military Integration Act, Alibeth encountered Kenobi and Skywalker trying on armor at the Temple's hangar bay. Master Yoda had suggested that her abilities would best be used assisting Rig Nema in providing medical and spiritual assistance to Jedi wounded in the war, something she found far more important than building a lightsaber. She would soon be leaving with Nema for Valo but stopped by to thank Skywalker and Kenobi for their help in finding her path.
With Master Nema further training her abilities, Alibeth was able to see the storm inside of Skywalker's mind clearly for the first time. Alibeth saw inside Skywalker's soul and knew it to resemble the sun-dragon from Shmi Skywalker's story. There was a fundamental truth she needed to communicate to Skywalker, to prevent the furnace of his heart from incinerating itself: he did not always have to be a sun-dragon. Alibeth took one last look at Skywalker before joining Master Nema and her new future.
In 19 BBY, the Galactic Republic branded the Jedi Orders as traitors. Those who survived Order 66 were either hunted down and killed during the Great Jedi Purge or forced into hiding. Alibeth and Vivert Stag were among the survivors, and by the time of the First Order-Resistance War they had become bounty hunters. They collaborated with hunter Mwarr Ja'Randa, engaging in friendly competition over bounty collection.
Following the Battle of Crait, Ja'Randa was commissioned by the First Order's Supreme Leader Kylo Ren to locate and capture the Jedi Rey. Rey was on Kashyyyk with the Wookiee Chewbacca to commemorate Life Day. There, Ja'Randa captured her, along with Chewbacca and the Wookie Lumpawaroo. Ja'Randa anticipated Alibeth and Stag's envy over the additional bounties she would be returning with. However, all three targets managed to escape Ja'Randa's grasp.
Mill Alibeth was a female Zabrak possessing tan skin, black [hair](/article/hair] styled in a ponytail, brown eyes, and horns.
Alibeth was known for her exceptional kindness, empathy, and compassion. She possessed a strong moral compass and a desire to assist anyone in need. When she and Anakin Skywalker required a ship to reach Cato Neimodia, Alibeth insisted on bartering their medical supplies in exchange with the owners, emphasizing their economic survival. Furthermore, she could perceive the deep care and affection the Neimoidians held for their people by observing the rest that they give to their injured.
Mill Alibeth had a unique and potent empathic connection to the Force. This proved overwhelming for much of her life. She was inundated with a mixture of everyone's emotions, causing her to feel as if she was drowning. However, with time and Anakin Skywalker's assistance, Alibeth managed to refine her abilities.
She developed the ability to perceive pain and suffering as a form of thermal detection. Specific colors and their intensities indicated the location and severity of people's suffering to Alibeth. This granted her instinctive healing abilities and the capacity to soothe others' emotions using the Force itself. With Rig Nema's guidance, Alibeth came to understand that her powers functioned by connecting to the ways emotions push and pull at the Force.
Mill Alibeth made her debut in the 2022 novel Brotherhood penned by Mike Chen. In the acknowledgments, Chen stated that Alibeth drew significant inspiration from the titular character in Hayao Miyazaki's film Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. When asked which character first introduced in Brotherhood was his favorite, Chen acknowledged fans' appreciation of Alibeth but indicated that he loved both her and Ruug Quarnom equally.
Alibeth and Stag were later mentioned by first name only in the comic book Hyperspace Stories 4 by Amanda Deibert, which was released on March 1, 2023. Deibert confirmed that the mentioned bounty hunters were intended to be the same characters from Brotherhood. In a headcanon that Deibert enjoyed, Chen believed that Alibeth and Stag found each other in the aftermath of Order 66 and became bounty hunters as a cover so they could help people across the galaxy. He described them as a two-person Doctors Without Borders in space. He also said that Alibeth could potentially see the practical value in getting a lightsaber, something Stag would be eager to help her with.