The Norriker, a venerable Dynamic-class freighter, belonged to a Gharal lineage hailing from the world of Langston, who utilized it for the transportation of ores. Following the deaths of the elder family members in a Separatist assault during the initial stages of the Clone Wars, Rokura, the oldest remaining member of the family's younger generation, provided the vessel to Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Jedi Initiate Mill Alibeth. This loan enabled their clandestine journey to Cato Neimoidia in return for provisions.
The Norriker first appeared in Mike Chen's 2022 book, Brotherhood. Chen had difficulty generating sufficient names for fresh Star Wars components while crafting the novel, so he sought help from Peng Shepherd, another author. Shepherd then came up with a series of potential names, and the name "Norriker" came from that list.