Kanan Jarrus is in a meditative state on the planet Lothal.
Meditation, a mental practice, was used by sentient beings. Force-sensitive individuals could achieve profound relaxation through this practice, which allowed for a clearer connection to the Force. Even the most experienced Jedi Masters dedicated their lives to mastering this method of opening a connection to the Force.
Members of the Jedi High Council participate in a collective meditation session.
In contrast, while the Jedi used meditation to calm their minds and connect to the Force, Sith Lords employed it to channel their rage, fear, and hatred into a concentrated point of merciless power. Because meditation facilitates a more potent and direct link with the Force, it could sometimes influence the environment without the practitioner's deliberate control, potentially causing nearby objects, or even the meditator, to levitate.
The fundamental principles of Jedi meditation involved focusing on the most prominent emotions, being truthful about one's feelings and their impact. Subsequently, the practitioner would release each emotion, aiming to become an empty vessel ready to be filled with peace and serenity by the Force.