D'urban Wen-Hurd was a Jedi Knight of the Tholothian species who served the Jedi Order. She fought for the Galactic Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. Following a mass Knighting Ceremony at the Jedi Temple, she was elevated to the rank of Knight. This event occurred several weeks after the start of the conflict, and she was joined by other newly appointed Knights such as Anakin Skywalker, Keer Stenwyt, Olana Chion, and Cyruss Okent. During her training as a Padawan, Wen-Hurd distinguished herself with her proficiency in dual-wielding a pair of shoto lightsabers.
Her knighting was somewhat overshadowed by the news of a bombing on Cato Neimoidia, a neutral planet. Wen-Hurd's first assignment as a Knight, which she shared leadership of with Skywalker, involved delivering essential aid to Langston. This planet was in the process of recovering from a recent Separatist assault. Accompanying the two Jedi Knights was the 302nd Battalion of clone troopers, along with five Jedi younglings at the specific request of Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. The purpose was to familiarize the children with the clones in anticipation of a prolonged war.
Wen-Hurd initially took the lead alongside Clone Commander Theo, while also sharing the responsibility of supervising the younglings with Skywalker. During the voyage, Skywalker developed a bond with Mill Alibeth, an Initiate struggling with inner conflict. Upon reaching Langston and commencing their mission, Skywalker discovered that his former Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, was in danger while investigating the Cato Neimoidia bombing. Consequently, Skywalker, accompanied by Alibeth and the astromech droid R2-D2, secretly departed to rescue Kenobi, failing to inform Wen-Hurd. She then reported Skywalker's disappearance to Master Mace Windu.

During the closing years of the Republic Era, D'urban Wen-Hurd was a member of the Jedi Order. Her training as a Padawan was marked by her distinctive use of twin shoto lightsabers. In 22 BBY, the Clone Wars erupted between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, commencing with the initial conflict. This led to the Order requiring more Jedi Knights to support the war effort. The Jedi found themselves in command of the newly formed Grand Army of the Republic, a clone army secretly commissioned for the Republic. As a result, the Jedi began accelerating the knighting process for Padawans considered ready.
A few weeks into the war, Wen-Hurd was among a group of Padawans knighted in a ceremony held in the training courtyard of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, under the Great Tree. Alongside Wen-Hurd, Anakin Skywalker, Olana Chion, Cyruss Okent, Keer Stenwyt, and others were promoted during the event. Jedi Master Mace Windu and Grand Master Yoda presided over the ceremony. The new Knights' former mentors, including Moragg Bomo and Siri Tachi, as well as other Padawans and younglings who were available, attended. A delegation of Republic officials, including Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, senators, and clone officers, were also planning to attend. However, news of a recent attack on the neutral world of Cato Neimoidia prevented the Chancellor from attending in person, although the Jedi were initially unaware of the reason for his lateness. During the ceremony, Wen-Hurd stood to Skywalker's left as Windu delivered a speech about the new Knights' responsibilities to the Jedi and the Republic during the unprecedented time of war.

At the end of the ceremony, Palpatine appeared via hologram to announce the bombing. The Padawans and younglings were then escorted from the courtyard, while the Masters and Knights, both seasoned and newly appointed, stayed to discuss the situation. After a Clone Commander reported on the known casualties from the attack, Yoda noted Cato Neimoidia's neutrality. Palpatine confirmed that Senator Lott Dod of the Trade Federation, a Neimoidian organization that collaborated with both sides of the war, had been informed of the bombing. Yoda then sought insights from the newest Jedi Knights. Stenwyt suggested that Republic loyalist guerrilla fighters who had become rogue might be responsible, while Wen-Hurd proposed that bounty hunters, seeking to increase demand for their services, could be the culprits.
During further discussion, the Jedi watched a broadcast from the fallen Jedi Count Dooku, the Separatist Head of State, who denied Separatist involvement in the attack and challenged Palpatine to prove the Republic's innocence by visiting Cato Neimoidia personally. Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, the newest member of the Jedi High Council, advised the Chancellor against going and was given one day to develop an alternative strategy, after which the meeting adjourned. The day after the ceremony, most of the new Knights, including Wen-Hurd, attended a reception at the Chancellor's office, where he personally congratulated and thanked the Jedi for their service in defending peace and justice.
Two days after their knighting, Wen-Hurd and Skywalker were sent on an aid mission to Langston, a planet recovering from a Separatist attack that had been repelled by clone forces. Their task was to deliver supplies, including food, bacta, first aid, shelter, and infrastructure, to a struggling mining district on Langston's largest continent. The two Jedi Knights were accompanied by the 302nd Battalion under Clone Commander Theo and Captains Sparks and Raptor. Additionally, at the Supreme Chancellor's request, five Jedi younglings joined the group to help them acclimate to being around clones in case the war continued for a long time.
Wen-Hurd volunteered to take the lead with Theo on the tedious logistical tasks, leaving Skywalker to supervise and entertain the younglings in a storage room on the Republic Cruiser they were traveling on. Skywalker realized he had been tricked into babysitting. He eventually entertained most of the children by using telekinesis to manipulate his lightsaber, thinking that Wen-Hurd's acrobatic fighting style would have made her better at such a task. He instructed the younglings to meditate on the demonstration, believing that Wen-Hurd would owe it to him to take on the next round of babysitting if simple tricks did not continue to suffice to entertain the Initiates. Skywalker then began searching for Mill Alibeth, a Zabrak Initiate who had slipped away unnoticed. He found that Alibeth was trying to disconnect herself from the Force because being around combat, even indirectly, made her feel unwell, and he offered her advice to help her control her abilities.

Later, Wen-Hurd took over babysitting duties from Skywalker, eventually showing the younglings her lightsaber skills and acrobatics after running out of other ways to keep them entertained. During this, she allowed Alibeth to meditate in a separate storage room off the main corridor. Skywalker, wanting to further assist the Initiate, decided to take Alibeth to the surface of Langston and went around the ship looking for the girl, learning her whereabouts from Wen-Hurd.
Upon returning to the cruiser, Skywalker learned that Kenobi, his former Master, was in danger on Cato Neimoidia. The negotiations between the Republic and Confederacy regarding the investigation of the Cadesura district bombing had resulted in an arrangement that required Kenobi to go on the mission alone, without contact with the Republic or Jedi Council. Skywalker had given Kenobi an encrypted comlink for emergencies, and while trying to contact the Jedi Master, he discovered that the comlink had fallen into the hands of Separatist agent Asajj Ventress. Skywalker decided to rescue Kenobi and returned to Langston with Alibeth and his astromech droid, R2-D2. The trio acquired an unremarkable starship there, the freighter Norriker, and left for Cato Neimoidia without informing Wen-Hurd or the clones.
Skywalker's absence was eventually noticed when he, Alibeth, and R2-D2 failed to return from Langston, and Master Windu was informed of the situation. Once it was discovered whom Skywalker and Alibeth had acquired a ship from, Windu attempted to contact the Norriker. Skywalker avoided answering the communications console for as long as he could, but Alibeth eventually persuaded him to do so after discovering that no one knew the two had left. Believing he could handle an annoyed Wen-Hurd, Skywalker answered, only to find that the caller was Windu. He asked the Jedi Master to apologize to Wen-Hurd and the 302nd before claiming ion storms were interfering with the signal in order to deactivate it. Skywalker and Alibeth's mission was ultimately successful.
D'urban Wen-Hurd was a Force-sensitive member of the Tholothian species. Unlike most Tholothians, who had cranial scales with fleshy head-tendrils, Wen-Hurd had long hair, which she sometimes flipped over her shoulder. When asked for her insight on the Cadesura disaster, Wen-Hurd suggested that the attack might have been carried out by individuals with selfish motives.
Although Wen-Hurd was willing to perform for the Jedi Initiates who accompanied them on the mission to Langston when she was tasked with watching the younglings, she disliked babysitting and made sure Skywalker had the first shift minding the children. During her turn watching the younglings, she allowed Mill Alibeth to go off to meditate in private. When Skywalker snuck off from Langston on an unauthorized rescue mission, Wen-Hurd chose to inform Mace Windu of the situation. Skywalker believed he could easily handle an annoyed Wen-Hurd and smooth over any objections she had with vague, blustering language.
Wen-Hurd's Force skills were sufficient for her to be promoted to Jedi Knighthood early in the Clone Wars. She could use her Force powers to perform gravity-defying maneuvers, such as running along walls. Wen-Hurd's distinctive lightsaber combat style incorporated Jar'Kai, the art of dual-wielding, combined with acrobatic moves and daggerlike slicing, which made her stand out during her training.
Wen-Hurd wielded a pair of twin shoto lightsabers—one with a blue blade and one with a green blade—in combat. She wore large, glare-reducing spectacles strapped around her head.
D'urban Wen-Hurd made her first appearance in the 2022 novel Brotherhood, written by Mike Chen. The character was named after Chen's friends Diana Urban and Wendy Heard. Chen stated that Wen-Hurd's spectacles were inspired by both women wearing glasses, and her short lightsabers for stabbing action were inspired by the "stabby-stab" books the two authors wrote. The author indicated that he was in contact with Urban and Heard while drafting Brotherhood and that the addition of Wen-Hurd's character was an Easter egg of thanks for helping him stay on pace.