
Within the Galactic Republic's 302nd Battalion during the Clone Wars, a Clone Captain known as Raptor served. In the 302nd, Raptor fought alongside Clone Commander Theo and Clone Captain Sparks, which was under the command of Jedi Generals D'urban Wen-Hurd and Anakin Skywalker for an aid mission to Langston. While stationed on the planet Langston, Captain Raptor's location was Fong-Tim Square. During the mission, Anakin Skywalker tasked a clone trooper with delivering ten crates to the Sector N-seven-A-I neighborhood, with instructions to then rendezvous with Raptor at Fong-Tim Square to divide the remaining crates for further distribution.

Later on, Anakin Skywalker discovered that Obi-Wan Kenobi was in peril on the planet Cato Neimoidia. Skywalker, together with Jedi Initiate Mill Alibeth, borrowed a freighter called the Norriker and departed for Cato Neimoidia without informing anyone. Eventually, they intercepted an incoming communication that Skywalker thought was from a member of the 302nd, who had noticed their disappearance. Alibeth talked Skywalker into revealing their intentions, pointing out that the clones respected him. Agreeing to her suggestion, Skywalker responded to the message hoping to hear from Raptor, Theo, or Sparks, but instead it was Mace Windu.

