Tuckerization, also known as tuckerism, is when a fictional character or place is named after a real person. Below is a compilation of tuckerizations found in the Star Wars universe.
- Ar'alani (Legends) (Inspired by Ara Roselani, a friend of Timothy Zahn ) [1]
- Jad Bean (Legends) (Based on Jad Bean) [2]
- Olana Chion (Legends) (Based on Dominique Chionchio ) [3]
- Jeremoch Colton (Legends) (Inspired by Jeremy Bulloch ) [4]
- Roron Corobb (Legends) (Inspired by Ron Cobb )
- Lott Dod (Legends) (A combination of Senator Trent Lott and Senator Christopher Dodd ) [5]
- Cin Drallig (Legends) (Inspired by Nick Gillard ) [6]
- Eeusu Estornii (Legends) (Based on Sue Rostoni ) [7]
- Kalyn Farnmir (Legends) (Based on Mary Franklin ) [8]
- Dannl Faytonni (Legends) (Inspired by Anthony Daniels ) [9]
- Janu Godalhi (Legends) (Inspired by Juan Hidalgo ) [10]
- Palob Godalhi (Legends) (Inspired by Pablo Hidalgo )
- Grebleips (Legends) (Based on Steven Spielberg ) [11]
- Nute Gunray (Legends) (A combination of Newt Gingrich and Ronald Reagan ) [5]
- Bairdon Jace (Legends) (Based on Jason Baird ) [9]
- Sephjet Josall (Legends) (Based on Joseph Jett Sally )
- Zett Jukassa (Legends) (Inspired by Jett Lucas ) [12]
- Coleman Kcaj (Legends) (Inspired by Jack Coleman ) [13]
- Plo Koon (Legends) (Derived from Nick Dudman 's son's nickname, "Plonkoon") [14]
- Drake Lo'gaan (Legends) (Inspired by Logan Fontana )
- Pharl McQuarrie (Legends) (Inspired by Ralph McQuarrie ) [15]
- Achk Med-Beq (Legends) [16] (Inspired by Ahmed Best ) [9]
- Conan Antonio Motti (Legends) (Inspired by Conan O'Brien ) [17]
- Orrimaarko (Legends) (Based on Orrin Marko ) [18]
- Pablo-Jill (Legends) (Inspired by Pablo Helman )
- Netrem Pollard (Legends) (Based on Tim Pollard ) [19]
- Mot-Not Rab (Legends) (Based on Tom Barton) [20]
- Esu Rotsino (Legends) (Based on Sue Rostoni) [21]
- Silya Shessaun (Legends) (Inspired by Lisa Shaunessy ) [22]
- Nicanas Tassu (Legends) (Inspired by Nic Anastassiou )
- Meena Tills (Legends) (Inspired by Tina Mills , a former image archivist at Lucasfilm Ltd.) [23]
- Coleman Trebor (Legends) (Inspired by Robert Coleman ) [24]
- Mar Tuuk (Legends) (Named after Tuuk, Dave Filoni 's cat) [25]
- Wapoe (Legends) (Based on Wayne Poe )
- Wicket Wystri Warrick (Legends) (Inspired by Warwick Davis )
- R2-KT (Legends) (Inspired by Katie Johnson )
- Bardotta (Legends) (Inspired by Brigitte Bardot ) [26]
- Jomark (Legends) (Inspired by Mark Jones, a friend of Timothy Zahn) [27]
- New Bornalex (Legends) (Inspired by Alex Newborn ) [19]
- Nkllon (Legends) (Inspired by Klon Newell, a fan) [27]
- Sluis Van (Legends) (Inspired by Don Vandersluis, a friend of Timothy Zahn) [27]
- Stewjon (Legends) (Inspired by Jon Stewart ) [28]
- Everett (Legends) (Inspired by Dave Everett ) [29]
- Kevdan Aerosystems (Legends) (Based on Kevin Vincent and Daniel Deutsch) [29]
- AP-5 (Inspired by Athena Yvette Portillo ) [30]
- Hirang Birren (Inspired by Brian Herring ) [31]
- CB-23 (Inspired by Carrie Beck ) [32]
- Tani Briwill (Inspired by Brittany N. Williams, wife of Daniel José Older ) [33]
- Clatriffe (Inspired by Amy Ratcliffe ) [34]
- Lant Davan [35] (Inspired by Matt Lanter ) [36]
- Selrahc Eluos (Inspired by Charles Soule ) [37]
- Palo Hidalla (Inspired by Pablo Hidalgo ) [38]
- Ri-Lee Howell (Inspired by Riley Howell) [39]
- Jonner Jin (Inspired by John Harper ) [40]
- Noxi Kell (Inspired by Kelly Knox ) [41]
- Ka-Moon Kholi (Inspired by Giuseppe Camuncoli ) [37]
- Lastok (Inspired by George Kostal, a fan who runs the @VeersWatch Twitter account) [42]
- Lechee (Inspired by Leland Chee ) [43]
- Deena Lorn (Inspired by Bria LaVorgna ) [44]
- Toshma Jefkin (Inspired by Jeff Mackintosh ) [45]
- Mart Mattin (Inspired by Matt Martin ) [40]
- Farns Monsbee [46] (Inspired by Simon Farnaby ) [47]
- Oje N'deeb (Inspired by Joe Biden ) [48]
- Alys Ongwa (Inspired by Alyssa Wong ) [49]
- Aron Polstak (Inspired by Aaron Allston and Michael A. Stackpole )
- Quarrie (Inspired by Ralph McQuarrie ) [50]
- Faddera Rabar (Inspired by Barbara Fadden ) [51]
- Fenn Rau (Inspired by Chris Glenn and Brad Rau ) [52]
- Rersey (Inspired by Richard Kersey, a friend of Cavan Scott ) [53]
- T'Bar Ricair (Inspired by Tricia Barr ) [54]
- Ma-Dok Risto (Inspired by Adam Christopher ) [55]
- Dobbu Scay (Inspired by Bob Ducsay ) [56]
- Erskin Semaj (Inspired by James Erskine , Story Editor at Lucasfilm Ltd.)
- Charlu Sisi (Inspired by Charlotte Louise ) [57]
- Keer Stenwyt (Inspired by Kiersten White ) [55]
- Terbus [58] (Named after Buster, the dog belonging to Nathan & Sam of Tatooine Sons: A Star Wars Podcast ) [59]
- Gooti Terez (Inspired by Andi Gutierrez ) [40]
- Wilsa Teshlo [60] (Inspired by Latesha Wilson ) [61]
- Eloc Throno (Inspired by Cole Horton ) [62]
- Heff Tobber (Inspired by Toby Hefferman ) [63]
- Jaycris Tubbs (Inspired by Jamie Christopher ) [64]
- Lanever Villecham (Inspired by Neville Chamberlain )
- Dara Vish [35] (Inspired by Ida Darvish ) [65]
- D'urban Wen-Hurd (Diana Urban and Wendy Heard) [66]
- Ai-Dan Yelooc (Aidan Cooley) [67]
- Kirkeide Station (Inspired by Hayden Kirkeide ) [68]
- Yungbrii (Inspired by Bryan Young ) [69]
- Neco Jeyrroo's Artisan Supplies (Inspired by Joe Corroney ) [70]
- RazBohan (Based on Baz McAlister and Rohan Williams, hosts of the Force Material podcast) [71]
- Moyn (Inspired by Bobby Moynihan ) [72]
- Shahkirin (Inspired by Kiran Shah )
- Franikhad (Named after Fran, Mike Chen's cat) [73]
- Harloff Minor (Inspired by Kristian Harloff ) [74]
- Acros-Krik (Inspired by Kirk Watson and Macross ) [75]
- Adnama (Inspired by Amanda Lucas ) [9]
- Xiaan Amersu (Based on Sian Duursema) [76]
- Serji-X Arrogantus (Inspired by Sergio Aragonés ) [77]
- Ausar Auset (Based on a Dark Horse forum user)
- Lobar Aybock (Inspired by Rocky Balboa ) [78]
- Epoh Bahb (Inspired by Bob Hope )
- Sors Bandeam (Inspired by Ross Beadman ) [79]
- Beidlo , B'omarr monk (Inspired by Mike Beidler )
- Beidlo , Rodian bounty hunter (Inspired by Mike Beidler)
- Myk Bidlor (Inspired by Mike Beidler)
- Vob Bitas (Inspired by Bob Vitas ) [80]
- Niebur Boton (Inspired by Bonnie Burton ) [81]
- Shrivel Braittrand (Based on Travis Hilterbrand , Star Wars: Racer Revenge lead programmer)
- Waldan Bridger (Inspired by Daniel Wallace ) [82]
- Ash B'risko (Inspired by Ash Williams and Brisco County, Jr.) [83]
- Arly Bron (Based on R. Lee Brown, Editor/Creator of Echo Station)
- Rip Calkin (Inspired by Cal Ripken Jr. )
- Jorj Car'das (Inspired by George Lucas )
- Cerasi (Inspired by Chris Cerasi )
- Ardinondu Dipolus Daeruun (Inspired by Darin De Paul ) [84]
- Hric Dalhney (Inspired by Rich Handley ) [19]
- Ur-Sema Du (Inspired by Jan Duursema )
- Entoo Needaan E-elz (Inspired by Anthony Daniels ) [85]
- Egoreg (Inspired by George Lucas)
- Fong (Inspired by Jim Fong ) [86]
- Gelleric (Inspired by TheForce.net's Eric Geller) [87]
- Ottegru Grey (Inspired by Roger Guyett ) [88]
- Jaccoba (Inspired by Jacob Tartakovsky) [89]
- Kai Justiss (Inspired by Justin Chung ) [90]
- Ronhar Kim (Based on a Dark Horse forum user)
- Kassar Kosciusko (Inspired by Tadeusz Kościuszko )
- Gilramos Libkath (Inspired by Gillian Libbert and Kathryn Ramos ) [91]
- Roth-Del Masona (Based on Leonard Thomas ) [9]
- Lela Nalle Mayn (Inspired by Amy Allen )
- Sena Leikvold Midanyl (Inspired by Sena Leikvold )
- Dama Montalvo (Based on a Dark Horse forum user)
- Mya Nalle (Inspired by Amy Allen)
- Yma Nalle (Inspired by Amy Allen)
- Zey Nep (Inspired by Zeynep Selcuk ) [92]
- Nict (Inspired by TheForce.net's AdmiralNick22) [93]
- Shon Kon Ray (Inspired by Sean Connery ) [94]
- Krono Relt (Inspired by Nathan Butler )
- Sabla-Mandibu (Inspired by TheForce.net 's Mandy Bulat) [95]
- Egroeg Sacul (Inspired by George Lucas) [96]
- Jorg Sacul (Inspired by George Lucas) [97]
- L'lacielo Sageon (Inspired by Daniel Wallace) [82]
- Pello Scrambas (Based on Ross Campbell, former Decipher employee)
- Evet Scy'rrep (Inspired by Steve Perry ) [98]
- Roons Sewell (Inspired by Orson Welles )
- Civ Sila (Inspired by Vic Wertz , former Star Wars Insider associate editor; and Lisa Stevens , former Official Star Wars Fan Club president)
- Tap-Nar-Pal (Based on a Dark Horse forum user)
- Tarkov (Inspired by Genndy Tartakovsky ) [89]
- T'Bolton (Based on a Dark Horse forum user)
- Lyrre T'enna (Inspired by Terryl Whitlatch ) [99]
- Vhonte Tervho (Inspired by Terri Fontana-Hodges )
- Thared (Based on Jared and Theo Peppard) [100]
- Dupas Thomree (Inspired by Tom Dupree )
- Tito (Inspired by Josip Broz Tito )
- Traavis (Inspired by Karen Traviss ) [101]
- Dunc T'racen (Inspired by Tracy Duncan )
- Milar Travis (Inspired by Karen Miller and Karen Traviss) [102]
- Romeo Treblanc (Inspired by Robert Coleman ) [103]
- Epoh Trebor (Inspired by Bob Hope)
- Gray Tucker (Based on Gary Tucker )
- Trebor Uarrac (Inspired by Bob Carrau )
- Shawn Valdez (Inspired by Shawn Valdez ) [104]
- Cebann Veekan (Inspired by Kevin Bacon ) [105]
- Ram Zerimar (Based on Ray Ramirez)
- Colstev (Inspired by Stephen Colbert )
- Neelgaimon (Inspired by Neil Gaiman ) [106]
- Xerxes (Inspired by Xerxes )
- Brooks Propulsion Devices (Inspired by Billy Brooks) [29]
- Imaharatronics (Inspired by Grant Imahara ) [29]
- Nelhal Industries (Inspired by Nelson Hall ) [29]
- Stears Data (Inspired by John Stears ) [29]
- Gen'Dai (Inspired by Genndy Tartakovsky )
- Gnisnal (Inspired by Lansing, Michigan ) [107] [108]
- JMM assassin droid (Inspired by James McFadden )
- Korolev (Inspired by Sergei Korolev )
- Magellan (Inspired by Ferdinand Magellan )
- R0/5T.N1 tree feeder (Inspired by Sue Rostoni) [109]