Roron Corobb, an Ithorian Jedi Master, played a role in defending Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine during the Battle of Coruscant. This defense took place when Separatist General Grievous launched an assault on Galactic City with the intention of abducting Palpatine. Alongside the Togruta Jedi Master Shaak Ti and a contingent of clone troopers, Corobb fought valiantly. However, Grievous overcame the Republic and Jedi defenses, ultimately killing Corobb. He had light orange-brown skin, black eyes, and was clad in dark red Jedi robes. His weapon of choice was a lightsaber that projected a green blade. Following orders, Jedi Masters Corobb and Ti were dispatched to Palpatine's apartments with the mission of escorting him away from the danger. However, Palpatine dismissed their concerns and remained firm in his decision not to evacuate despite the ongoing Separatist invasion. Subsequently, Grievous made his appearance, accompanied by his Magnaguards wielding phrik alloy electrostaffs capable of withstanding lightsaber strikes. Despite the combined efforts of Ti and Corobb to secure Palpatine's safety, only Shaak Ti survived the encounter, as she was incapacitated by Grievous. Grievous then seized her lightsaber as a trophy before departing with his captured target. Corobb's lightsaber also ended up in the possession of the cyborg general.
The first mention and visual representation of Roron Corobb appeared in the canon reference book Star Wars Lightsabers: A Guide to Weapons of the Force, authored by Pablo Hidalgo in 2018. Previously, Corobb had been a character in Star Wars Legends via the 2003 Star Wars: Clone Wars animated series. In that series, his lightsaber was depicted with a blue hue, differing from its green appearance in canon.
- Star Wars Lightsabers: A Guide to Weapons of the Force (First mentioned)
- " The End of the Clone Wars " — Star Wars Encyclopedia
- Star Wars: Timelines