Shaak Ti's lightsaber, characterized by its blue blade, was the personal lightsaber of the Togruta Jedi Master known as Shaak Ti both before and during the Clone Wars. She utilized this weapon from a period preceding 22 BBY until it was pilfered by the Separatist General Grievous amidst the events of the Battle of Coruscant.
From the First Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY onward, Shaak Ti made use of her lightsaber throughout the entirety of the Clone Wars.
Early on in the conflict, the Jedi High Council selected Ti to oversee the progression and instruction of clone forces stationed on Kamino. Hostilities quickly reached Kamino's doorstep, as the Separatists launched an invasion of the planet with the intention of seizing control of the cloning facilities. Ti observed the battle's unfolding from the command center within Tipoca City. After the droids breached the control room, she actively engaged in combat, employing her lightsaber to assist the clone forces in repelling the droids back towards the hangar.

When the investigation surrounding the murder of Jedi Master Tiplar at the hands of CT-5385, known as Tup, was relocated to Kamino, Ti and Dr. Nala Se found themselves embroiled in a power struggle concerning the appropriate course of action regarding CT-5555, also known as Fives, who had defied orders and conducted a brain scan on Tup. Fives' investigations culminated in the discovery of an inhibitor chip present within every clone. As Ti and Se tracked the rogue clone, Se departed the control room to confront him. Growing suspicious, Ti followed the doctor to the embryo room, where she discovered the clone aiming a blaster at Se's head. Ti activated her lightsaber as a warning to Fives, who proceeded to elucidate the events that had transpired and his discoveries. Aware that Se would order Fives' termination, Ti resolved to dispatch Fives and all data pertaining to Tup to Coruscant, rather than allow him to be killed by the doctor.
As the war progressed, the Jedi Council reluctantly concluded that the only solution to end the conflict was to assassinate the Separatist leader Count Dooku. They selected Quinlan Vos, who underwent training to assassinate the Count with Asajj Ventress, a former Sith assassin and Dooku's apprentice who had transitioned into a [bounty hunter](/article/bounty_hunter]. Their plan failed, compelling Ventress to seek assistance from the Jedi. She was presented before a small group of Jedi, including Ti, who defensively ignited their lightsabers. Upon understanding the situation, they deactivated their lightsabers and consented to help her.

Toward the war's conclusion, the Separatists orchestrated a massive invasion targeting Coruscant. Ti, alongside Jedi Knight Roron Corobb and a clone task force, were dispatched to safeguard Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from General Grievous. While Corobb and the clones succumbed to Grievous, Ti managed to prolong the fight. Ultimately, Grievous gained the advantage by electrocuting Ti with electric cables, rendering the Jedi unconscious. Grievous seized Ti's lightsaber as a trophy and fled Coruscant with the captured Chancellor. Despite possessing it only briefly before his demise during the Battle of Utapau, the lightsaber held a favored position within Grievous' collection. He wielded Ti's lightsaber as one of his four primary weapons against Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi during their final duel on Utapau, losing it when Kenobi severed the hand wielding the saber.