Durasteel represented a metallic alloy employed across numerous applications, spanning from protective armor in combat to the construction of buildings. Exhibiting superior resistance compared to typical steel and enhanced strength relative to prevalent titanium alloys, durasteel offered protection against kinetic forces, rendering it a common choice for defensive plating on military starships. Durasteel possessed the ability to withstand strikes from vibro-weapons and force pikes, and could even briefly resist lightsaber attacks.

A crucial ore for durasteel manufacturing was Zersium, which was located within the bedrock of the planet Nag Ubdur. Consequently, the Galactic Empire engaged in strip-mining operations on the planet to extract these ore deposits.
Durasteel could also be rendered into a malleable substance. The weapons technicians serving the Empire utilized black durasteel gloves.
Portions of the Calcoraan Depot were constructed using durasteel, and Denetrius Vidian was restrained with durasteel cuffs subsequent to his capture by Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus, Skelly, and Zaluna Myder. Furthermore, the starship Forager featured a catwalk fabricated from robust durasteel. The Millennium Falcon incorporated a custom-fitted durasteel shell as armor.
During the Republic Era, the EML-850 light freighter underwent design and prototyping phases. However, its durasteel exterior plating, while enhancing durability, resulted in prohibitive costs, leading to the rejection of the design for mass production.
Durasteel was incorporated into the hilts of Aayla Secura's lightsaber and Adi Gallia's second lightsaber.
General Grievous' cybernetic armor consisted of a durasteel composite with duranium.
Darth Vader's armor integrated an alloy of durasteel and obsidian.
The Mos Espa Grand Arena was built using sandrock and ditanium over durasteel supports.
In 3 ABY, durasteel was traded across the galaxy for a price of seventy-five credits per unit, including on the planets Akiva, Kijimi, Tatooine and the moon Toshara.