The IG-100 MagnaGuard, also referenced as the Magna Guard, magnadroid, or the Prototype Self-Motivating Heuristically Programmed Combat Droid, represented a formidable type of battle droid and bodyguard droid engineered by Holowan Mechanicals. Notably favored by General Grievous, they functioned as his personal bodyguards throughout the Clone Wars; however, they were also known to protect other high-ranking Separatist figures, such as Count Dooku. These MagnaGuards were armed with electrostaffs specifically designed to counter Jedi lightsabers, demonstrating the capacity to remain combat-effective even after sustaining damage like the loss of limbs or even their heads. They posed a significant challenge to even the most skilled Jedi, with one instance showing a MagnaGuard pushing Obi-Wan Kenobi into a precarious situation. Though formidable in close combat, they also possessed the skills to pilot Rogue-class Porax-38 starfighters, utilize blasters, and deploy RPS-6 rocket launchers, often appearing adorned in cloaks. Typically, MagnaGuards operated in pairs, with one engaging the Jedi's lightsaber while the other launched attacks from the unprotected sides or rear. Their presence signaled the proximity of high-ranking commanders and automatically granted them authority over other deployed battle droids.

The electrostaff served as the MagnaGuard's signature weapon, enhancing their proficiency in the seven classic lightsaber combat forms. Constructed from phrik metal, the staff could endure lightsaber strikes, a feature that initially surprised many Jedi, often with grave consequences. IG-100 units were also known for carrying a variety of other weapons, especially those suited for long-range engagements, often favoring powerful explosives. The diverse array of MagnaGuard variations, distinguishable by their different colors, incorporated a wide range of equipment, including missile launchers, tow cables, magnetized or extendable arms, and even personal concealment devices. As a tribute to his original loyal Izvoshra bodyguards, Grievous outfitted the MagnaGuards with assisted Kaleesh capes bearing mumuu markings and headwears, a symbolic reference to the traditions of his homeworld. These additions also contributed to the IG-100 droids' already imposing presence.
Holowan Mechanicals, a division of Holowan Laboratories, designed the IG-100 MagnaGuards to project a menacing aura. This was achieved through the dull red glow of their photoreceptor eyes, their emotionless facial features, and their imposing physical stature. The droids possessed a range of physical attributes to support their intimidating appearance. Count Dooku, seeking a warrior droid that mirrored Grievous's combat prowess, defined the operational parameters for the guard. The IG-100 droids drew inspiration from the legendary Krath war droids in terms of appearance and emulated the formidable Kaleesh warriors from Grievous's past. Initially designed as heuristically programmed combat units, the IG-100s were programmed with self-directed tactics applicable to various combat scenarios. However, Grievous ordered the removal of this knowledge from the droids' memory, instead training them in the combat arts of the Jedi Order, which he had learned from Dooku. This ensured they were well-prepared to face Jedi Knights during the Clone Wars. Despite the rigorous training, which often left the droids with burns and dents, it forged a remarkably effective fighting force.
The astute cyborg further enhanced their intimidating presence by deliberately avoiding repairs to their battle damage, recognizing that their combat-worn appearance would amplify their aura. MagnaGuards who survived battles accumulated numerous nicks and scratches on their armor, which Grievous ensured remained visible to demonstrate their status as battle-hardened veterans to their adversaries. Ultimately, the fearsome MagnaGuards, whose effectiveness stemmed directly from their training and weaponry, rapidly became as feared as their master. They even shared in their general's fearsome reputation. Typically operating in groups of two or three, the IG-100 units would have one or two droids engage a Jedi or other opponent, while the third remained in reserve, poised to strike at the opportune moment.

Remaining steadfastly loyal to their primary directive, the MagnaGuards formed an impenetrable shield around General Grievous. Any attacker attempting to reach Grievous would have to contend with these highly experienced bodyguards. Those who managed to survive such encounters were often too exhausted to pose a significant threat to the cyborg general. The droids proved so successful that Count Dooku also employed a contingent of MagnaGuards as his personal bodyguards.
The IG-100s could sustain the loss of an arm or both legs and still remain a threat. Equipped with redundant systems and a backup photoreceptor in their chest, they could even continue fighting after losing their heads. Jedi and clone troopers eventually learned to target their vital systems, but this proved challenging due to their heavy armor, which incorporated duranium in their mainframe and armor plating—the same material that provided General Grievous with such effective protection. Even knocking one down or staggering it required considerable force, as their feet could magnetically anchor them, and their heels could extend for enhanced stability. IG-100s occasionally communicated using an audible form of droid language or spoke in Galactic Basic Standard. When in distress, such as when pinned down, they also emitted yelping sounds.
After the Republic and the Jedi intervened in the conflict between his people and the Yam'rii, San Hill, Chairman of the InterGalactic Banking Clan, approached Grievous, offering him the role of an enforcer, which he accepted. Dissatisfied with commanding the IGBC droids he despised, Grievous requested a more intelligent personal guard. In response, Count Dooku commissioned the creation of the IG-100 MagnaGuards. These guards were presented to General Grievous upon his resurrection as a cyborg. However, Grievous, in his anger at being associated with droids he detested, slaughtered them all. Consequently, the MagnaGuards were in existence by 33 BBY. During the auction of Eldra Kaitis in that year, Grakkus Jahibakti Tingi, a Hutt, attended with several MagnaGuards as his personal escort.

Following the outbreak of the Clone Wars on Geonosis, a number of MagnaGuards accompanied General Grievous when he hired the droid assassin AD-W4 to oversee the Separatist operations on the planet Hissrich.
The fourth moon of Parein II served as the location for the first real test of the MagnaGuards. The forces of the Galactic Republic, led by Jedi General Sannen, were defeated, with Grievous leading his troops from the front. One of Grievous's MagnaGuards killed the Jedi by impaling him through the throat with its electrostaff.

Several MagnaGuards accompanied Count Dooku during his negotiations with Jabba the Hutt at his Palace on Tatooine. After his Sith assassin Asajj Ventress's failure to "rescue" Jabba's son, Rotta, Dooku dispatched his MagnaGuards to confront Skywalker. A pair of MagnaGuards, piloting Rogue-class Porax-38 starfighters, managed to shoot down Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker's ship before being destroyed themselves. Later, a group of MagnaGuards attacked Skywalker's apprentice, Ahsoka Tano, with orders to eliminate Jabba's son near his palace and bring her to the Hutt. Despite being only a Padawan, Tano successfully destroyed them all and returned Rotta to his father.
Grievous then brought another group of MagnaGuards with him to Skytop Station on Ruusan 2. After Grievous's spy, R3-S6, reported that Skywalker had infiltrated his station, Grievous tasked his MagnaGuards with escorting Skywalker's astromech R2-D2, who was a Separatist prisoner, to his ship. However, Skywalker and R2 were able to overcome the MagnaGuards.

Several MagnaGuards were stationed at Grievous's fortress on Vassek's third moon. However, Count Dooku, seeking to test the general's skills against the Jedi, remotely deactivated the guards prior to the arrival of Jedi Master Kit Fisto, his former apprentice Jedi Knight Nahdar Vebb, and Clone Commander Fil and his squad. After Grievous was ambushed by the Jedi upon arrival, he retreated to his quarters, reactivated his guards, and ordered them to secure the perimeter of the castle. One of the MagnaGuards then used a rocket launcher on the clones' Nu-class attack/transport shuttle. However, R6-H5 managed to escape before the MagnaGuards attacked. Though one of them clung to the fighter as it took off, R6 dislodged his antagonist by spinning the fighter in mid-air, sending the screaming MagnaGuard flying off. The MagnaGuards then assisted Grievous, battling the two Jedi until the cyborg killed the young Mon Calamari. Grievous and his MagnaGuards then surrounded Fisto as the general demanded his surrender. However, Fisto escaped.

Bane employed one aboard his command ship when he attempted to force Jedi Master Bolla Ropal to open the holocron in order to reveal the Kyber memory crystal's information. Grievous utilized several of his MagnaGuards to subdue and capture Jedi Council member Master Eeth Koth. Grievous also employed them in his fight with Kenobi aboard the Republic light cruiser Surrogator at Saleucami.
Later in the war, Dooku had four with him at Rish Loo's laboratory on Naboo. Together, they were able to capture Skywalker when he infiltrated the lab. One of the MagnaGuards then tortured Skywalker with its electrostaff. Several MagnaGuards were also protecting him on Serenno at Castle Serenno and the Box. Dooku also used them when he attempted to kidnap the Chancellor, but were defeated by Kenobi and Skywalker. Several of the droids accompanied Grievous as he massacred the Nightsisters on Dathomir to seek revenge on Ventress for her assassination attempts against Dooku and on the orders of his master Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious since her sisters were a threat to his new Galactic Empire. General Kalani also had several MagnaGuards with him to guard, torture and execute King Rash's prisoners during their execution.
On Utapau, a pair of MagnaGuards were stationed when Dooku and Grievous prepared a deal with the Sugi arms dealers for a massive kyber crystal for Sidious' secret weapon. When Jedi Master Tu-Anh investigated the conspiracy, attempting to uncover their plans, they killed her with a precision laser dart. Later, Skywalker and Kenobi were sent to Utapau to investigate Tu-Anh's death. During their investigation, they interrogated a Toydarian named Garri, who informed them that a MagnaGuard was present during a meeting and that he was paid by the MagnaGuard to remain silent. Skywalker and Kenobi eventually tracked down a pair of MagnaGuards, destroying them both, but not before Skywalker obtained information about the arms deal.
When Skywalker and Kenobi obtained the crystal, several MagnaGuards pursued them along with Grievous. All but one were destroyed by the Jedi. Two more accompanied Grievous on a Separatist supply ship, holding the kyber crystal the Separatists had stolen from Skywalker and Kenobi. They were both destroyed when the Jedi caused the crystal to explode.
Concurrent with the Clone Wars, IG-100s also participated in the Separatist campaign against the Shadow Collective. During the Battle of Zanbar, Grievous deployed his MagnaGuards to duel the renegade Sith Lord Maul, who quickly defeated them with the Darksaber. Later, during the Battle of Ord Mantell, a team of MagnaGuards accompanied Dooku into a Black Sun stronghold, but the droids were swiftly defeated by Nightbrothers.

In addition to the large force of MagnaGuards who battled Jedi Master Shaak Ti before she was defeated by Grievous, two MagnaGuards, IG-101 and IG-102, were aboard the Providence-class Dreadnought Invisible Hand with the cyborg after Sheev Palpatine's capture during the Battle of Coruscant. When Skywalker and Kenobi retrieved their lightsabers that Grievous had taken, the general ordered the IG-100 droids to attack them. However, both MagnaGuards were easily destroyed by the Jedi. Another four were with Grievous when he returned to Utapau, and one observed Kenobi landing on the planet. They were then destroyed by Kenobi before he engaged Grievous in a final duel that resulted in the cyborg general's death.
However, as the Clone Wars concluded, Darth Vader assassinated the Separatist leaders, and the Emperor ordered the deactivation of the MagnaGuards, as they were no longer useful. After the Clone Wars, most MagnaGuards were retired. Some were acquired by collectors and repurposed.

On the planet Koboh, MagnaGuards and other former Separatist forces were reprogrammed and used as soldiers by the Bedlam Raiders. One of these MagnaGuards became a personal project of the Gen'dai Rayvis, the leader of the Bedlam Raiders. This MagnaGuard, known as the Massiff, had its programming altered to make it more lethal. Like other MagnaGuards, the Massiff was destroyed by Jedi Knight Cal Kestis in 9 BBY.

Sometime after the Battle of Yavin, a pair of refitted MagnaGuards were on Nar Shaddaa serving Grakkus the Hutt. These two droids battled Luke Skywalker during Grakkus's attempt to steal the young Rebel's lightsaber. Later, many of them fought TIE fighter pilots who arrived to capture Skywalker under the orders of Sergeant Kreel. One yellow-lighted IG-100 served in the ranks of Zahra's raider crew.