Bolla Ropal

A male Rodian, Bolla Ropal, held the esteemed ranks of Jedi Master and Jedi General within the Jedi Order. His service took place during the tumultuous era of the Clone Wars. His gender was male.


During his time as a Jedi Initiate, young Bolla Ropal possessed a spoon that was often pilfered by his peers in jest. As Ropal and the other initiates progressed to the rank of Padawans, the spoon eventually found its way into the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Upon being assigned to a Jedi Master, Ropal dedicated significant time to researching holocrons within the Jedi Archives. In 41 BBY, while dining with his fellow Padawans, a baby demon squid, concealed within Kenobi's soup, launched an attack on Kenobi. As Kenobi panicked, Ropal erupted in laughter, his prank having succeeded. Confronted by Kenobi, Ropal revealed that he possessed an antidote for the venom, assuring Kenobi that he was never in any genuine danger. He continued to chuckle as Kenobi departed with his master, Qui-Gon Jinn, to meditate. Later that same day, Ropal was traversing the Jedi Temple when he nearly collided with Count Dooku, who was visiting the Temple. The Rodian then returned to the Padawan dining hall, where he convened with Prie, Siri Tachi, and several other Padawans. Upon Kenobi's arrival, Ropal brought up the circulating rumor that Jinn might be considering leaving the Jedi Order, which greatly upset Kenobi. Ropal followed Kenobi into the hall, informing him that Jinn had not initially selected Kenobi as his Padawan, but had taken him on at Master Yoda's request. He reassured Kenobi that no one would hold it against him if his Master ultimately chose to leave the Order.

Ropal's body, as discovered by Republic forces

During the Clone Wars, Ropal served as the custodian of the Kyber memory crystal, a crystal containing crucial data regarding the identities of Force-sensitive children throughout the galaxy. After the bounty hunter Cad Bane stole the holocron containing this crystal from the Jedi Temple located on the planet Coruscant, he subsequently captured Ropal on the planet Devaron. Bane then subjected him to torture in an attempt to coerce the Rodian into opening the holocron. Ropal steadfastly refused and ultimately died as a result of the torture. However, Bane later succeeded in forcing the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker to unlock the holocron.

Personality and traits

Bolla Ropal possessed a naturally inquisitive and mischievous disposition. He enjoyed playing pranks on his fellow padawans, and his greatest joy came from studying holocrons.

