The Darksaber represents an ancient and distinctive lightsaber featuring a black blade. Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian to be accepted into the Jedi Order, crafted this weapon around 1050 BBY. Following Vizsla's death, the Jedi Temple housed the Darksaber. However, during the Old Republic's decline, members of House Vizsla seized it amidst conflict with the Jedi. The Darksaber became a family heirloom, passed down through generations of Pre Vizsla's ancestors. They retained it even as the New Mandalorians' pacifistic ideals superseded the warrior traditions of Mandalore.
By 21 BBY, Pre Vizsla, the leader of Death Watch and House Vizsla during the Clone Wars, possessed the Darksaber. He wielded it in clashes against the New Mandalorians, including his successful seizure of Mandalore. After this coup, Maul, a rogue Sith Lord, defeated Vizsla in a duel, claiming the Darksaber and leadership of Death Watch. Soon after, Darth Sidious, Maul's former master, arrived on Mandalore to confront his former apprentice. Despite using the Darksaber in the battle, Maul was ultimately defeated, captured, and imprisoned at the Separatist prison known as the Spire on Stygeon Prime.
Almec, the Prime Minister handpicked by Maul to publicly lead Mandalore, orchestrated Maul's escape from the Spire. Upon his liberation, Maul returned to Zanbar, the site of a Death Watch camp, where he regained possession of the Darksaber, recovered from the Sundari Royal Palace, the location of his duel with Sidious. Shortly after, the Separatist Droid Army, commanded by General Grievous, attacked Zanbar. Maul employed the Darksaber against the cyborg general, but was compelled to withdraw. Maul continued to wield the Darksaber in various subsequent engagements, including the battle on Ord Mantell, the assault on Vizsla Keep 09, and the Second Battle of Dathomir.
During the Imperial Era, Sabine Wren, a Mandalorian weapons expert and rebel, recovered the Darksaber from the Nightsister lair on Dathomir. Encouraged by Fenn Rau, a Mandalorian Protector, and her fellow Spectres, Sabine agreed to train with the Darksaber under the guidance of Kanan Jarrus, a Jedi Knight. Later, Sabine brought the Darksaber on a mission to Krownest with her rebel allies, seeking the support of her family for the rebellion. After defeating Gar Saxon, an Imperial Viceroy, in a duel, Sabine became the rightful wielder of the Darksaber.
After rescuing her father from Imperial captivity and destroying the superweapon she had created as an Imperial cadet, Sabine presented the Darksaber to Bo-Katan Kryze, a Lady and sister of the former Duchess, believing her to be the rightful leader to unite the Mandalorians against the Empire. Despite initial hesitation, Bo-Katan accepted the Darksaber and the mantle of leadership with the support of the other clans.
Following the Night of a Thousand Tears, the Empire desecrated Mandalore, leading Bo-Katan to surrender the Darksaber to Moff Gideon in hopes of ending the Great Purge of Mandalore. However, the Empire persisted with the Purge. Bo-Katan fled the planet, continuing to lead the Nite Owls with the goal of eventually reclaiming both the Darksaber and Mandalore. Around 9 ABY, after the Empire's fall, Gideon remained in possession of the Darksaber, leading an Imperial remnant on Nevarro. During the rescue of Grogu, the Force-sensitive foundling, from Gideon, Din Djarin, a Mandalorian, won the Darksaber in combat. He attempted to give it to Bo-Katan, but she refused, understanding that receiving it as a gift would invalidate her claim to the throne. Later, Paz Vizsla, a descendant of Tarre Vizsla, challenged Djarin for the right to wield the Darksaber on Glavis Ringworld. Djarin prevailed, but was formally expelled from the Children of the Watch following the duel. Djarin continued to wield the Darksaber.
While exploring the ruins of Mandalore in search of the Mines of Mandalore to bathe in the Living Waters and atone for his exile, Djarin was ambushed, knocked unconscious, and captured. Grogu sought Bo-Katan's help in rescuing Djarin. During the rescue, she used the Darksaber to defeat his attacker while he was restrained. After Djarin regained consciousness, he continued to carry the Darksaber, using it on subsequent occasions, such as against a rogue forensic droid on Plazir-15. Following Bo-Katan's victory over Axe Woves in a challenge for leadership of the Mandalorian force serving as mercenary security on Plazir-15, Axe contested her claim to lead all Mandalorians, asserting that only the Darksaber's wielder could hold that position. Djarin presented the Darksaber to Bo-Katan, who initially refused, stating that it could not be simply given. However, Djarin recounted the events on Mandalore to the assembled Mandalorians, who accepted Bo-Katan as the rightful owner because she had defeated the foe who defeated Djarin. Djarin stated he was returning it to its rightful owner, and she reluctantly accepted it, igniting the blade as the assembled forces recognized her leadership.
Shortly thereafter, it was discovered that Moff Gideon had constructed a secret base beneath Mandalore, where he was cloning a body for himself with Force potential, mining beskar for armor for a new version of Dark Troopers, and creating a suit of powered armor for himself. When the combined Mandalorian forces attacked Gideon's base, Bo-Katan fought Gideon, using the Darksaber against his electrostaff. Despite her valiant effort, Gideon's new armor gave him an advantage she couldn't overcome, and he ended the fight by crushing the Darksaber's hilt while she held it, breaking her hand.

The Darksaber was a lightsaber with a distinctive black blade. This unique blade was shorter than those of most lightsabers, and it was shaped like a traditional sword. The overall design was distinctly Mandalorian, featuring an angular pommel, hand guard, and slit-shaped blade emitter, all constructed from beskar. The sound produced by the blade upon ignition or when swung was higher pitched than other lightsabers, resembling a screech more than a hum. A crystal within the Darksaber served as a conduit for Force energy. The wielder's thoughts and actions influenced the blade's power, often resulting in an electrical effect in response to heightened emotions. The Darksaber sought to connect with its wielder subconsciously, feeling heavier or lighter depending on the wielder's resistance to or acceptance of the connection. The Darksaber could also parry lightsaber blows, with the blades exhibiting an almost magnetic attraction. Like typical lightsabers, the Darksaber could not cut through pure beskar, but it could heat it until it glowed red. Additionally, it could not penetrate a Personal Combat Shield, although it could overwhelm and dissipate it with sustained contact, nor a deflector shield used by a Scorpenek annihilator droid.
The Mandalorians revered it as a symbol of leadership for House Vizsla, and later Death Watch. According to the customs of the Nite Owls and the Mandalorian fleet, the ruler of Mandalore must possess the Darksaber. Mandalorian tradition dictated that one could only acquire the Darksaber by defeating the previous owner in combat. Any other means of acquisition would render their claim illegitimate. However, when Bo-Katan received the Darksaber from Sabine Wren without combat, she was initially accepted by other clans, an act that would later lead to her shunning after the Great Purge of Mandalore. At least one group within Mandalorian society, the Children of the Watch, believed that the Darksaber carried a curse that would bring about the destruction of Mandalore and its people if obtained outside of combat. The Children of the Watch also did not follow the wielder of the Darksaber, even if it was won by combat.

Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian to be inducted into the Jedi Order, created the Darksaber around 1050 BBY. Following his death, it was stored at the Jedi Temple. However, during the fall of the Old Republic, Mandalorians from House Vizsla raided the Jedi Temple and seized it. Descendants of House Vizsla used it to murder many Jedi and rule all of Mandalore for many years.
By the time of the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], Pre Vizsla, the Governor of Concordia and leader of Death Watch, had acquired the Darksaber. Vizsla typically carried it on his back when wearing his armor.

During the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi of the Jedi High Council discovered Death Watch's camp near the planet's mines. Vizsla fought Kenobi using the Darksaber as his troops evacuated. Despite demonstrating some skill in combat, Vizsla was unable to defeat Kenobi or prevent his escape with Duchess Satine Kryze.

Following Vizsla's falling out with the Separatists and Count Dooku, Vizsla and his Death Watch troops established a camp on Carlac. After Senator Lux Bonteri arrived, Vizsla attempted to murder Chieftain Pieter with the Darksaber, but instead struck down his granddaughter when she intervened as his men destroyed Ming Po Town. After Bonteri's friend, Padawan Ahsoka Tano, revealed herself as a Jedi and attempted to defend the Ming Po, she was subdued. Vizsla intended to murder her with the Darksaber, citing it as "justice" for the Jedi's past "crimes" against Mandalore. However, Tano freed herself with the help of her astromech droid, R2-D2. She then slew multiple Mandalorian warriors and dueled Vizsla until she slashed his jetpack, allowing her and Bonteri to escape.
After discovering the rogue Sith Lord Maul and his brother Savage Opress near their camp on Zanbar, Vizsla agreed to an alliance between Death Watch and Maul's Shadow Collective. Vizsla used the Darksaber on Nal Hutta against the Hutt Clans' Grand Council's Nikto guards, cutting down all in his way. Vizsla then led the Council's leader, Jabba, to agree to join their alliance.

On Mandalore, following the Shadow Collective's attacks on the police in Sundari, Vizsla and his Death Watch Warriors intervened to "protect" against the Collective's forces. However, this was a staged event intended to overthrow Duchess Satine's government. Vizsla used the Darksaber in a staged duel against Opress and then arrested him. As a result, Vizsla and Death Watch were hailed as heroes by the Mandalorian populace.
Vizsla then betrayed Maul and Opress and had them imprisoned. After their escape, Maul challenged Vizsla for leadership of Death Watch. Vizsla used the Darksaber against Maul. Despite putting up an impressive fight using the Darksaber and his armor's weapons, Vizsla was disarmed, defeated, and executed by Maul with the Darksaber. Maul then claimed the Darksaber and leadership of Death Watch, much to the dismay of Vizsla's lieutenant, Nite Owl Bo-Katan Kryze, who refused to follow a non-Mandalorian leader despite him winning the blade in combat.

After Maul lured Kenobi back to Mandalore, he used the Darksaber to kill Duchess Satine in front of Kenobi as revenge against the Jedi Master. After Kenobi escaped with Bo-Katan's help, Maul and Opress were confronted by Maul's former master, Darth Sidious, who came to eliminate his former apprentice before he became too powerful. Maul and Opress fought Sidious together, but they were no match. After Opress was killed, Maul drew the Darksaber and wielded it in tandem with his red blade against his former master, but failed to defeat him. Sidious tossed aside the Darksaber as he subdued and tortured Maul with Force lightning. As Maul begged for mercy, Sidious replied that there was no mercy and continued to torture him.

Prime Minister Almec and the Mandalorian super commandos recovered the Darksaber following Maul's capture by Sidious. After Gar Saxon and Rook Kast freed him from the prison known as the Spire, Maul reclaimed the Darksaber and used it against General Grievous's forces and MagnaGuards when they attacked their base on Zanbar. Maul fought Grievous until his forces were forced to retreat.
Maul again used the Darksaber when he boarded Grievous's dreadnought to keep him in check during the battle on Ord Mantell. Maul then threatened to kill Dooku with the Darksaber as revenge against Sidious. However, Maul freed Dooku, and they used their weapons against Kenobi, Mace Windu, Aayla Secura, Tiplee, and their forces as they battled at Maul's secret asteroid outpost Vizsla Keep 09. He then used the Darksaber against Secura and Windu while Dooku killed Tiplee.

After Maul returned to Dathomir to help Mother Talzin regain her physical form, he was confronted by Sidious and Grievous at the Nightbrothers' village. He and Talzin, who had possessed Dooku, fought Sidious and Grievous. Maul used the Darksaber in the battle until he and Talzin were overwhelmed. He fled the battle as Talzin sacrificed herself and was killed by Grievous.

During the Galactic Empire's reign, the Darksaber remained on Dathomir, where Maul kept it within the Nightsister lair. While under the influence of a Nightsister spirit, Sabine Wren battled Ezra Bridger using the weapon. Ezra, in turn, used his lightsaber alongside the Darksaber to obliterate the altar from which the spirits emerged. As she, Ezra, and Kanan Jarrus departed the planet, Sabine retrieved the Darksaber. Upon their return to their base on Atollon, Sabine entrusted the lightsaber to Kanan for safekeeping, as she felt apprehensive about wielding it herself.
Later on, Kanan presented the saber to Fenn Rau, with the suspicion that the Mandalorian Protector possessed knowledge about it, given Sabine's reluctance to discuss the weapon since their return from Dathomir. Rau recounted to Kanan the tale of the saber's creation, emphasizing its role in uniting House Vizsla and, eventually, all of Mandalore. Rau and Hera Syndulla successfully persuaded a hesitant Sabine to acquire the skills necessary to wield the saber, with the hope that she could utilize it to unite Clan Wren and forge an alliance with the rebellion. Despite her willingness to attempt this, Sabine harbored doubts about her success, primarily due to her strained relationship with her family. To facilitate her training, Kanan, Ezra, and Sabine journeyed to a remote location on Atollon. Ezra instructed Sabine in the fundamental lightsaber techniques, employing wooden training sabers. After several days of practice, Kanan granted Sabine permission to wield the Darksaber. During their sparring session, Kanan managed to encourage Sabine to reveal the reasons behind her departure from Mandalore. Sabine confessed that she had left to combat the Empire and safeguard her planet, feeling responsible for the weapons the Empire employed to subjugate her people. This act of emotional processing enabled Sabine to conclude that she was indeed worthy of wielding the saber.

Following her trials, Sabine, accompanied by Kanan, Ezra, Chopper, and Rau, journeyed with the Darksaber to Clan Wren's territory on Krownest. Their objective was to secure Clan Wren's support for the rebellion. After enduring a crash landing on the planet, Sabine, Kanan, and Ezra sought an audience with Ursa Wren, Sabine's mother and the leader of Clan Wren. While Ursa expressed surprise at her daughter's acquisition of the Mandalorian weapon, she subsequently challenged Sabine's claim to it, asserting that she had not won it from Maul in single combat. Later on, Ursa attempted to trade the Darksaber, along with Kanan and Ezra, to Viceroy Gar Saxon, the Emperor's Hand and the puppet ruler of Mandalore, in exchange for Sabine's safety. Saxon, however, had no intention of honoring his word and activated the Darksaber as a signal for his troops to commence a massacre of Clan Wren. As the Super Commandos engaged in combat with the Clan Wren warriors and the Jedi, Saxon attempted to assassinate Ursa from behind using the Darksaber, but Sabine, wielding Ezra's lightsaber, intercepted the attack. The two then engaged in a fierce duel outside the Wren Stronghold. Despite Saxon's near-overpowering of Sabine with brute force, Sabine successfully employed her newfound skills to wound him and reclaim the Darksaber, holding both the black and green blades to his throat and demanding his surrender. Following Ursa's killing of Saxon, Sabine became the rightful new owner of the Darksaber. She chose to remain with her family and Rau to reunify the Mandalorian people and identify the true leader of Mandalore.

Sabine eventually spearheaded a mission to Mandalore with the goal of rescuing her father, Alrich Wren, from Imperial captivity. She wielded the Darksaber throughout the battles, initially at a remote prison and subsequently during an assault on the convoy transporting her father back to Sundari. During this mission, Sabine encountered Bo-Katan and offered her the sword, but Bo-Katan declined, feeling unworthy and believing she had already had her opportunity to rule. Later, Sabine and Bo-Katan led a raid on Tiber Saxon's Star Destroyer, the then-Mandalorian governor, with the intention of destroying the Duchess, the superweapon Sabine had constructed during her time as an Imperial cadet. Sabine utilized the Darksaber to breach the Duchess' core, triggering a chain reaction that resulted in the Star Destroyer's destruction and Tiber's demise. Following the raid, she finally convinced Bo-Katan to accept the weapon by demonstrating that other clans were willing to follow her and asserting that the Force had guided the saber to her so that she could pass it on to Bo-Katan. Bo-Katan accepted the sword in remembrance of her sister, Satine, and for the honor of her clan and Mandalore itself.
Sometime after Kryze claimed the Darksaber, the Empire initiated a campaign to obliterate the Mandalorians, instigating a genocide that would become known as the Great Purge of Mandalore. Following the Night of a Thousand Tears, the majority of Mandalore's forces were defeated. Bo-Katan was contacted by the Imperial Security Bureau. She met with Gideon and surrendered the Darksaber in exchange for the Empire halting the Purge. The Empire, however, reneged on its promise and continued to kill Mandalorians.

By 9 ABY, Moff Gideon was still in possession of the Darksaber. He subsequently employed it to escape from the wreckage of his Outland TIE fighter following a confrontation with Din Djarin on the planet Nevarro.
Bo-Katan continued to lead the Nite Owls and remained steadfast in her determination to eventually reclaim her homeworld as well as the legendary weapon that symbolized her leadership. She was actively searching for Gideon. Aboard an Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser, Kryze, accompanied by Axe Woves, Koska Reeves, and Djarin, threatened an Imperial captain and demanded to know the Darksaber's location. The captain activated a suicide shocker, resulting in his death. This action left Kryze without any information regarding its whereabouts but intensified her resolve to regain what she rightfully deserved.
Following the Battle of Tython, the Mandalorian foundling Grogu was captured by Gideon and brought to his command ship. During a visit to the child in his cell, Gideon ignited the Darksaber and inquired whether Grogu remembered other weapons of its kind from his past. When Grogu reached towards the saber's blade, Gideon withdrew it, informing him that he was not yet prepared to handle such items.

After Grogu's capture, Djarin located Kryze and Reeves and enlisted their assistance in rescuing him. Kryze agreed to help after Djarin promised her the Darksaber. Following a successful raid on Gideon's cruiser by Djarin, Kryze, and their allies, Djarin encountered Gideon in Grogu's cell, brandishing the ignited Darksaber over the defenseless youngling. After providing a brief explanation of the weapon's history and significance in Mandalorian culture and seemingly agreeing to allow Djarin to take Grogu in exchange for never crossing paths again, Gideon attempted to strike him down from behind with the Darksaber but was thwarted by the Mandalorian's beskar-plated jetpack, which the blade could not penetrate. He then engaged Djarin in a duel, Gideon wielding the Darksaber against Djarin's beskar spear, but was ultimately defeated and disarmed.
Djarin escorted the captured moff to the bridge and attempted to relinquish the weapon to Kryze, but she refused to accept it. Gideon mocked Djarin's ignorance as Kryze explained that she had to earn it through combat. Djarin attempted to yield, intending to fulfill his promise and avoid further conflict, but Kryze merely stared at him coldly and once again refused. However, before their dispute could escalate, the group was compelled to arm themselves to repel Gideon's dark troopers. Eventually, the Jedi Luke Skywalker arrived to rescue them, taking Grogu with him to be trained in the ways of the Force.
After successfully delivering Grogu to Skywalker, Djarin retained possession of the Darksaber, continuing to utilize it in his bounty hunting endeavors. Eventually, he embarked on a search for the new covert of his Tribe on the Glavis Ringworld, where he employed the Darksaber to collect the bounty of Kaba Baiz in exchange for information regarding their whereabouts. Due to his inexperience and lack of training with the weapon, Djarin inadvertently slashed his own thigh with the Darksaber while battling Baiz's thugs. After locating the covert, the Armorer elucidated the weapon's past to Djarin, as well as Kryze's failure to uphold Mandalorian traditions and Mandalore's downfall under her rule during the Night of a Thousand Tears. The Armorer also provided Djarin with training in the use of the weapon, explaining that he was fighting against the Darksaber rather than his opponent, causing the weapon to feel heavier the more he swung it.

Following his training with the Armorer, Djarin was challenged for the Darksaber by Paz Vizsla, who believed the weapon to be rightfully his by birthright due to its origins within his own clan. Djarin narrowly defeated Vizsla in single combat but was soon ostracized by the Armorer, who discovered that he had removed his helmet during his mission with Grogu. Following his unceremonious ex-communication, Djarin departed the covert, taking the Darksaber with him unhindered. While en route to Tatooine, Djarin was temporarily separated from the weapon when it was placed in luggage, as he was unable to bring it aboard the transport ship he had boarded. After being summoned by his friend Boba Fett, Djarin employed the Darksaber in battle against Scorpenek droids in Mos Espa. Although the saber was unable to penetrate the droids' energy shields, the coordinated efforts of Djarin and Fett enabled the former to infiltrate the shield range of a Scorpenek and inflict severe damage upon it with the Darksaber.

Djarin subsequently brought the Darksaber with him to Mandalore on his mission to seek redemption by bathing in the Living Waters within the Mines of Mandalore. During his journey through the wreckage of the Civic Center of Sundari, he struggled to wield the Darksaber while battling Alamites that had attacked him, but eventually he succeeded in killing them. Later, a cyborg trapped and captured Djarin. The being disarmed Djarin, displaying no interest in the saber, taking it and throwing it to the ground. Grogu managed to escape the ruins to Kalevala, where he located Kryze. Grogu led Kryze to Djarin's location, enabling her to rescue Djarin from the predicament. She retrieved the discarded Darksaber with her whipcord, utilizing it to defeat one of the cyborg's forms. The cyborg managed to escape from the destroyed droid and crawl to a Spider Tank, but Kryze prevailed with the saber once more, destroying the Tank and killing the cyborg. After freeing Djarin, she returned the saber to him.
Following her time with the watch, Kryze and Djarin went to the planet Plazir-15 with the intention of reclaiming command of the Mandalorian fleet she had gathered from Axe Woves. She had challenged Woves to a duel for the leadership of the fleet and emerged victorious in single combat. Despite his defeat, Woves asserted that she would never be their true leader without the Darksaber. Djarin presented the blade to her, despite her initial objections, asserting that her actions on Mandalore signified that she was the rightful owner of the blade. The assembled Mandalorians accepted her ownership, recognizing her as the rightful wielder.

Moff Gideon inflicted substantial, if not irreparable, damage upon the Darksaber's hilt by utilizing the grip of his strength-enhancing armor, and its current status remains unknown.
Initially, Pre Vizsla was intended to fight using a vibroblade, a familiar weapon within the Star Wars Expanded Universe. However, the weapon was subsequently altered at the request of George Lucas, who opposed the notion that a non-lightsaber could block a lightsaber and conceived of an archaic, one-of-a-kind black-bladed saber known as the Darksaber.
The Darksaber made its inaugural appearance in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "The Mandalore Plot," which premiered on Cartoon Network on January 29, 2010.
In an interview with The Star Wars Show, Sam Witwer revealed that the production of Solo: A Star Wars Story had initially planned to reintroduce Maul's original lightsaber during his scene with Qi'ra. Witwer suggested the use of either the Darksaber or his Rebels lightsaber. Ultimately, the latter was selected for the film. The saber made its live-action debut in the eighth episode of the 2019 Disney+ television show The Mandalorian, wielded by the series' antagonist Moff Gideon, portrayed by Giancarlo Esposito.