
Tiplee, a Jedi Master of the Mikkian species distinguished by her red skin, served the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order during the tumultuous era of the Clone Wars, operating alongside her twin sister, Tiplar. Both were female. As Jedi Generals within the Grand Army of the Republic, the sisters participated in numerous battles, notably the Battle of Ringo Vinda. It was during this conflict that Tiplar met her death at the hands of clone trooper Tup, whose behavioral modification biochip malfunctioned, prematurely activating Clone Protocol 66. This Sith-engineered command compelled clones to turn against the Jedi, branding them as traitors. Tiplee bore witness to this tragic event.

Tiplar's demise fueled Tiplee's resolve, leading her to amplify her aggressive combat strategies. Later in the war, she joined a Jedi team tasked with investigating the aftermath of a battle on Ord Mantell, a clash between Maul's Shadow Collective and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Teaming up with Obi-Wan Kenobi, Tiplee spearheaded an assault on Vizsla Keep 09, a Mandalorian supply base where Maul was concealed. In the ensuing battle, Count Dooku, the Separatist leader who had allied himself with Maul, ended Tiplee's life.


Ringo Vinda

Tiplar and Tiplee during the Battle of Ringo Vinda

Tiplee, a Force-sensitive individual who lived during the closing years of the Republic Era, was a member of the Jedi Order. Unusually, she remained connected to her birth family through her twin sister, Tiplar. Both sisters ultimately achieved the esteemed rank of Jedi Master. As the Clone Wars erupted, Tiplee and her sister became active combatants against the Confederacy of Independent Systems, holding the rank of Jedi Generals within the Galactic Republic's military force, the Grand Army. They were both accomplished leaders in the Republic Military, fighting against the Separatists' forces. Tiplee and Tiplar sometimes served together, including during the Republic campaign on the planet Ringo Vinda in 19 BBY. There, they joined forces with Clone Commander Doom's unit of clone troopers as part of the effort to seize an orbital space station from the Confederacy. Alongside Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, the two Jedi sisters commanded their clone troopers against the battle droid forces led by Admiral Trench. After a series of battles, the Republic forces successfully captured the station's communication center.

As they prepared to seize the command center, clone trooper Tup suffered an unexpected malfunction in a hidden organic chip implanted in his head. This chip, secretly placed in all clones by the Sith during the cloning process, triggered Clone Protocol 66 prematurely. This caused Tup to experience mental lapses, leaving him agitated and confused. While in a trance, the protocol's command to kill Jedi as traitors activated, and he ambushed Tiplar, fatally shooting her. Tiplee witnessed her sister's murder, which stalled the Republic's advance. The Jedi and Republic forces quickly apprehended Tup and retreated with him and Tiplar's body further back into the station.

Tiplee mourns her twin sister's death

Upon returning to base, Tiplee grieved for her sister while Skywalker interrogated Tup. Tiplee arrived to watch the interrogation, and Tup, still affected by the chip's malfunction, attempted to attack her despite being restrained. Tiplee swiftly used the Force to levitate him, pinning him against the wall until he calmed down. Although she felt anger towards the clone, Skywalker helped her control her emotions and convinced her to release Tup. Later, Tiplee was present in a medical bay during Tup's examination, where he claimed to have no memory of killing Tiplar. The reason for Tup's actions remained unclear, although Tiplee and others suspected the Separatists might have developed an anti-clone virus. With no clear answers, Tup was sent to Kamino, the clones' homeworld, for examination. Tup died on Kamino, but his friend and fellow clone trooper Fives uncovered the Sith plot and the reason for Tiplar's murder. However, Fives was killed before Tiplee and the Jedi could learn the truth about Order 66.

Sith vs Jedi

Having seen her sister's tragic murder, Tiplee resolved to amplify the strength of her aggressive tactics. Later in the war, Tiplee, along with fellow Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, and Aayla Secura was dispatched to investigate the aftermath of a battle on the planet Ord Mantell. This battle was fought between the Shadow Collective, a criminal army led by the rogue Sith Maul, and Separatist forces. The Jedi concluded that Maul, who had captured Separatist leaders Count Dooku and General Grievous, might have taken his prisoners to the nearby Mandalorian outpost Vizsla Keep 09. Kenobi and Tiplee were tasked with investigating the outpost and eliminating any Shadow Collective forces. During their journey, Tiplee expressed concerns that Kenobi might struggle to control his emotions, as Maul had murdered Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore, a close friend of Kenobi. However, Kenobi assured her that he could handle a confrontation with Maul.

Dooku kills Tiplee.

Upon the arrival of their Republic attack cruiser in the asteroid field surrounding the outpost, Kenobi and Tiplee, along with their forces, disembarked. Their gunships were met with Gauntlet fighters from Death Watch, the warrior group that ruled Mandalore and was part of the Shadow Collective. The team fought their way through and attacked the outpost, battling Death Watch resistance. Maul and Dooku, who had formed an alliance, soon joined the fray, leading to a lightsaber duel between the four Force-wielding combatants. Windu and Secura joined the two Jedi.

During the battle, Dooku used the Force to pull Tiplee toward him, fatally stabbing her through the torso with his lightsaber. Meanwhile, Death Watch forces incapacitated Windu and Secura, allowing the two Sith Lords to escape. Kenobi was left to cradle Tiplee's body while ordering the clones to pursue Maul and Dooku.

Personality and traits

Tiplee, wielding her lightsaber

Tiplee was a red-skinned, blue-eyed Force-sensitive Mikkian female who stood at 1.79 meters (5 feet, 10 inches) tall, with a blue [tattoo](/article/tattoo] on her forehead. She had a close bond with her twin sister, Tiplar, who was also a formidable Jedi. After Tiplar's death at Ringo Vinda, Tiplee nearly lost control of her anger, using the Force to pin clone trooper Tup against a wall. With Skywalker's help, Tiplee regained her composure, despite grieving her sister's death.

Tiplar's tragic death motivated Tiplee to intensify her aggressive combat strategies. Tiplee later voiced concerns to Obi-Wan Kenobi, wondering if he could confront Maul, Duchess Kryze's killer, without losing control of his emotions.

Powers and abilities

Tiplee possessed a mastery of the Force, which enabled her to achieve the rank of Jedi Master. Tiplee and Tiplar demonstrated their power during the Battle of Ringo Vinda, using the Force to push shielded droidekas off balance, allowing clone troopers to destroy them. Like Tiplar, Tiplee was a skilled leader and military tactician, leading Commander Doom's forces into battle on Ringo Vinda. Tiplee wielded a blue-bladed lightsaber with proficiency, showcasing her abilities on Ringo Vinda and during the assault on the Mandalorian asteroid outpost. She was also skilled in armed and unarmed combat. However, her abilities were no match for Count Dooku, who used the Force to pull her toward him before killing her with a lightsaber.


Tiplee used a blue-bladed lightsaber in combat. Her apparel consisted of a full-body outfit that was predominantly brown, boots, and a headpiece.

Behind the scenes

Tiplee and Tiplar were based on unused concept art for a female Sith by Iain McCaig.

Tiplee's debut occurred in "The Unknown," the initial episode of the sixth season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, known as The Lost Missions. Both Tiplee and her twin sister, Tiplar, were voiced by Anna Graves. Their appearance was inspired by a concept for a female Sith Lord, designed by Iain McCaig but ultimately unused in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. Tiplee also appeared in the comic book Darth Maul — Son of Dathomir 3, released on July 16, 2014. This comic, written by Jeremy Barlow and illustrated by Juan Frigeri, was based on scripts from unproduced episodes of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars series.

The StarWars.com Databank entry for Tiplee incorrectly states that her and Obi-Wan Kenobi's mission to capture Maul happened on Ord Mantell, not at Vizsla Keep 09. The book Star Wars Jedi Pocket Expert mistakenly identifies Tiplee as a Jedi Knight.

