Ringo Vinda

Ringo Vinda, a planet situated along the Perlemian Trade Route in the galaxy's Mid Rim, was distinguished by a colossal civilian graving dock encircled around it. The Ringo Vindans, a human group with shared cultural traits, communicated using Galactic Basic Standard, marked by a unique tonal quality. Jedi Knight Rael Averross, a native of Ringo Vinda, notably maintained his distinct accent even after spending his formative years on the planet of Coruscant during the later years of the Galactic Republic.

During the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems seized control of Ringo Vinda, prompting an extensive campaign to reclaim the world, which occurred in 19 BBY. However, Republic forces were compelled to retreat from Ringo Vinda following an incident where 501st Legion clone trooper CT-5385, known as "Tup," executed Jedi Master Tiplar. This occurred due to the accidental activation of Protocol 66 within his inhibitor chip, thus leaving the planet under Separatist occupation. The official explanation attributed Tup's aberrant behavior to a parasitic infection native to Ringo Vinda, which supposedly degraded his inhibitor chip. A vaccine was then developed to protect other clones from similar incidents, concealing the true nature of Order 66. This same justification was employed to discredit ARC trooper CT-5555, known as "Fives," who was killed while attempting to expose the truth about the chips to the Jedi.

Following the conclusion of the war, Ringo Vinda came under the dominion of the Galactic Empire. Its space station was repurposed into a vast construction facility dedicated to the production of Imperial-class Star Destroyers for the Imperial Navy.

Behind the scenes

Ringo Vinda made its debut in "The Unknown," the initial episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars' sixth season, a canon animated series. The episode was initially broadcast in Germany on February 15, 2014. Although the planet remained unnamed within the episode, its designation was revealed in the introductory newsreel. The design of the planet was inspired by preliminary concept artwork of Cato Neimoidia, created by Ryan Church during the conceptual design phase of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.

