Mission to Level 1325

Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi General, and his Clone Captain, Rex, embarked on a quest to Level 1325 of Coruscant during the Clone Wars. Their objective was to locate the AWOL ARC trooper Fives, who was a fugitive after being falsely accused of an attempted attack targeting Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. Fives had trapped his superiors using a ray shield and attempted to reveal his knowledge of the inhibitor chips secretly implanted in the clones, their true purpose, and Palpatine's role in the scheme. However, a drug secretly administered to Fives had impaired his mental state, making him appear deranged and causing Skywalker and Rex to dismiss his claims. Shortly after, Clone Commander Fox of the [Coruscant Guard](/article/coruscant_guard] killed Fives. Fox was responding to a report from a probe droid when the agitated ARC trooper made a grab for one of Rex's blaster pistols. Following Fives' death, the Supreme Chancellor attributed his behavior to a supposed parasite from Ringo Vinda, successfully concealing the hidden purpose of the chips from the Jedi Order.


During the Battle of Ringo Vinda, clone trooper Tup unexpectedly assassinated Jedi General Tiplar. This act was the result of a premature activation of Order 66, triggered by a malfunction in Tup's behavioral modification biochip. These chips were installed in all clones to ensure compliance with the order. Tup was returned to Kamino while the Republic and Jedi conducted an investigation. The Kaminoans, aware of the control chips and Order 66, but believing it was a safeguard against rogue Jedi, tried to conceal their existence at the request of Tyranus. Tyranus claimed this was in accordance with the wishes of the late Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, who had originally commissioned the clone army. However, Fives, an ARC trooper and Tup's close friend in the 501st Legion, was determined to discover the cause of the attack and save Tup. He discovered and removed the faulty chip. Although Tup died soon after the chip's removal, Fives was determined to uncover the truth. He ultimately went rogue in Tipoca City with medical droid AZI-3, had his own chip removed, and discovered that all clones possessed them.

Fives went to meet with Chancellor Palpatine to share his revelations.

Fives convinced Shaak Ti, a Jedi Master overseeing clone training on Kamino, to allow him to personally present his case about the chips to the Supreme Chancellor. Nala Se, a Kaminoan doctor, asserted that the chips were only intended to curb the clones' aggression and any inherited instability from their genetic template, Jango Fett. As their shuttle approached Coruscant, the Republic's capital planet, Nala Se secretly administered a drug to Fives designed to amplify his aggression and paranoia. Upon arriving at the [Grand Republic Medical Facility](/article/grand_republic_medical_facility], Fives and Shaak Ti were greeted by Speaker Mas Amedda and [Coruscant Guard](/article/coruscant_guard] troopers before being escorted inside to meet Chancellor Palpatine.

However, Palpatine was secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, the mastermind behind the control chip conspiracy. After asking Shaak Ti to leave, claiming Fives would be more comfortable speaking without her presence, Palpatine, alone with Fives and his loyal shock troopers, revealed the true purpose of the control chips and his involvement before ordering the troopers to kill Fives. Fives defended himself and attempted to assassinate the Chancellor just as Ti burst in, alerted by the sounds of fighting and Palpatine's feigned screams of fear. The Togruta Jedi used the Force to throw Fives away from Palpatine, and Fives escaped with her in pursuit. Despite Shaak Ti's pleas for Fives to stop, the combined effect of Palpatine's revelations and Nala Se's drug caused him to ignore her, fleeing through a closing blast door ahead of the Jedi General.

Fives found Kix to confide in, revealing that he had learned of a conspiracy.

Fives became the target of a manhunt for allegedly attacking the Chancellor without cause. Although the Jedi were not officially requested to assist, the Jedi Council decided to dispatch Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi Knight and Fives' commanding officer, to investigate discreetly, along with his subordinate Rex, a Clone Captain. Fives managed to reach the clone bar 79's, stealing a hat from an intoxicated clone officer outside to conceal his "5" tattoo, the primary identifying mark in the manhunt. Inside, he encountered his friends and fellow 501st Legion members, Kix and Jesse, discovering that the unit had returned to Coruscant. When Kix went to the refresher, Fives followed, seizing the opportunity for privacy to inform Kix that he had been framed and possessed vital information. He provided Kix with coordinates for a meeting location with Skywalker and Rex before departing. Although Fives evaded the attention of the Coruscant Guard troopers who arrived to question the bar's patrons about his whereabouts, a probe droid spotted him leaving on a speeder bike and pursued him.

The Objective

Fives made his way to an abandoned warehouse situated in Level 1325 of the Coruscant Underworld. Increasingly paranoid due to the drug administered by Nala Se, he activated a [ray shield](/article/ray_shield]. Upon receiving the coordinates from Kix, Skywalker and Rex traveled to Level 1325 in an LAAT/le patrol gunship. After positively identifying Fives based on his tattoo, the probe droid alerted Fox, a Clone Commander of the [Coruscant Guard](/article/coruscant_guard], who, after informing the Supreme Chancellor of the discovery, dispatched a squad of shock troopers to the warehouse.

Skywalker and Rex arrived at the warehouse, landed outside, and entered on foot. Once inside, Fives addressed them from a concealed position, demanding they drop their weapons before approaching, citing the need for precautions. Hesitant to relinquish their weapons, Rex eventually agreed to place his blaster pistols on a crate, and the two proceeded forward. Fives then approached his superiors before activating the ray shield and imploring them to listen to him. Skywalker demanded to be released from the shield, arguing that he couldn't assist Fives otherwise, but Fives refused.

Fives attempted to explain his discoveries regarding the control chips and Palpatine's involvement in the conspiracy—a conspiracy to manipulate the clones into performing any action, even killing the Jedi—but his earlier drugging by Nala Se impaired his ability to articulate his thoughts. Skywalker also refused to believe that Palpatine, whom he trusted, was capable of such actions. Meanwhile, Commander Fox and the Coruscant Guard arrived outside and entered the warehouse, ultimately surrounding the area where Fives, Skywalker, and Rex were located. Fox confronted the rogue ARC trooper. In a state of paranoia, Fives reached for Rex's pistols and was fatally shot by Fox. After the Coruscant Guard disabled the ray shield, Rex went to the dying Fives, who stated that he had only sought to fulfill his duty and was relieved that his nightmares were over. Many of the shock troopers removed their helmets and stood around Fives' body.


With both Fives and Tup dead, Palpatine attributed the entire situation to parasites supposedly contracted on the Ringo Vinda space station, announcing that a vaccine would be distributed throughout the Grand Army of the Republic to prevent future incidents. Fives was further discredited by portraying his removal of his "inhibitor" chip as having made him a danger to himself and others. As the removed control chips ended up in the possession of Count Dooku, leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and Palpatine's Sith apprentice—known as "Tyranus" to the Kaminoans—all evidence of the Jedi's intended destruction was concealed from them. The Jedi became aware of the chips' existence but accepted the cover story about their purpose in inhibiting aggression. The Jedi High Council eventually learned of Dooku's involvement in the creation of the clone army but kept it secret, never connecting the Sith interference with the inhibitor chips.

However, the cover-up failed to quell everyone's suspicions. Sometime after the Battle of Anaxes, Kix decided to conduct his own investigation into the deaths of Fives and Tup. He ultimately uncovered more information about Order 66 than Fives had, but also attracted the attention of the Sith. He was captured on Coruscant by Separatist forces under Count Dooku's orders. An attempt to transport him to Serenno for interrogation failed when the ship carrying his cryo-cycle stasis pod, the Obrexta III, deviated from its course after being attacked by Republic forces. The ship eventually crashed on the remote planet Ponemah, where the wreckage would remain undiscovered for decades.

Rex reflects on the lives of his fallen brothers.

Rex, for his part, remained largely skeptical of Fives' claims regarding the purpose of the "inhibitor" chips but couldn't entirely dismiss the theory. Uncertain whether to believe it, he nonetheless filed a confidential grievance report out of loyalty to his friend, reporting the possibility of a hidden purpose for the chips, although he anticipated the report would be ignored. Fives' death continued to affect Rex, who would reminisce about it, as well as the losses of fellow Domino Squad members Hevy and Echo, during the Battle of Anaxes.

Near the conclusion of the Clone Wars, Rex, recently promoted to Commander, was aboard the Venator-class Star Destroyer Tribunal with Ahsoka Tano, Skywalker's former Padawan, having apprehended the renegade Sith Lord Maul during the Siege of Mandalore. Tano and Rex intended to deliver their prisoner to the Jedi Council on Coruscant. On one of the Star Destroyer's bridges, Tano experienced a Force vision of Skywalker's fall to the dark side, orchestrated by Palpatine, but only knew that something terrible had befallen him and immediately sought to inform Rex. Having just received the Order 66 command from Darth Sidious, Rex realized Fives had been correct and managed to resist his control chip long enough to tell Tano to "find Fives" before attacking her. After she escaped the initial attack, Tano, with the assistance of three astromech droids, discovered information about Fives and Rex's grievance report, allowing her to ambush Rex and remove the chip, restoring his free will. This action saved both of their lives, with Tano and Rex escaping the Star Destroyer before it crashed due to damage inflicted by Maul, before going into hiding in the Outer Rim.

In the early Imperial Era, Rex located the Bad Batch, a group of renegade clone commandos who were immune to their control chips, and convinced them to have their chips removed due to the danger they posed. Echo, one of the squad's members, had been close friends with Fives before being presumed dead during the Battle of Lola Sayu. While on Bracca for the surgeries, Rex told Echo that Fives had attempted to warn him about the chips, but he had not understood the warning at the time. Echo agreed that it remained difficult to believe what the chips were capable of, even afterwards.

Rex eventually settled on the planet Seelos with fellow clones Wolffe and Gregor, who had also had their control chips removed. He was reunited with Tano when she dispatched the Spectres to recruit him into the rebellion.

Production Notes

The mission to Level 1325 was first depicted in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars season six episode "Orders."

