
CC-1010, known as Fox, held the position of Clone Commander within the Coruscant Guard during the Clone Wars; he was a clone trooper officer. While Jedi Generals led the Grand Army of the Republic throughout the galaxy, Commander Fox, along with his clone shock troopers, remained stationed on Coruscant, which served as the capital planet for the Galactic Republic. Fox, like all clone troopers under his leadership, was committed to protecting Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine and the members of the Galactic Senate with duty and honor. As the conflict raged, Fox distinguished himself as one of the most decorated soldiers within the Republic Military.

Fox originated from the genetic template of Jango Fett, a human bounty hunter, through the process of cloning. He underwent training on Kamino, an extragalactic world, as part of a massive army of identical soldiers during the concluding years of the Republic Era. Following the First Battle of Geonosis, he was assigned to the Republic capital, where he took charge of the Coruscant Guard. As the Clone Wars continued, Fox's clone guards augmented the Senate Guard to maintain peace on Coruscant. His troops also participated in missions beyond Coruscant by providing security to Jedi ambassadors and senatorial dignitaries.

After Order 66 and the rise of the Galactic Empire, Fox continued to command the Coruscant Guard, serving as an Imperial shock trooper. During the initial days of Emperor Palpatine's reign, Fox established a security zone around the fallen Temple of the Jedi Order while Darth Vader, a Sith Lord, sought to capture Jedi Master Jocasta Nu. Ultimately, Vader executed Fox after the shock troopers mistakenly identified the Sith as a Jedi and attempted to kill him.


Clone Wars

As part of a program to cultivate an army on the planet Kamino, CC-1010, who was known as Fox, was created using the genetic material of Jango Fett through cloning. Around one decade after the clone army was initially created, in 22 BBY, Fox and his comrades were called to action by the Galactic Republic, leading to the formation of the Grand Army of the Republic and the start of the Clone Wars. Fox was stationed on Coruscant and served as commander of the Coruscant Guard, while thousands of clone troopers fought on the front lines under the direction of the Jedi Order. The Guard, under Fox's direction, acted as peacekeepers in the Republic's capital and was also in charge of protecting the Galactic Senate and Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine.

Protecting Coruscant

Commander Fox and the Coruscant Guard raided Ziro's palace to rescue Senator Padmé Amidala.

During the mission to save Rotta, the son of Jabba Desilijic Tiure, Ziro, a Hutt crime lord, took Senator Padmé Amidala prisoner to prevent her from revealing his involvement in Rotta's kidnapping. Commander Fox and a group of clone shock troopers eventually freed her by raiding Ziro's establishment in Galactic City after Amidala's protocol droid C-3PO informed them of the Hutt's unlawful actions. Fox apprehended Ziro after eliminating the security droids. Ziro admitted to betraying Jabba before being transported to prison at the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center.

As a result of Ziro's capture, a crisis occurred on Coruscant when a group of senators were taken hostage by a number of mercenaries, including the bounty hunter Cad Bane. A squad of shock troopers secured the Chancellor's office in the Senate headquarters in response, while Fox and his troops surrounded the detention center to stop Ziro from escaping. Fox was compelled to let the bounty hunters leave with Ziro in order to save Bane's hostages, despite his best efforts.

Fox was fooled by a group of Separatist droids that he referred to as "stupid droids."

A group of modified demolition droids were dispatched in 21 BBY to sabotage the Confederate–Republic peace initiative on Coruscant. At the time, Fox was in charge of guarding the central power distribution grid on Level 5000. The droids used a security clearance code to trick him, which Fox thought was real. The droids were able to complete their mission and destroy the power grid, which caused a city-wide blackout on Coruscant. The Senate rejected the peace proposal as a result of the Confederacy's terrorist attack on the galactic capital, which infuriated them.

Hunting fugitives

Fox and Captain Rex disagreed about Ahsoka Tano as the rogue Padawan fled from the military.

Following the terrorist attack on the Jedi Temple of Coruscant in 19 BBY, Letta Turmond was taken into custody at the Republic Center for Military Operations due to her participation in the incident. Ahsoka Tano, the Jedi Padawan who apprehended the terrorist, went to the facility at Turmond's request, but Commander Fox made her turn over her lightsabers as a safety measure. Even though the clone initially commended Tano for bringing Turmond to justice, he was forced to arrest her after Turmond was strangled to death by way of the Force. Fox was unaware that Barriss Offee, a fallen Jedi whose warped views led her to carry out acts of treachery and terrorism, had murdered Turmond. Offee further tarnished the reputation of her imprisoned comrade by using her lightsaber to murder three clone officers, leading Fox to believe that Tano was to blame. Fox dispatched the Coruscant Guard alongside Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and Clone Captain CT-7567 "Rex" in response to Tano's escape attempt as they pursued the Jedi escapee.

Fox was instructed to hunt down another fugitive, Fives, an ARC trooper from the 501st Legion, following the incident with Tano, whose innocence was established after Skywalker disrupted her trial to expose Offee as the true traitor. Fives had fled the Grand Republic Medical Facility after attempting to assassinate Chancellor Palpatine upon learning of his involvement in a scheme to destroy the Jedi Order. Fox and a contingent of clone shock troopers tracked the renegade clone to Level 1325 and demanded that Fives surrender. The ARC trooper, in his panic and desperation, pointed a blaster pistol at the approaching guards, but Fox opened fire, killing Fives with a shot to the chest.

Order 66

Fox and his fellow clones took part in the execution of Order 66 on Coruscant during the opening phase of the Great Jedi Purge. Chancellor Palpatine had accused the Jedi Order of treason; as a result, the clone troopers, who had previously served them, marked them for death. In the end, Fox and his soldiers were successful in carrying out their orders to purge the capital of its Jedi population, with a number of Coruscant Guard shock troopers engaging Jedi Master Kelleran Beq and Royal Naboo Security Forces on a landing platform.

Imperial service and death

Fox had the Jedi Temple surrounded by the Coruscant Guard, in accordance with Darth Vader's instructions.

After Palpatine declared himself Emperor and transformed the Republic into the Galactic Empire, the Coruscant Guard remained under Commander Fox's command. In the early years of the New Order, Fox and his soldiers came across Jedi Master Jocasta Nu, the Jedi Temple's Chief Librarian, who used the Force to influence the clones in order to get past them safely. Fox encircled the Jedi Order's former home with two full companies of Imperial clone shock troopers after Nu infiltrated the Temple, with the Coruscant Security Force providing additional support. He gave Darth Vader, the Emperor's apprentice and Sith Lord, the assurance that the Temple's perimeter was secure.

Fox's soldiers mistook the Sith for a Jedi due to his lightsaber and opened fire on him during Nu's attempted escape. Fox immediately ordered them to stop their attack when he realized who they were shooting at. Fox was summarily executed for failing to give the clones a description of Vader, despite his attempts to explain his actions. The Dark Lord of the Sith used telekinesis to break the clone's neck, bringing Commander Fox's life to an end.

Personality and traits

Bound by his sense of duty to the Republic, Fox arrested Ahsoka Tano as a suspect in the murder of Letta Turmond.

Commander Fox was a male human clone who measured 1.83 meters in height, a physical characteristic he inherited from his template, Jango Fett. He was also a brave soldier who led the Coruscant Guard's elite shock troopers into battle, always being the first to charge. Fox, like the rest of the Guard, had a strong feeling of duty and honor that drove him to loyally serve and protect the Galactic Senate and the Supreme Chancellor, the Republic's highest governing body. His outstanding service earned him the distinction of being one of the Grand Army of the Republic's most decorated soldiers.

Fox, like his clone brethren, was fiercely devoted to the Galactic Republic and had little patience for criminals like Letta Turmond, the terrorist. Fox declared that he did not personally blame Ahsoka Tano when Turmond passed away in her cell, but he nevertheless detained her as a suspect in Turmond's murder. He later gave his guards the order to kill Tano without hesitation, believing she was to blame for the deaths of several clones during her escape, but he reluctantly followed Anakin Skywalker's instructions to take the Padawan alive. Fox demanded that Fives give himself up when he and his soldiers confronted him. Fox ultimately opened fire on Fives after the clone pointed a blaster at him.

Fox was devoted to the Galactic Empire, the Republic's successor, and he went on to lead the Coruscant Guard in the name of Emperor Palpatine, who styled himself as such. He, like the other clones, was complicit in the execution of Order 66, which he saw as his obligation to carry out. Fox regarded the Jedi as "agitators" and enemies of the state because he thought the Jedi Order was to blame for inciting a rebellion in the capital. Even though he didn't mean to hurt Darth Vader, he didn't warn his guards against mistaking the Sith Lord for a Jedi. This oversight on Fox's part ultimately proved fatal for the commander.


Fox wore a customized version of the Phase II clone trooper armor.

Commander Fox wore the standard Phase I clone trooper armor as a clone soldier in the Clone Wars' early stages, but with the crimson markings and original pattern design of the Coruscant Guard. Fox wore a kama and a customized helmet similar to that worn by Cody of the 212th Attack Battalion in addition to his armor.

Fox switched to the upgraded version with his unit when Phase II clone trooper armor was introduced. His new armor was primarily red in color, which is actually the standard clone shock troopers' kit's inverted color scheme. His weapons included a pair of DC-17 hand blasters and the standard DC-15A blaster rifle.

Fox kept his distinctive armor as the Republic changed into the Galactic Empire, though he noticeably took off the Coruscant Guard insignia from his shoulder pauldrons.

Behind the scenes

Dee Bradley Baker voiced CC-1010, who made his debut in the 2008 Star Wars: The Clone Wars film. The lower half of his chest armor and kneepads are mistakenly shown as white in the 2021 non-canon video game LEGO Star Wars Battles, despite the fact that both are canonically red. This same erroneous design is used in the 2023 LEGO Star Wars: The Clone Wars set 75354 Coruscant Guard Gunship.

