The Royal Naboo Security Forces (RNSF), also known by such names as the Naboo Royal Guards, the Naboo Royal Security Forces, the Royal Security Forces, or the Volunteer Security Forces, functioned as the corps tasked with policing the planet Naboo. Their responsibilities also included safeguarding its monarch alongside the people of Naboo.
Although largely composed of volunteers, the Security Forces received training in both hand-to-hand combat and proficiency with firearms. They were also trained to respond to threats, including assassination attempts targeting the Naboo monarch. It is important to note that the Security Forces were primarily a policing body, and not organized or trained as a conventional standing army. The Security Forces were comprised of three distinct divisions: the Naboo Palace Guard, the Security Guard, and the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps.
During the Invasion of Naboo, the Security Forces, commanded by Captain Panaka, found themselves overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of the Trade Federation's droid army. Aided by the Jedi, they successfully evacuated Queen Padmé Amidala aboard her Naboo Royal Starship, which was piloted by the experienced Fighter Corps member, Ric Olié. Later, during the Battle of Naboo, the Security Forces, alongside the Jedi and the indigenous Gungans, successfully liberated their homeworld. The Security Forces saw an overall expansion during Amidala's reign as Queen; although she was largely a pacifist, she recognized the necessity of a strong security presence, and Panaka was dedicated to ensuring the safety of both the planet and its monarch, particularly in the aftermath of the invasion.
Following Amidala's transition to the role of Senator, she continued to be protected by a Security Forces detail, now under the leadership of Captain Gregar Typho. As they returned to [Coruscant](/article/coruscant], Typho cleverly used a decoy to disguise her identity. His concerns proved valid when their shuttle was attacked, resulting in the death of several guards, although Amidala herself survived the assault. Several members of the Forces sacrificed their lives to assist Jedi Master Kelleran Beq in his daring rescue of Grogu during the chaotic events of Operation: Knightfall.
Under the reign of Queen Sanandrassa, the security forces were led by Captain Quarsh Panaka until Padmé Amidala was elected. During the Blockade orchestrated by the Trade Federation, the security forces were outmatched by the overwhelming power of the Trade Federation Droid Army. Despite this, Panaka and his team managed to escape Naboo with Amidala and Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, eventually reaching Tatooine and then Coruscant. Those security forces who remained on Naboo formed a resistance movement. When Amidala returned to Naboo, the security forces, aided by the Gungans who diverted the main droid army, played a crucial role in capturing Viceroy Nute Gunray. Later, the security forces participated in a celebratory parade, marking the joint victory of Naboo and the Gungans over the Trade Federation.