The Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps, which is also referred to as the Royal Naboo Starfighter Corps or Royal Space Fighter Corps (RSFC), constituted one of the three branches of the Royal Naboo Security Forces. This division, headed by Captain Quarsh Panaka, held the duty of safeguarding the space and atmosphere encircling the planet Naboo. Ric Olié, a seasoned veteran of the Space Fighter Corps, served as the organization's commander, the leader of Bravo Squadron, and also functioned as a pilot for the Naboo Monarch's Royal Starship. In the course of the Battle of Naboo, the Space Fighter Corps confronted the Trade Federation, eventually overcoming them thanks to assistance from Anakin Skywalker.
The primary starfighter utilized by the Fighter Corps' fleet was the N-1 starfighter. This particular vessel, which combined practicality with aesthetics, proved to be both visually striking and highly efficient.