
Cordé, previously known as Cordyn, functioned as a handmaiden in service to Senator Padmé Amidala during the period leading up to the Clone Wars. She met her death while impersonating Amidala as a decoy in an attempt on the senator's life, orchestrated by the Clawdite bounty hunter Zam Wesell.


Cordyn was a human female who was born on the planet of Naboo. She had a sister who worked in the jewelry business. Back in 32 BBY, Cordyn was among the girls considered by Captain Quarsh Panaka of the Royal Naboo Security Forces when he sought additional handmaidens for Padmé Amidala, the newly-elected Queen of Naboo. Rabene Tonsort was also considered. Cordyn bore a striking resemblance to Amidala; however, Panaka dismissed her because her hand-eye coordination was not good enough to use a blaster or other combat methods.

Four years later, after Amidala had completed her two terms as monarch, Queen Réillata requested that she become the Senator representing the Chommell sector in the Galactic Senate. She determined that she required more handmaidens to serve as decoys. Rabé suggested Cordyn, noting that her resemblance to the senator would make her an excellent decoy, regardless of her lack of fighting ability. Saché located Cordyn on Amidala's behalf, and she eventually agreed to take on the role, adopting the name Cordé. Amidala also recruited two other handmaidens, Versé and Dormé.

In the days just prior to the outbreak of the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], Amidala traveled back to Coruscant, the galactic capital, to participate in a vote concerning the creation of a Republic army in response to the Separatist Crisis.

Cordé moments before her death

Cordé acted as Amidala's decoy under the instructions of Captain Typho, Amidala's chief of security. She traveled on the senator's ship, pretending to be Amidala, while the senator disguised herself and piloted a Naboo starfighter. Upon landing, Cordé and her entourage descended the ramp, only to be caught in an explosion that destroyed the ship and killed her and six other individuals, including Versé. Zam Wesell, a bounty hunter hired by Jango Fett to assassinate the senator, had set up the explosion.

Amidala rushed to Cordé's side as she lay dying. Cordé used her final words to apologize for failing her mistress, but Amidala insisted that she had not.


Shortly after Cordé's passing, her fellow handmaiden Sabé took Amidala's place in the senate while Amidala was away on a mission. When Sabé went to a soirée at Cantham House hosted by Bail Organa, the bodice of her dress was held together with pins made by Cordé: invisible and completely secure. Sabé then said the pins were 'very clever' because even though she had just watched Dormé put the pins in, she was unable to find them. Dormé then said that Cordé's entire family was very talented before her voice broke. Later, Amidala privately mourned Cordé with Duja, another of her handmaidens, shedding tears for her.

Personality and traits

Cordé had brown hair, brown eyes, and fair skin. She was regarded as the closest physical match to Padmé Amidala, despite being a bit taller.

Skills and abilities

Cordé could replicate Amidala's voice so perfectly that even a voice identifier could not distinguish between them. However, her hand-eye coordination was poor, which limited her combat abilities, especially with a blaster.

Behind the scenes

Natalie Portman played Cordé inside the cruiser and as she walked down the entry ramp, a stunt actress took her place during the explosion, and Veronica Segura played her during her death scene.

