
Dormé, previously known as Dorra, was a human female handmaiden who served Senator Padmé Amidala throughout both the Separatist Crisis and the Clone Wars. She held the position of Amidala's most trusted aide and confidante.

As the war neared its end, Dormé joined Amidala and Moteé on a diplomatic journey to the planet Clabron. Upon their arrival, an assassin laid in wait for them, resulting in Moteé striking him on the shoulder. They sought refuge inside the building, where Amidala successfully negotiated an agreement with the new minister. Subsequently, they turned the tables and captured the assassin, enabling their return to Coruscant.

Following Amidala's passing, Dormé became a member of the Amidalans, a group named to honor the deceased senator.


Early life

Dorra underwent security forces training alongside Gregar Typho. However, she remained at the Academy to complete a specialized handmaiden training program. When Padmé Amidala concluded her reign as queen of Naboo and she took on the role of representing Naboo in the Galactic Senate, Typho put forward Dorra as a potential handmaiden. Her role among the handmaidens was that of wardrobe mistress.

Separatist Crisis

Dormé served Amidala when she began serving as the senator for Naboo.

Dormé accompanied Amidala on her trip to Coruscant to participate in the Senate vote on the Military Creation Act. This act proposed the establishment of an army for the Galactic Republic to oppose the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Amidala enlisted another handmaiden, Cordé, to act as a decoy. However, Amidala's ship suffered an attack from the bounty hunter Zam Wesell, resulting in the deaths of Cordé and others. Dormé accompanied Amidala when she joined the Loyalist Committee to discuss the assassination attempt with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. During this discussion, Palpatine suggested Amidala should seek refuge on Naboo, despite her objections. Palpatine then attempted to appease Amidala by assigning Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker, both of whom Amidala knew, as her protectors.

Later, Dormé was present when Amidala was reunited with Kenobi and Skywalker, with Skywalker vowing to find the person trying to kill Amidala. Following another attempt on Amidala's life, Dormé rushed into Amidala's room to check on her well-being, while Kenobi and Skywalker pursued the assassin. Consequently, the Jedi Council and Senate agreed that Amidala would be safer on Naboo. Subsequently, Amidala, Dormé, Skywalker, Kenobi, and Typho boarded a transport to a spaceport, where Skywalker and Amidala would travel back to Naboo disguised as refugees. When Amidala mentioned her departure and Typho's protection of Dormé, Dormé assured Amidala that she would be safe with him. Seeing a tear from Dormé, Amidala reassured her that she would be fine. Dormé then expressed her concern that the killer would discover Amidala's departure from Coruscant, to which Amidala responded that her Jedi protector would have to prove his worth.

With Amidala away, she assisted in the Galactic Senate by managing Naboo's affairs. Shortly after, the Military Creation Act was approved, marking the beginning of the Clone Wars.

Clone Wars

In 21 BBY, she was unable to be with Amidala during her negotiations with the Arthurian delegates as she had to return to Naboo due to family matters.

Later, Amidala asked Ahsoka Tano for her help in her place. When she mentioned that she had other security, she said that Typho would be present, but Dormé would not. She clarified that despite having other handmaidens, she specifically wanted Tano. Tano agreed and ultimately saved Amidala's life when Cato Parasitti attempted to assassinate her.

Dormé went with Amidala to Clabron.

Dormé later accompanied Amidala on a mission to the planet Clabron. She was initially responsible for piloting Amidala's starship to their destination, but the Senator insisted on taking over, explaining that she wanted to avoid any accountability for her handmaidens if the mission went wrong. Dormé then joined Moteé in the cabin, where her counterpart inquired if she knew about the relationship between Amidala and Skywalker. Dormé commented that the Senator and Jedi Knight were not subtle, which she suspected was why they got along so well before reminding Moteé of their duty to keep Amidala's confidence.

The trio were attack by an assassin.

Upon their arrival, Amidala observed that the landing platform was deserted. A shadowy figure hidden behind a door warned the three Naboo to leave, before Moteé was shot in the shoulder. Dormé provided cover fire so Amidala could move Moteé, but was annoyed when the Senator went towards the door instead of the ship. Rejoining her companions, Dormé accused the figure, Second Minister Tarmin, of involvement in the ambush, which he denied. Amidala then persuaded Tarmin to allow them inside to treat Moteé's wounds, where she then spoke with a mortally wounded Grand Minister Stin. Later, Dormé and Moteé escorted a disguised Tarmin as Amidala's decoy back to their ship, while the Senator ambushed the Frenk assassin, Lis Mohles. Dormé then personally dragged Mohles up the boarding ramp to bring her back to face Republic justice.

The Imperial era

In 19 BBY, Amidala passed away on Polis Massa, two days after the creation of the Galactic Empire, when Palpatine declared himself emperor, and gave birth to her twin children Luke and Leia Amidala Skywalker. Luke was taken in by his aunt and uncle Beru and Owen Lars, while Leia was adopted by Amidala's friend and colleague Senator Bail Organa and his wife Queen Breha Organa of Alderaan.

Amidala's funeral was held in Naboo's capital city, Theed, and was attended by thousands of mourners, as well as Amidala's family and several of her former handmaidens. The birth of Amidala's children was kept secret, and she was made to appear pregnant at her funeral by her mortician Commodex Tahn using a hologram. Publicly, Amidala's death was attributed to the supposed Jedi Rebellion that had triggered Order 66, which led to the execution of the Jedi by the Republic's clone troopers.

Dormé joined the Amidalans to avenge Amidala and Skywalker

Later, Amidala's former handmaiden Sabé, Captains Tonra and Gregar Typho of the Royal Naboo Security Forces, along with others loyal to Amidala, gathered in her Coruscant apartment and vowed to find and kill the person responsible for her death. This led to the formation of a resistance group known as the Amidalans, of which Dormé was a member, along with several other of Amidala's former handmaidens such as Sabé, Saché, Eirtaé, and Rabé, who served Amidala during her time as queen.

Personality and traits

Dormé possessed brown hair, brown eyes, and light skin. She was deeply devoted to Amidala. During the Separatist Crisis, as she was about to part ways with Amidala, she expressed her concern for Amidala's safety and rushed to her side after a second assassination attempt by the assassin Zam Wesell.

Dormé was also talented at wood carving, a skill she had learned from her great grandmother. Amidala's father, Ruwee Naberrie, praised her skill, claiming it was the best he had seen in a long time, leading his eldest daughter, Sola, to jokingly suggest that her father adopt Dormé.


Dormé typically wore a gray tailored dress and coat.

Behind the scenes

Dormé was played by Australian actress Rose Byrne in the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, the second film in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Although not actually shown in the film, Dormé was scripted to have quietly laughed during Anakin Skywalker's frustrated outburst while Padmé Amidala packed to leave Coruscant.

