Cato Parasitti was a bounty hunter of the Clawdite species, and of the female gender. During the time of the Clone Wars, Cad Bane employed her services for the purpose of stealing a highly sought-after holocron from within the archives located at the Jedi Temple. She achieved this objective by skillfully impersonating the deceased Jedi Knight known as Ord Enisence, and subsequently, Jocasta Nu. Despite the mission being carried out successfully, Parasitti was ultimately apprehended and subsequently imprisoned.

During the period of the Clone Wars, Cato Parasitti was recruited by the bounty hunter Cad Bane to aid in the theft of a Holocron from the Jedi Temple for Sith Lord Darth Sidious. Utilizing Todo 360's security chip for the temple, alongside schematics of the temple provided by the Sith Lord, Bane and Parasitti formulated their strategy for the heist. Bane instructed Parasitti to assume the identity of the recently deceased Jedi Knight Ord Enisence, in order to infiltrate the Jedi Archives and provide assistance from within.

While disguised as Enisence, Parasitti successfully gained entry into the Jedi archives. Inside, she encountered Padawan Ahsoka Tano and, after a brief exchange, instructed the young Padawan to leave her undisturbed. She then proceeded to the library, where she accessed a computer terminal and assisted Bane and Todo in circumventing the security systems. However, their activities were soon detected, and the Jedi Temple was placed on high alert. When librarian Jocasta Nu informed her of the situation, Parasitti incapacitated her and assumed her appearance. However, it wasn't long before her true identity was discovered, leading to a confrontation with Tano. Despite her attempts to defend herself, Tano managed to subdue her. It was at this point that Parasitti revealed Bane's intention to infiltrate the Holocron Vault. Following Kenobi and Skywalker's failure to prevent Bane from stealing the holocron, Parasitti disclosed Bane's subsequent target: Jedi Master Bolla Ropal. Eventually, Parasitti managed to escape from Jedi custody.

At a later point, Parasitti made an attempt to sabotage negotiations with Arthurian delegates that were taking place in Padmé Amidala's apartment by planning to bomb the reception area. She took on the disguise of Karté, who was one of Senator Amidala's handmaidens, and concealed a thermal detonator underneath a table. However, she inadvertently made a mistake by setting the table with utensils, which the Arthurians never use. This detail was noticed by Ahsoka Tano, who was present for security purposes. Parasitti tried to assassinate Amidala by activating the detonator, but her plan was quickly thwarted through the combined efforts of Ahsoka and Amidala. The explosive detonated harmlessly in the air above the balcony of the apartment. As Parasitti attempted to flee, she was stopped by the Senator, who struck her in the head with a piece of pottery, causing her to lose consciousness.
In 20 BBY, she was seen at Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina located on the planet Tatooine.

Cato Parasitti, a Clawdite female bounty hunter, stood at a height of 1.79 meters, equivalent to 5 feet and 10 inches. She possessed [yellow](/article/color] eyes and green-colored skin. During her collaboration with Cad Bane, she initially shared Bane's skepticism regarding the feasibility of infiltrating the Jedi Temple. However, she eventually seized the opportunity to disguise herself as a Jedi, impersonating both Ord Enisence and Jocasta Nu.
Cato Parasitti's inherent Clawdite biology granted her exceptional shape-shifting abilities, enabling her to effectively impersonate Ord Enisence and, subsequently, the Chief Librarian and archivist Jocasta Nu. Furthermore, she exhibited remarkable agility and excelled in infiltration, surveillance, armed and unarmed combat, and data slicing.
Cato Parasitti donned a suit that replicated the attire of the individuals she transformed into. Additionally, she carried a long-barreled blaster rifle.
In Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Cato Parasitti's voice was provided by Gwendoline Yeo, while Gina Torres lent her voice to the character in Star Wars Forces of Destiny.