The residence of Padmé refers to the living quarters on Coruscant where Padmé Amidala resided. She took up this apartment after her time serving as Queen of Naboo had ended, transitioning to her role as the planet's representative within the Galactic Senate. This apartment was situated within a secure, multi-story Senate apartment complex located in the prestigious Federal District. This building was one of many housing the diplomatic personnel from the numerous star systems holding representation in the Senate. While luxurious by most measures and perched atop an impressive building, it was relatively humble compared to the residences of many other senators, lacking some of the more sophisticated security systems.

During the time of the Separatist Crisis, Amidala became the target of several assassination attempts. The final of these attempts involved Zam Wesell successfully smuggling a pair of poisonous kouhuns into her sleeping chamber. These creatures were subsequently killed by Anakin Skywalker, one of her Jedi bodyguards. After Obi-Wan Kenobi, her other Jedi protector (a Jedi Knight), shattered one of her windows while pursuing the ASN-121 assassin droid responsible for deploying the kouhuns, Mick, an window installer droid, was sent to install a new viewport. Simultaneously, Buffy, the CLE-004 window cleaning droid, was tasked with cleaning up the remnants of the incident.
Following the First Battle of Geonosis, Skywalker and Amidala were joined in marriage on Naboo. The Clone Wars forced a separation between the two, with Amidala continuing her service as a senator on Coruscant, while Skywalker served as a Jedi General commanding the Grand Army of the Republic in the conflict. After completing a tour of duty, Skywalker came back to Coruscant and entered the apartment carrying dinner for himself and Amidala. C-3PO, their protocol droid, greeted him, and he and Amidala enjoyed a joyful reunion. Upon entering, he called the apartment "home," and Amidala agreed, stating that there was no other appropriate term. They then spent the evening together.
The apartment served as one of the meeting locations for the Delegation of 2,000, a group of senators, including Amidala, who were conspiring to remove Sheev Palpatine, the Supreme Chancellor, from his position of power.
After Amidala's death and Anakin Skywalker's transformation into Darth Vader, the senator's apartment was locked down, with a large, three-dimensional image of her face blocking the entry. Many years later, not long after his duel with Luke Skywalker, his estranged son, on Cloud City, Vader forced entry into the apartment, accompanied by ZED-6-7, a forensics droid.