A Senate apartment complex in Coruscant's Senate District housed Padmé's Apartment, the living quarters of Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo while she served in the Galactic Senate. This luxurious apartment building, a secure and prestigious location, was situated in an affluent area close to the Galactic Senate Building, and was one of numerous residences for diplomatic personnel representing the countless star systems within the Senate. A parking area existed on a balcony several stories beneath Padmé's residence; Simon Greyshade, a Senator, parked his XJ-6 airspeeder there. Following the incident where Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi shattered a window in Amidala's apartment while chasing those responsible for the plot to assassinate Senator Amidala, droids named Buffy and Mick were sent to fix the broken window and tidy the area.