A poison cocktail. was crafted using Bunta tree leaves.
Poison was a harmful material employed to disable or bring about death to a subject.
Tan Divo, a police inspector, noted during a homicide investigation that politicians favored poison as their method of choice for killing. As it happened, Senator Onaconda Farr was assassinated by his aide, Lolo Purs, through the use of a poison specific to Rodians.
A well-known poison that existed in gas form was Dioxis.
Antivenin, also referred to as antivenom, was a substance that could be used to treat poisons and venoms. Antivenin had the ability to treat stings inflicted by bluebarb wasps. Shriv Suurgav, a Duros, received an antivenin dose from a medic in his youth to address the bluebarb wasp stings he had on his face. He received such a large dose of the medication that he had the sensation of his face melting.