Lolo Purs, a Rodian female who engaged in politics, held the roles of senatorial aide and [politician](/article/politics]. During the Clone Wars, she committed assassinations against Senators Onaconda Farr and Mee Deechi. Purs, once a protégé of Farr, served as the planet Rodia's Junior Representative within the Galactic Republic Senate under his guidance. During the Clone Wars, they collaborated with a group that included Bail Organa from Alderaan, Padmé Amidala from Naboo, and Mon Mothma from Chandrila. Purs, similar to Farr, advocated for a peaceful resolution to the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Despite her advocacy for peace, Purs became infamous for perpetrating a sequence of significant political assassinations and attempted murders.
In the early stages of the war, Farr, driven by Rodia's widespread famine, entered into a trade agreement with the Separatists; however, he later severed these connections upon recognizing his error. Purs, convinced that Farr was too feeble to maintain leadership and had compromised Rodia's honor, plotted his demise. Although she successfully poisoned him, criminal investigations began to focus on Purs. In an attempt to conceal her actions, she made attempts on the lives of Organa and Amidala, and subsequently fatally stabbed militarist senator Mee Deechi, leading to his death. Purs nearly succeeded in shifting the blame onto Senator Halle Burtoni, a political and ideological adversary of the deceased Farr, but her scheme was uncovered, resulting in her prompt arrest.
Hailing from the Outer Rim planet Rodia, the ancestral homeworld of the Rodian species, Lolo Purs began her journey. Rodia's membership in the Galactic Republic for almost fifteen millennia had instilled in its people a profound and enduring dedication to the Republic and its system of democratic governance. From her early years, Purs held a deep affection for the Republic and the advantages it had bestowed upon her people, which fueled her singular ambition to pursue a career in politics. She secured the backing of Onaconda Farr, a highly influential senator representing Rodia and the broader Savareen sector in the Republic Senate on Coruscant, who would serve as her sponsor in her budding political endeavors. Purs joined her mentor on Coruscant as an assistant, sharing responsibilities with individuals such as Pa Dua, Tox Don, and Silood. Under the guidance of Senator Farr, Purs eventually attained the position of Junior Representative, a nonvoting role within the delegation that allowed her to represent the people of Rodia while continuing to assist Farr.

In 22 BBY, following a prolonged Secessionist Crisis spanning several years, the Republic became embroiled in open conflict with its breakaway state, the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Shortly after the commencement of the Clone Wars, Rodia was confronted with widespread famine as a consequence of the Confederacy-aligned Trade Federation's withdrawal from the system. Separatist-sponsored pirate attacks and the resulting scarcity of supplies plunged Rodian leadership into disarray. Despite Senator Farr's aspiration to secure assistance from the Republic, Republic officials failed to provide relief to the Rodians, and efforts by another of Farr's protégés, Senator Padmé Amidala of the Chommell sector, to obtain aid through the Senate were unsuccessful. Representative Purs, a steadfast advocate for the Republic's democratic principles despite its inherent shortcomings, expressed dismay when Senator Farr, in a desperate move, entered into a contract with Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray, agreeing to Gunray's terms, which included aligning Rodia with the Separatist cause in exchange for desperately needed provisions.
Farr's alliance with the Confederacy proved to be short-lived, as he swiftly recognized his errors and later, with Amidala's assistance, apprehended Viceroy Gunray. Despite his reintegration into the Republic, Farr's political standing on Rodia began to wane, and Purs was among those who harbored doubts about him. Purs was of the opinion that Farr had betrayed her people and had brought the Clone Wars to Rodia. While privately critical of Farr's continued leadership role in Rodia, Purs publicly supported him upon his return to the Senate. Collaborating with Farr's longtime allies, including Senators Amidala, Bail Organa of Alderaan, and Mon Mothma of Chandrila, Purs joined the faction's efforts to achieve a peaceful and diplomatic resolution to the war. Despite the erosion of Rodian support for Farr, he maintained his influence and emerged as a prominent anti-war advocate within the Senate, alongside his faction. However, despite her continued agreement with his positions, Purs became resolute in her determination to see her mentor relinquish his leadership position.

As 21 BBY drew to a close, Lolo Purs maintained her collaboration with Senator Farr, all the while devising strategies to remove him from his position as a leader in the anti-war movement. During that period, Farr was actively engaged in initiatives spearheaded by Amidala and Organa to orchestrate a Confederate–Republic peace initiative in conjunction with Separatist senator Mina Bonteri. However, the proposal ultimately collapsed when a Confederate strike team detonated Coruscant's central power distribution grid, and Bonteri was allegedly killed in a Republic attack. In the aftermath of these events, the Senate cast a vote to deregulate the InterGalactic Banking Clan with the aim of facilitating new lines of credits, and Senator Halle Burtoni of Kamino introduced a new bill that sought to authorize the procurement of an additional five million clone soldiers for the Republic Military. Despite her concealed motives, Purs lent her support to Farr and his allies in their opposition to the bill, a stance that rendered Farr, Amidala, and Organa vulnerable to threats. Farr was the first to endure physical assault as a consequence of his opposition, resulting in an arm injury.
Purs was in Farr's company when he returned to the Senate with his arm bandaged, and they convened with Organa and Amidala while the latter two endeavored to lobby fellow senators to vote against Burtoni's appropriations bill. Despite Amidala's apprehension, Farr affirmed his unwavering commitment to his opposition. Subsequently, when Organa was hospitalized due to injuries sustained in an altercation with the same assailants who had targeted Farr, Amidala stepped in to take his place and delivered a speech before the Senate in opposition to the bill. Purs and Farr observed as Amidala delivered a speech that defended the social services that would experience further defunding as a result of increased military spending, a speech that both Rodians enthusiastically applauded. Although Amidala's speech was favorably received, it proved insufficient to prevent the passage of Burtoni's bill. In the hope of preventing the bill from ever taking effect, Amidala and Farr introduced counter-legislation that aimed to reduce the Republic's military budget.

To Purs' dismay, Farr emerged as a leading advocate for the bill and was credited with successfully persuading a considerable number of senators to support the anti-war faction's motion. Convinced that Farr's past treason had been largely overlooked and concerned that he lacked the strength to stand against the Clone Wars, Purs resolved to take decisive action. On the night preceding Amidala's scheduled delivery of another speech in the Senate chamber, Purs enticed Farr into a secret rendezvous at the docks beneath the derrick major. Disguising herself to conceal her identity, Purs attempted to intimidate Farr into retirement during their meeting, but this tactic proved unsuccessful, leaving Farr undeterred. Despite the threat Purs had posed to him, Farr refrained from disclosing the details of their meeting at the docks to anyone, and Purs resolved to personally remove him from his leadership position. The following day, Representative Purs joined Farr, Mothma, and Amidala in the latter's office as they prepared for the upcoming session.
Following a meeting with the Mandalorian ruler, Duchess Satine Kryze, an ally of both Farr and Amidala, Amidala received a communication from Senator Stonk. While Stonk expressed openness to cuts in military funding, he informed the faction that he would abstain from voting for the bill due to concerns about public sentiment. Purs voiced her displeasure with Stonk's decision, asserting that merely expressing "sorrow" for not voting in favor of the bill would not garner them any additional votes. In contrast, Farr calmly poured himself some wine and asserted that Amidala's speech would sway more senators to their cause. Purs remarked in Rodian that Farr was the most influential figure on Rodia, a compliment that made her mentor uneasy, as he responded that his sole objective was to achieve peace. Shortly thereafter, Senator Organa arrived and informed the group that the Senate had convened and was awaiting Amidala's address. Purs, Farr, and Organa accompanied Amidala to her repulsorpod before proceeding to their respective seats.

Padmé's address garnered a positive reception, and the anti-war leaders subsequently celebrated in her office. Purs had resolved to assassinate Farr that very day and had laced Amidala's wine with a poison specifically formulated to affect Rodians. However, as they toasted the success of their bill, they were interrupted by Senator Burtoni, a staunch opponent of Amidala and Farr's positions. When Burtoni accused the group of engaging in a Separatist conspiracy, Purs responded with an angry retort, and Amidala reiterated the faction's commitment to diplomacy, which Burtoni ridiculed. Burtoni's petulance irritated Farr, who intervened and confronted the Kaminoan, prompting her to leave the room, but not before issuing a warning that the war would not conclude anytime soon. Following Burtoni's departure, Farr poured himself more of the poisoned wine, and Organa concluded their toast. Purs abstained from drinking, and mere moments later, Farr complained of chest pain before collapsing to the ground.
Purs observed as Amidala and Organa rushed to assist Farr, but he had already succumbed to death. Subsequently, a small funeral service was conducted on a landing platform within Coruscant's atmosphere. Purs positioned herself near Duchess Satine and her Protectors during the memorial, feigning sorrow at her mentor's passing. Purs watched as her colleague Silood delivered a brief eulogy for the late Farr, after which the casket was loaded onto a shuttle as a detachment of Senate Guards performed an arms salute. As the shuttle departed, Purs acted distressed and began to weep, a display that Senator Amidala noticed. Purs remarked to Amidala that she was uncertain how to proceed without Farr's guidance, and Amidala responded that no one could ever fill his void. As Padmé embraced Lolo, a Senate Guard approached the two and informed them that Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, the executive of the Republic, had summoned them to his chambers.

Upon Purs and Amidala's arrival at the Chancellor's office within the Senate Office Building, they observed that Organa and Mothma had also been summoned, and they were joined by Senator Orn Free Taa of Ryloth, Senate Vice Chair Mas Amedda, and Chancellor Palpatine. Upon noticing a contingent of Coruscant Security Force [droid police](/article/gu-series_guardian_police_droid], Amidala inquired about the situation. Palpatine introduced her and Purs to Lieutenant Inspector Tan Divo, who had questions concerning Farr's death. Divo disclosed that a CSF-ordered autopsy of Farr's body had revealed the presence of poison in his bloodstream, and Divo's investigation had led him to suspect foul play. Purs feigned shock at his discovery and insisted that no one had wished Farr dead. Divo countered that Purs' assertion was untrue, given Farr's demise, but Organa interjected in support of Purs and stated that he, Purs, Amidala, and Mothma required time to process the sudden news. Amidala dismissed Divo's hypothesis that Farr had been killed for attempting to maintain a secret and suggested that his death was linked to the bill under consideration in the Senate.
Following his brief inquiry into the late Farr's allies, Divo departed the Chancellor's office, and Purs, Amidala, Organa, and Mothma followed suit. As they made their way to Amidala's office, Mothma questioned who could have desired Onaconda's death. Purs reiterated Amidala's earlier claim that it was connected to the bill, remarking that the rest of the opposition might also be targeted, but Organa advised her against speculation. Organa insisted that they intensify their efforts on the Senate vote, but Amidala disagreed and contended that they should postpone the vote and conduct their own investigation into Farr's death. Purs nervously observed as Mothma and Organa conceded to Amidala's request, despite their concern for Padmé, given her close relationship with Farr. Purs briefly attempted to intervene but hesitated and watched as Amidala and Organa departed to confront Senators Burtoni and Mee Deechi, both of whom had been political adversaries of Farr and staunch opponents of his anti-war stances.

When Amidala and Organa met with their opposition, Deechi proved to be a cooperative ally in their investigation due to his amicable relationship with Farr. Deechi disclosed that he had secretly had Farr followed and, as a result, was aware of the meeting Farr had held at the docks the night before his death. Upon learning that Amidala intended to investigate the docks and that Deechi was aware of her clandestine meeting with Farr, even if he was unaware of her involvement, Purs realized that her presumed innocence was in jeopardy. Later that night, she resolved to strike against Deechi and Amidala, commencing with the latter. Purs disguised herself and proceeded to the docks beneath the derrick major, where Amidala and Organa had gone to search the area. From an elevated platform, she observed the two navigating the shipping crates before assuming control of a crane to reposition a shipping container above them. However, when Purs released the crate, Amidala noticed immediately, thereby saving herself and Organa from becoming her victims.
Armed with a blaster pistol, Purs promptly opened fire on Amidala, who returned fire. Caught, Purs began to flee, utilizing the high ground to evade the labyrinth of shipping crates. Following a failed attempt to ambush Amidala, Purs lured her and Organa to the outer perimeter of the dockyard, where she released another container in the hope of crushing them. Although the crate nearly knocked Organa over the edge, Amidala managed to rescue him, and Purs fled the scene. Having failed in her attempts to stop the two, Purs returned to the Senate Office Building to confront Deechi, whom she encountered in his office. Purs plunged a dagger into Deechi's chest, resulting in his death. When Amidala, Organa, and Inspector Divo discovered Deechi's body later, Divo placed the Senate on lockdown and confined Purs, Amidala, Organa, and Mothma to Amidala's office under his protection. Believing that her only recourse was to frame Senator Burtoni for her actions, Purs protested Divo's orders, arguing that he was making them easy targets, and left the room.

Once outside Padmé's office, Purs located Burtoni in the east corridor, en route to her office. Coincidentally, Divo began to suspect Burtoni when Amidala realized that Burtoni had known she would be at the docks, and his suspicion was compounded when his police were unable to locate her in her office. Meanwhile, Purs frantically returned to Amidala's office, feigning an attack by Burtoni. While being consoled by Mothma, Purs accused Burtoni of attempting to kill her and claimed that the Kaminoan was in the east corridor, prompting Divo to order Burtoni's arrest. By the following morning, Divo's investigation had returned to Chancellor Palpatine's office, where Purs, Amidala, Organa, Mothma, Palpatine, Amedda, and Taa were assembled to witness Burtoni's interrogation. Burtoni vehemently denied the accusations leveled against her. She scoffed at the notion that she would attack someone as insignificant as Purs and dismissed the idea that she would assassinate Farr or Deechi, but Divo presented evidence of the poison used against Farr, which was of Kaminoan origin.
Believing that his case was resolved, Divo formally arrested Burtoni, but Amidala realized that if the poison only affected Rodians, then Purs would also be dead. When Padmé realized that Purs had not consumed the tainted wine, Purs knew that her deception had been exposed and produced a deactivator hold-out pistol. Taking Amidala hostage as "insurance," Purs began to retreat from the room. Amidala, distraught by the sudden revelation, demanded to know why Purs would assassinate Farr, and Purs explained that she believed Farr had brought the war to Rodia. Purs became enraged when Padmé countered that Farr had atoned for his mistakes and, in her anger, revealed her plans to kill Farr and Deechi. Upon hearing this, Divo remotely alerted his guards stationed outside the office, who entered just as Purs was preparing to exit. Purs was unprepared for this turn of events, which allowed Amidala to knock the blaster from her grasp and strike her in the face, rendering her unconscious. Lieutenant Divo instructed his droids to take Purs into CSF custody, and she was subsequently incarcerated for her crimes.

The assassinations carried out by Lolo Purs had consequences that were contrary to her initial aspirations. Ironically, despite professing a belief in the pursuit of a peaceful resolution to the Clone Wars, her actions inadvertently prolonged the conflict. The assassinations of Onaconda Farr and Mee Deechi derailed the late Farr's military budget reduction bill, which ultimately failed to pass in the Senate, partly due to the delays caused by Farr's murder and the security concerns that arose following the deaths of two senators. In a private conversation with Amidala, Chancellor Palpatine personally cited the murders as one of the reasons why opposition to a budget reduction and support for an increase in clone trooper production, as outlined in Burtoni's earlier appropriations bill, had increased and decreased, respectively.
Purs' actions also influenced the decision to enhance security measures within the Senate. Furthermore, the assassination of Mee Deechi, who had represented the planet Umbara in the Senate, served as a catalyst for the subsequent secession of the Umbaran government from the Republic. Following his death, the Umbarans committed their militia to the Confederacy, leading to the devastating Battle of Umbara in 20 BBY, which concluded with a decisive Republic victory but resulted in significant losses for both the Republic Military and the local Umbaran Militia forces.

Lolo Purs, a Rodian female distinguished by her green skin, blue eyes, orange cranial spines, stood at a height of 1.75 meters – equivalent to 5 feet and 9 inches. Possessing a strong sense of duty to her planet, Purs held a deep and abiding loyalty to the Galactic Republic, as she believed it greatly benefited her people. From her earliest years, Purs harbored a single-minded ambition to enter the political arena, driven by her unwavering belief in the importance of defending democracy, freedom, and fairness during a period where these principles were increasingly threatened. During the Clone Wars, she was a firm advocate for achieving a peaceful resolution to the conflict, a view that aligned with those of her mentor and sponsor, Senator Onaconda Farr. Despite her beliefs and involvement with the anti-war faction, partly guided by Farr, the struggle to safeguard democracy was always on the verge of becoming a literal fight for Purs. Rodians were often seen as violent, and Purs frequently found herself unable to shake off the violent stereotypes associated with her species, in spite of her support for pacifism.
Purs was deeply angered when Senator Farr experienced a crisis of faith early in the Clone Wars, leading him to briefly align himself with the Separatists. In Purs's view, Farr's actions had dragged Rodia into the war and revealed a fundamental weakness that she felt jeopardized their faction's efforts to oppose the conflict. Unable to forgive Farr's actions, Purs was frustrated to see their shared allies and many others readily forgive him despite his act of betrayal. She found it impossible to calmly accept his behavior and remained privately suspicious of him. Convinced that Farr posed a threat to their cause despite his successful leadership during the military funding debate, Purs was unable to overcome her distrust and ultimately resorted to threats and, eventually, murder to remove Farr from the Senate. While she succeeded in poisoning her mentor, Purs's clumsy attempts to conceal her actions and her failure to anticipate Padmé Amidala's loyalty to her old friend resulted in her capture.
Having dedicated her life to politics, Representative Purs possessed considerable expertise in political knowledge and legislative tactics. However, despite her political acumen, Purs lacked the skills of a criminal mastermind, and her efforts to cover up Onaconda Farr's murder were clumsy, despite her initial success. As a Rodian, Purs had an inherent inclination towards violence due to her cultural background. She was relatively proficient with a blaster and demonstrated agility when escaping the docks beneath the derrick major after her failed attempt to assassinate Padmé Amidala and Bail Organa.
Throughout the Clone Wars, Lolo Purs carried a deactivator hold-out pistol, a weapon designed to disable droid technology. She also had access to a blaster type more commonly associated with criminal organizations. As Rodia's representative in the Senate, Purs typically wore elegant white and red robes originating from her homeworld.
Lolo Purs made her debut in "Senate Murders," which was the fifteenth episode of The Clone Wars television series from season two. The episode's script was penned by Drew Z. Greenberg, and it was directed by Brian Kalin O'Connell. Its original air date was March 19, 2010. The character design for Lolo Purs began as early as April 2008, with concept art created by Randy Bantog. In "Senate Murders," Jennifer Hale provides the voice for Purs.
In the 2023 reference book Star Wars: Timelines, the name Lolo Purs is incorrectly spelled as "Lol Purs."