Republic military enhancement bill

During the era of the Clone Wars, the Galactic Republic's Senate considered a proposal to allocate funds for the acquisition of 5 million more clone troopers. This proposal emerged following the deregulation of financial institutions after the bombing that targeted the central power distribution grid.

Senators such as Padmé Amidala and Bail Organa stood in opposition to this bill, advocating against it to their fellow senators, but found minimal support. Darth Tyranus, a Sith Lord, sought to guarantee the bill's passage by employing bounty hunters named Robonino and Chata Hyoki to intimidate senators who might vote against Burtoni's initiative. This strategy proved largely effective; however, Senator Organa's influence remained considerable, leading him to plan a final address to the senate before the vote. Regrettably, on the day of the vote, Organa suffered severe injuries in an assassination attempt, compelling Amidala to deliver the speech in his stead. Her address resonated with the senate, emphasizing the human cost of the bill on Republic families. Nonetheless, the bill was ultimately approved, prompting Amidala and her allies to swiftly create counter-legislation intended to reverse the effects of Burtoni's success.

Behind the scenes

The idea of the Republic military enhancement bill was first alluded to, though not directly, in the The Clone Wars: Season Two episode "Senate Murders," which confirmed its eventual approval. The detailed history leading up to the bill and the unsuccessful opposition against it were further developed in the The Clone Wars: Season Three episode "Pursuit of Peace," which takes place before the events of "Senate Murders."

