Robonino was a Patrolian male bounty hunter. During the Clone Wars, he operated, accepting contracts that often went against the interests of the Galactic Republic on Coruscant. During the Senate hostage crisis, he collaborated with Cad Bane, Shahan Alama, and Aurra Sing. Later, Count Dooku employed him to create problems for Republic senators who were working to prevent the passage of a bill that would have further intensified the Clone Wars.

Robonino established his profession as a bounty hunter during the Clone Wars. He participated in a group under the leadership of the well-known Duros bounty hunter Cad Bane, which took the Senate Building hostage with the goal of freeing Ziro the Hutt. While the other members moved through the building to locate hostages, Robonino disabled the power distribution system of the Senate Building from the control room. He then activated the emergency lockdown in the neighboring Senate Office Building, which enabled Bane to carry out the remainder of his strategy. Robonino stayed in the control room, and when Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker came to investigate the power failure, the cunning Patrolian managed to surprise the skilled Jedi by seizing him from behind and electrocuting him while Skywalker was distracted by attacks from Robonino's accomplices Shahan Alama and Aurra Sing. Following the release of the Hutt, Robonino departed the scene of the crime alongside the rest of the team.
Subsequently, Count Dooku hired Robonino, along with Chata Hyoki, to threaten various senators in an attempt to block a vote on a Senate bill. Dooku later gave them instructions to assassinate Padmé Amidala. The following evening, Robonino and Hyoki located Amidala on the streets of Coruscant and launched an assault. However, Amidala managed to evade them and escape using a speeder. Despite their lack of success, Robonino and Hyoki proceeded to their subsequent target, attacking Senator Bail Organa in the Senate Building Hangar one morning, causing him serious injuries. However, Robonino and his partner were apprehended by law enforcement.
Robonino was a Patrolian male with a height of 1.27 meters, equivalent to 4 feet and 2 inches. He possessed [red](/article/color] eyes and skin of a light purple hue. Robonino was a bounty hunter equipped with a diverse set of skills, enabling him to infiltrate the Senate building, disrupt the power grid, operate a speeder, and utilize the element of surprise to subdue a Jedi. Robonino wore an eyepatch that concealed his left eye.