Shahan Alama

A Weequay bounty hunter by the name of Shahan Alama operated during the time of the Clone Wars. Alongside Cad Bane and a collection of other mercenaries and bounty hunters, he took part in the Senate hostage crisis. The goal of this crisis was to liberate the crime lord Ziro the Hutt and transport him to the Grand Hutt Council.


Alama and the crew arrive at the Senate Building

Back in 21 BBY, Cad Bane, another bounty hunter, enlisted Shahan Alama to orchestrate the escape of the notorious crime lord Ziro the Hutt from the Galactic Republic's custody. Bane's scheme involved blackmailing the Republic's Supreme Chancellor, Sheev Palpatine, into freeing Ziro by holding a group of Senators as hostage. Alama, as part of his posse, made their way to one of the landing platforms at the Senate Building's. Their unsanctioned arrival drew the attention of Senate Commandos stationed there. These commandos demanded their departure, but Bane refused, declaring that he had business with the Galactic Senate. A brief skirmish ensued between Alama and the other bounty hunters and the commandos. However, the skirmish was swiftly concluded by Aurra Sing's exceptional marksmanship.

Alama and his droid partner hunt Skywalker in the corridors of the Senate Building

The hunters proceeded inside the Senate building. Bane, utilizing his familiarity with the building's layout, anticipated a Senate Commando guard change and promptly eliminated them using a thermal detonator. The group then rapidly entered the control room, where Robonino disabled the building's power supply. As the bewildered Republic senators congregated in the lobby atrium, the bounty hunters entered and surrounded them. Bane contacted Palpatine, demanding Ziro's release, but the Chancellor refused. In response, Bane locked down the building, severing all external communication. He then began confiscating the senators' comlinks and other valuables. However, before he could search Senator Padmé Amidala, he spotted the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker concealing himself on the upper levels. He opened fire on the Jedi and instructed Alama and an assassin droid to locate him.

Alama discovers his partner incapacitated

Alama and the droid pursued Skywalker through the now-darkened corridors of the Senate Building. The Jedi briefly succeeded in contacting Palpatine by hot-wiring a terminal, and Alama overheard the sound from a distance. He and the droid investigated, but Skywalker used a mind trick on Alama, convincing him that they needed to check the other two floors. Alama then decided that he and his partner should split up: the droid would check one floor, while he would check another. During his search, Alama thought he'd found Skywalker's location, but upon entering the room, he instead found a BD-3000 luxury droid inside. Alama laughed and shushed the droid before resuming his search. Hearing a commotion on the droid's assigned floor, he quickly went downstairs to investigate and discovered the droid's destroyed remains. However, he noticed that the droid had no lightsaber cuts and cleverly realized that the Jedi must not have his weapon. Alama reported his findings to Bane, who then sent Sing to assist with the search. Alama and Sing eventually found Skywalker attempting to enter the control room to restore the power. Robonino ambushed the Jedi from behind, shocking him with electricity and rendering him unconscious. The trio cuffed the Jedi and brought him back to Bane, who threw him in with the senators. Palpatine agreed to release Ziro, but Bane decided to give the senators a "parting gift" before they left. The group set up a laser system around their captives that, if triggered, would detonate explosives wired to destroy the entire atrium, thereby killing everyone inside.

Alama escaped with the rest of Bane's remaining team.

The hunters left the building, seemingly having completed their mission. However, as they emerged, clone shock troopers disembarked from gunships and held the group at gunpoint. Speaking to Palpatine via hologram, Bane revealed the trap he had set for the senators and threatened to activate the explosives using a remote detonator. Consequently, the clones were ordered to stand down, and the hunters boarded their getaway speeder, with Bane's finger hovering over the detonator the entire time. As they flew away, Bane activated the explosives as revenge for the mistreatment Ziro endured while in prison, but Skywalker, who had woken up and retrieved his lightsaber from Amidala, saved the senators with a quick escape.

Personality and traits

Shahan Alama with his blaster

Shahan Alama, a male Weequay, had a height of 1.85 meters. His right forearm was cybernetic. Alama was enthusiastic about the opportunity to pursue Anakin Skywalker through the Senate building's corridors. When an assassin droid colleague was destroyed by the Jedi Knight, Alama observed the absence of lightsaber cuts, cleverly deducing that the Jedi was without his lightsaber.


Shahan Alama carried a Weequay blaster pistol and wore a red beret.

Behind the scenes

Shahan Alama's initial appearance was in "Hostage Crisis," which served as the concluding episode of the first season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series. Corey Burton, who also voiced Cad Bane, provided Alama's voice in the episode. Although his name wasn't mentioned within the episode, it was revealed in the episode's credits. Shahan Alama is a tuckerization of Shahana Alam, who works as the Digital Asset Administrator at Lucasfilm.

