Aurra Sing, who was also called "Nashtah," was a female Palliduvan strong in the Force. She abandoned the Jedi Order and became a bounty hunter. Before and during the Clone Wars, she was on Tatooine, watching the Boonta Eve Classic podrace during the Trade Federation's invasion of the planet Naboo. During this time, she also met Hondo Ohnaka, a Weequay pirate captain. After the Clone Wars began outbreak and Jango Fett, another bounty hunter, death, Sing trained Fett's son, Boba Fett, assisting him in a failed attempt to assassinate Mace Windu, a Jedi Master who had killed Jango on Geonosis. After breaking ties with Boba, Sing accepted jobs from Ziro the Hutt and Cad Bane. Tobias Beckett brought Sing's extensive and eventful career to its conclusion when he killed her.

Aurra Sing Born in 51 BBY on her homeworld Nar Shaddaa to a father she never knew and a spice-addicted mother too poor to care for her, Sing was a Palliduvan with Force-sensitive abilities who became a member of the Jedi Order. She would eventually depart from the Order to pursue a career as a bounty hunter, taking her lightsaber with her. She underwent training by Anzati agents, who turned her into a skilled killer. She later spoke of her past with the Jedi, but the pirate Hondo Ohnaka did not believe her. She also went by the name "Nashtah."
Aurra Sing was a feared hunter, recognized for her chalk-white skin and a built-in comlink antenna. She was an expert sniper and a trained assassin who was willing to work for anyone who paid her. She had a known association with Jango Fett and was at one point romantically involved with Ohnaka. On Nar Shaddaa, Sing, along with fellow bounty hunters Cad Bane and Vorhdeilo, encountered Darth Maul, a Sith Lord. Sing intercepted a transmission indicating that Jedi were on their way to Hutta Town to conduct an investigation. Despite Sing's reservations about Maul, she joined Bane's group in attending Xev Xrexus's Cartel's auction of Eldra Kaitis, a Jedi Padawan.
During the auction, Sing, Bane, and Vorhdeilo conversed with Maul on their ship. They developed a plan to seize Kaitis from Jee Kra, who had successfully acquired the padawan at the auction. Sing and her allies killed Kra's crew. Sing, Maul, and the others met Kra and Kaitis at his ship. After Maul subdued Kra and his remaining crew, Sing spoke with Bane about about leaving or killing Maul after their job was done. Upon discovering the theft, Xrexus ordered the ship shot down.
After the group crashed onto the moon of Drazkel below, Xrexus allowed the rest of the bidders to hunt them down for sport and offered Kaitis to anyone who captured her. Maul and Kaitis split off from the group to distract the hunters, instructing the bounty hunters to steal a ship. Turning the tables on the hunters, Bane, Sing, and Vorhdeilo set a trap. Bane lured a group of Trandoshan hunters into a kill zone, where Sing sniped them from a distance and Vorhdeilo attacked them at close range. The group then stole a Ohnaka Gang starship and picked up Maul, who promised they would be compensated.

Ten years before the Clone Wars start, Sing was present on Tatooine, a world in the Outer Rim, during the Boonta Eve Classic podrace. Sing observed the podrace from a balcony situated in Beggar's Canyon and was impressed by Anakin Skywalker's piloting abilities. A hologram depicting Jabba Desilijic Tiure paying Sing as two of his underlings dragged the injured podracer Neva Kee away from his crashed Podracer was acquired some time later by Tan Divo, a police inspector with the Coruscant Security Force. The hologram had all identifying authentimarks scrubbed from it, which made it impossible to confirm its legitimacy. However, if it was true, it suggested that Sing played a role in Kee's death. Divo theorized that Farwan & Glott, the original manufacturers of Kee's podracer, hired Sing to eliminate Kee in order to gain access to the podracer customization secrets that he refused to share.

Sometime before 22 BBY, Sing was on vacation aboard the Halcyon with Zam Wesell, a Clawdite bounty hunter, when Colram Vestig, a man, hired her to protect him from the Hutts, to whom he owed a substantial amount of credits. As Vestig negotiated with Sing, his son Wilmar approached, bothering his father about his promises to let him join a safari to the planet Numidian Prime to see the native Predavorexxes. Vestig dismissed his child, and shortly after, they were approached by a representative of the Hutts aboard the Halcyon. Sing attacked the man, but he informed her and Vestig that his bosses now had possession of the boy, and they followed him to Numidian Prime to retrieve him. As they were departing the ship, the droid D3-O9 warned Sing that the Halcyon was approaching a solar storm, which had caused all other passenger excursions from departing as scheduled. This, however, did not deter the bounty hunter.
They were taken to a group of Weequays who held Wilmar at gunpoint. They unleashed a wild Predavorexx to attack Sing, much to the alarm of the representative who had been sent to collect Sing, who was still down on the ground with her when the creature attacked. The Hutts began to gamble on Sing's chances of success, but to their collective dismays, Aurra came out victorious in the match. With the help of Wesell, who had taken on the form of a Weequay in order to sneak behind the child's captors, Sing defeated the Weequays. She then returned to the transport and flew back to the Halcyon, where she returned Wilmar to Vestig. The Halcyon narrowly avoided the solar storm. Shortly after, the Hutts finalized their purchase of the pleasure vessel, and so the bounty hunter pair decided to cut their vacation short and slink off at the next spaceport.

During the Clone Wars, Sing allied with Boba Fett to avenge Boba's father by killing Mace Windu, who had killed him on Geonosis. Using the alias "Lucky," Boba boarded the Endurance as a clone cadet. After his initial attempt on Windu's life failed, he contacted Sing for guidance. Sing advised him to detonate the reactors, which surprised Boba. After Boba successfully destroyed the Endurance's reactors, causing it to crash toward Vanqor, he entered one of the escape pods with several other cadets. Once they were clear of the falling ship, the pod was docked by Slave I. Bossk and Sing boarded the pod to confront Boba. They insisted that the other cadets be ejected into space because they were "living witnesses." Boba reluctantly boarded Slave I and jettisoned the pod from Slave I's docking area. Although the group of bounty hunters escaped, the cadets were rescued by Anakin Skywalker and Windu, Jedi Knights who had escaped the Endurance in their Jedi starfighters.
Sing and her crew arrived at the crashed cruiser before the Jedi. There, she encountered and executed multiple clone survivors, shooting them in the back or chest. She later abducted Admiral Kilian, Commander Ponds, and a naval officer from the crash site of the Endurance on Vanqor. After Skywalker and Windu triggered their bomb in the crash site, Boba convinced Sing to go back to get the two Jedi's heads to bring to Count Dooku, who might pay them for their trouble. Sing, along with Boba and Castas, went to the crash site. Due to the ship falling apart, and R2-D2's interference, Sing decided to blow up the crash site. As they left, Bossk contacted Sing, telling that a explosion happened near where the Jedi landed. Sing then ordered Bossk to jam all transmissions from the planet. When Sing and her team returned to Slave I, they saw Windu's Jedi starfighter taking off. Unbeknownst to Sing, only R2-D2 was aboard. Though Slave I took out the Jedi fighter's communications, Artoo reached the hyperspace rings and escaped. Knowing that Windu would not hold a grudge against them, she decided to motivate Windu by using the hostages.

When contacting Windu to come and find her, Sing shot Ponds and later ejected his body into space after Boba wouldn't do it. The group of bounty hunters then traveled to the planet Florrum for a visit with Sing's old flame Hondo Ohnaka, hoping for advice. During a visit in the bar with Ohnaka, Sing, using her biocomputer, overheard Castas communicating via hologram to a friend on Coruscant. After hearing him calling her an "old hag" and offer up information about her, Sing took out her blaster, called Castas' name, and shot him in the face when he turned around, killing him. Plo Koon and Ahsoka Tano later caught up with her, having learned of her location via Castas' killing, and a standoff ensued with Boba holding a blaster to Koon's head and Tano a lightsaber to Sing's throat. Though Koon attempted to defuse the situation peacefully by promising no harm would come to the two if they yielded, Sing refused to do so and tried to kill the Jedi Master with darts concealed in her boot. The attempt failed and the situation turned violent; Sing took advantage of a bomb triggered by Boba to escape, but abandoned her protege despite his pleas after Koon managed to capture him. Stealing a speeder bike from a pirate, Sing led a pursuing Tano on a chase away from where the hostages were located but when Tano broke off pursuit to head in the correct direction after being informed of this, Sing took another path and ambushed the Jedi just as she freed the hostages. The Palliduvan boarded Slave I and powered it up, intending to flee, but the ship ended up crashing after a wing was sliced off by the Jedi Padawan. Sing was presumed dead by the Jedi. Unknown to them, Hondo salvaged her out of Slave I's wreckage.

After her apparent death, Sing quickly resumed her work, being hired by Ziro the Hutt to assassinate Padmé Amidala, a Senator, in retaliation for imprisoning him. She tracked the Senator to Alderaan, where Amidala was scheduled to attend a conference concerning refugee issues. Sing infiltrated the conference through the vents, killing several Senate Commandos by snapping their necks, and established a sniper position. However, Tano's timely intervention prevented Amidala from being fatally wounded, forcing Sing to flee.
Sing later made a second attempt on Amidala's life, tracking down the Senator but not being fooled by the BD-3000 luxury droid acting as her decoy. However, Tano thwarted her once again. Sing outdrew Tano, grazing the Padawan, but was caught off-guard when Amidala drew a hidden blaster and stunned her, knocking her unconscious. Sing was arrested and taken to Coruscant. Her failure to assassinate her target led to Ziro accidentally confessing, which resulted in her employer receiving an extended prison sentence.

Later in the Clone Wars, Sing escaped Republic custody and joined Cad Bane's bounty hunter team for the raid on the Republic Senate Building. Their goal was to take hostages in order to secure Ziro the Hutt's release from prison. During the hostage siege, Aurra provided cover for Bane's entrance into the building. She positioned herself atop a nearby building and used a sniper rifle to eliminate the Senate Commandos who attempted to stop him. After Bane eliminated the remaining Senate Commandos, Sing shot a dying trooper who was lying on the ground. Later she aided Shahan Alama in searching for Anakin Skywalker, whose presence in the Senate Building threatened to thwart Bane's plan. Eventually, with the help of Robonino, the hunters managed to render Skywalker unconscious. When the Hutt crime lord was freed, Sing successfully left the crime scene along with the rest of the group.
As the Clone Wars continued, Sing eventually took to commanding forces from the Confederacy military. The Jedi agreed to personally capture her. The Republic issued a warning to its citizens about the bounty hunter, advising them not to engage her and to immediately report any sightings to the Jedi High Council. However, the citizen's alert also incorrectly stated her career in bounty hunting had lasted seven decades by that point.
Around 13 BBY, Tobias Beckett accepted a job from Dryden Vos, a Crimson Dawn crime lord, and ultimately killed Sing. Vos was pleased with Sing's death and gave Beckett a bonus. Sing's death was later mentioned to Beckett during a conversation with Lando Calrissian, who was also pleased by her demise due to his large debt to her, though Beckett claimed that he had merely only pushed Sing and that it was, in fact, the fall that had killed her.
Sing's former lover, Hondo Ohnaka, included her in his book The Secrets of the Bounty Hunters and reflected on their past together. While he believed the galaxy was safer with her dead, he found that there were times when he missed his old lover. In 34 ABY, during the war between the First Order and the Resistance, the droid D3-O9 recounted her exploits with Zam Wesell during their stay aboard the Halcyon, noting that both bounty hunters had met their fates.

Aurra Sing was a Palliduvan female who stood at 1.83 meters (6 feet) tall, with auburn hair, green eyes and white skin. Sing was known as one of the most powerful and ruthless bounty hunters in the galaxy. She was willing to kill without hesitation, whether it was executing wounded clone troopers, former partners like Castas, or leaving adolescent clones stranded in a disabled escape pod. Despite her ruthlessness, Sing also acted as a mother figure to Boba Fett during his teenage years, sometimes calling him "Honey" and preventing him from consuming alcohol in Hondo Ohnaka's bar. Despite this, she was also selfish, and she abandoned Fett to save herself after the boy was captured by Plo Koon.
Sing also attempted to mentor Fett, as demonstrated when she tried to make him murder the helpless Clone Commander Ponds. When he hesitated, she simply pushed him aside and killed Ponds herself. Aurra Sing also had a romantic relationship with Hondo Ohnaka, and though they were no longer lovers, Ohnaka still referred to her as "My Dear." Consequently, after Sing and Boba arrived at Ohnaka's base, he asked if Boba was his son. Even with their past, Ohnaka refused to help Sing when she tried to lure Ahsoka Tano and Plo Koon into a trap.

Sing was an exceptionally skilled sharpshooter, exhibiting expertise as both a sniper and a lethal assassin. As a ruthless bounty hunter, her capabilities were enhanced by her Force sensitivity. Political assassinations were Sing's forte, with quick routes to substantial payments including raids, abductions, and the assassination of politicians like Padmé Amidala. She effortlessly used a sniper rifle to shoot down several Senate Commandos without detection and disarmed Skywalker by shooting the blaster from his hand. Demonstrating considerable physical power, she was able to break the neck of a Senate Commando and completely encircle the throat of the smaller Ahsoka Tano with her hand. In addition, Sing was proficient in armed and unarmed combat, infiltration, surveillance, and piloting starships.
Aurra Sing was distinguished by her integrated comlink antenna. A Rhen-Orm biocomputer was implanted in her skull, enabling her to simultaneously monitor multiple threats and precisely align distant shots with her sniper rifle. It also provided her with an advanced warning system to detect approaching authorities. Sing carried a pair of DX-13 blaster pistols. Her Czerka Adventurer rifle allowed her to strike targets from extreme ranges. She also wore a pair of durable boots crafted from rancor hide. The sniper rifle Sing employed in the attempted assassination of Senator Amidala was designed to be compact, fitting into a case, with each component interlocking for assembly.
The Aurra Sing character originated from a sketch titled "Babe Fett" by Lucasfilm's Doug Chiang. Chiang created the sketch in response to a request from George Lucas to populate the podracing sequence in the 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace with more characters. In the movie, Sing was portrayed in a brief cameo by model Michonne Bourriague. Jaime King provided her voice in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series. The distinctive dark makeup strip across Aurra Sing's eyes in The Clone Wars episode Assassin pays tribute to a similar style worn by Daryl Hannah in the 1982 film classic Blade Runner, which featured Star Wars actor Harrison Ford. In May of 2018, Kyle Newman, King's spouse, disclosed that plans existed to kill off Sing in an unreleased episode of the Clone Wars series. Her death was later depicted in the 2018 Star Wars Anthology film Solo: A Star Wars Story.

While Star Wars Jedi Master Magazine 2 and Star Wars Helmet Collection 76 indicate Sing was of half-human heritage, her Databank entry, Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition, and Star Wars: Character Encyclopedia, Updated and Expanded Edition identify her as a Palliduvan. This article operates under the assumption that Jedi Master Magazine 2 and Helmet Collection 76 contain inaccuracies. The "Sith Fugitives" card attributed a seven-decade career in bounty hunting to Sing by the time of the Clone Wars, but Jedi Master Magazine 2 states she was born in 51 BBY. Given that the "Sith Fugitives" card is presented as an in-universe piece of propaganda, this article treats it as an error within the fictional universe.