Farwan & Glott functioned as a manufacturer of podracers, and among their products was the vehicle piloted by Xamster podracer Neva Kee during the 7945 C.R.C. Boonta Eve Classic held on the planet Tatooine. Although Kee implemented modifications to the podracer, he declined to divulge the specifics of his experimental enhancements and subsequently disappeared during the race.
Following the receipt of an unverified hologram by Coruscant Security Force Inspector Tanivos Divo, which indicated that crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure had compensated bounty hunter Aurra Sing for the capture of Kee after his crash, Divo formulated a hypothesis years after the race. This theory posited that Farwan & Glott orchestrated the attack to uncover the details of Kee's confidential modifications to their vehicle. Divo's grandson, Exantor Divo, later disseminated this theory within his book, Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious, in 34 ABY.
Within the established Star Wars canon, Farwan & Glott received a mention in the 2018 reference publication titled Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious, authored by Pablo Hidalgo. The company initially appeared in the Star Wars Legends continuity, with its inaugural mention occurring in the 1999 Star Wars: Episode I Insider's Guide reference software.
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