The Star Wars: Episode I Insider's Guide, a computer software, was launched on CD-ROM by LucasArts during the month of June of 1999. This comprehensive guide, containing over 500 entries, extensively covers the characters, technological advancements, modes of transportation, and geographical settings featured in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. Furthermore, it presents details from behind the scenes, official promotional trailers and posters for the movie, supplementary details regarding the previously released installments of the saga, and a guide dedicated to Expanded Universe content connected to Episode I.
The guide's structure bears a strong resemblance to the Star Wars: Behind the Magic CD-ROM that came out the year before.
Anakin's Friends
Jedi Order Depa Billaba Adi Gallia Ki-Adi-Mundi Plo Koon Eeth Koth Even Piell Yarael Poof Oppo Rancisis Saesee Tiin Mace Windu Yaddle Yoda
Trade Federation Daultay Dofine Nute Gunray Rune Haako OOM-9 TC-14
Trade Federation Armored Assault Tank (as Armored Attack Tank) Droid Control Ship Droid Starfighter Landing Ship STAP Multi Troop Transport
Naboo Bongo Flash Speeder Gian Speeder Naboo Royal Starship Naboo Starfighter
Republic Air Taxi Republic Cruiser
Sith Infiltrator Sith Speeder
Podracers Podracer Map
Charts Vehicle Size Charts
- Episode I
- Episode II
- Episode III
- Episode IV
- Episode V
- Episode VI
- Writing for the Star Wars Universe

Contained on both discs, the glossary functions as an encyclopedia-style reference, drawing from chosen details presented in the film and numerous related materials available at that time. The entries can be organized into different categories:
- Alien Species
- Characters - Aliens
- Characters - Droids
- Characters - Human
- Events
- Flora and Fauna
- Groups and Organizations
- Locations - Cities
- Locations - Misc
- Locations - Planets
- Locations - Space
- Locations - Systems
- Technology
- Terminology
- Vehicles (named)
- Vehicles (types)
- Weapons