Star Wars: Behind the Magic

Star Wars: Behind the Magic, an interactive CD-ROM, was launched by LucasArts in the autumn of 1998. It was conceived as a comprehensive exploration of the original trilogy, presenting a sneak peek of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. The content is distributed across a pair of discs.

A limited edition of the software, known as Star Wars: Behind the Magic Vehicles Special Edition, was included within The LucasArts Archives Vol. IV: Star Wars Collection II.


Behind the Magic's menu screen

The features of Behind the Magic provide an in-depth examination of the original trilogy (complete with the full script); specifics about the characters, settings, and technology; and insights into the filmmaking process. A searchable glossary of terms is also provided. Several games are included, such as a trivia challenge and a section where you can test weaponry on a stormtrooper.

The CD-ROM also showcased a preview for Episode I, which was scheduled for release the following year. It offered a detailed glimpse into certain aspects of the film, along with a cast roster featuring initial character descriptions for the main roles.


Star Wars Lost Scenes menu screen

Perhaps the most praised element of Behind the Magic is its inclusion of several scenes that were cut from Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. Among these is the well-known "Biggs scene," where Luke Skywalker and Biggs Darklighter converse on Tatooine, as well as a scene where Luke speaks with his companions after witnessing the opening space battle. There are also two other pieces of raw footage included: one showing Luke observing the space battle through binoculars and a rough version of the Mos Eisley cantina scene.

The CD-ROM also featured a timeline of Star Wars events, which has since been rendered obsolete by the release of the prequel trilogy and additional Expanded Universe content. Some details that have since been revised include Obi-Wan Kenobi's birth year being listed as 60 BBY instead of 57 BBY, the events of Episode III being placed at 20 BBY, and the birth of the Skywalker twins being placed at 18 BBY.

Contents - Disc 1


For most entries with bullet points, you can "Explore" them, which leads to: a "Full Description", an "Image Gallery", a "Behind the Scenes" section and "BtS Images" gallery, some "Audio Clip" content, and a "Trivia" question.

Main Characters

Aliens & Creatures

  • Aliens Bith Bothan Ewok Gamorrean Hutt Ithorian Jawa Rodian Sullustan Tusken Raider Twi'lek Ugnaught Weequay Wookiee Yuzzum

  • Animals & Other Creatures Bantha Bogwing Bubo Dewback Ronto Scurrier Tauntan Womp Rat Worrt

  • Monstrous Beasts Dianoga Dragonsnake Krayt Dragon Mynock Rancor Sarlacc Space Slug Wampa Ice Creature

Groups & Organizations

  • Imperial Forces The Empire Imperial Gunners Imperial Royal Guard Sandtroopers Scout Troopers Snowtroopers Stormtroopers TIE Fighter Pilots

  • Manufacturers BlasTech Industries Corellian Engineering Corporation Incom Corporation Kuat Drive Yards Sienar Fleet Systems

  • Rebel Forces New Republic Rebel Alliance Rebel Infantry Rebel Pilots Rogue Squadron

  • Organizations B'omarr Monks Black Sun Dark Jedi Jedi Knights



  • Starfighters A-Wing B-Wing TIE Advanced TIE Bomber TIE Fighter TIE Interceptor X-Wing Y-Wing

  • Aircraft Ewok Hang Glider Snowspeeder T-16 Skyhopper Twin-Pod Cloud Car

  • Groundcraft AT-AT AT-ST Desert Skiff Landspeeder Sail Barge Sandcrawler Speeder Bike Swoop Bike

  • Capital Ships Executor Imperial Star Destroyer Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Rebel Blockade Runner EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate/Legends|Rebel Cruiser Rebel Transport

  • Other Vessels Imperial Landing Craft Imperial Shuttle Death Star Death Star II Millennium Falcon Outrider Slave I

  • Charts Vehicles Speed Chart Vehicles Size Chart


  • Starship & Planetary Weapons Antivehicle Artillery Ion Cannon Proton Torpedo Anti-Infantry Battery Superlaser Turbolaser Quad Laser Cannon Laser Cannon

  • Personal Weapons Blaster Bowcaster E-Web Repeating Blaster Gaderffii Lightsaber Thermal Detonator Vibro-Ax Ionization Blaster Force Pike Blaster Rifle

  • Weapons Test Ewok Rock Blaster Lightsaber Thermal Detonator Death Star Ray


  • Droid Devices Astromech Droid Asp Droid GNK Power Droid Interrogator Droid MSE Mouse Droid Patrol Droid Probot Protocol Droid Remote Restraining Bolt

  • Personal Devices Comlink Electrobinoculars Meditation Chamber Hologram Imperial Code Cylinder

  • Vehicle Devices Deflector Shield Hyperdrive Escape Pod Ion Engine Repulsorlift Engine Tractor Beam

  • Industrial Devices Breath Mask Carbon-Freezing Chamber Scan Grid Bacta Tank Vaporator Prosthetic Replacement


  • Core Worlds Alderaan Corellia Coruscant Imperial City

  • Mid-Rim Worlds Kashyyyk Naboo Ord Mantell Yavin Yavin 4 Massassi Temple

  • Hutt Space

  • Nar Hutta Nar Shaddaa

  • Outer Rim Worlds Bespin Cloud City Dagobah Cave of Evil Yoda's Home Dantooine Endor Ewok Village Shield Generator Hoth Echo Base Wampa Ice Cave Hoth Asteroid Belt Kessel Mon Calamari Tatooine Anchorhead & Tosche Station Beggar's Canyon Great Pit of Carkoon Jabba's Palace Lars Moisture Farm Mos Eisley Spaceport Obi-Wan Kenobi's Home Dune Sea & Jundland Wastes

  • Topics Real World Locations Hyperspace Travel Times


  • Ancient History
  • Recent History
  • Galactic Civil War Battle of Yavin After Yavin Battle of Hoth After Hoth Battle of Endor
  • Era of the New Republic Early Conflicts Galactic Unrest Young Jedi Knights

Episode I Preview

  • Behind the Magic - Episode I - A Preview
  • Locations - Planet Naboo
  • Events - About Episode I
  • Behind the Scenes - Episode I Production
  • Creatures, Characters and Droids - Battle Droid
  • People - Episode I Cast
  • Vehicles - Naboo Starfighters
  • Toys and Collectibles - New Hasbro Action Figure

Contents - Disc 2

Scene by Scene

  • Star Wars
  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • Return of the Jedi
  • Lost Scenes Early Luke Scene Anchorhead Scene Biggs & Luke Scene Early Cantina Scene

Behind the scenes

  • People Film Credits Cast Members Crew Members
  • Processes
  • Culture Critical Response Publicity
  • Lucas Companies Industrial Light & Magic LucasArts Lucas Learning Lucasfilm Ltd. Skywalker Sound THX Skywalker Ranch
  • Timeline

Expanded Universe

  • Sources
  • Timeline


The Glossary

The glossary, accessible on both discs, serves as an encyclopedia-style reference, drawing from specific information found in the Star Wars Encyclopedia, which also came out in 1998. The entries are organized into a variety of categories:

  • Alien Species
  • Characters - Aliens
  • Characters - Droids
  • Characters - Human
  • Events
  • Flora and Fauna
  • Groups and Organizations
  • Locations - Cities
  • Locations - Misc
  • Locations - Planets
  • Locations - Space
  • Locations - Systems
  • Technology
  • Terminology
  • Vehicles (named)
  • Vehicles (types)
  • Weapons

