Podracing constituted a perilous racing sport. This sport involved the use of repulsorcrafts known as podracers. These were small, single-occupant vehicles propelled by sizable engines. It was a popular activity on various planets, including Malastare, Kergans, Theron, Cantonica, and Tatooine. The individuals who competed in these races were also called podracers. Competitors would complete several circuits on a designated racetrack, navigating at hazardous and sometimes lethal velocities. These races could be broadcast in entertainment venues across the galaxy.
To effectively compete, podracers needed exceptional reflexes. It was a sport typically engaged in by aliens. Anakin Skywalker, a human slave, considered himself the sole human capable of podracing. In 32 BBY, he stood as the only member of his species to participate in podraces around the Mos Espa area. By the time of the skirmish on Hradreek during the Galactic Civil War, tales circulated in the Outer Rim systems about humans achieving victory in podraces.
During the Trade Federation's Invasion of Naboo, Anakin Skywalker emerged victorious in the Boonta Eve Classic on Tatooine. This victory led to an upset over the favored Sebulba and secured his liberation from enslavement. Betting on these races was a common pastime for many spectators on Tatooine. Qui-Gon Jinn's wager with Watto, predicated on Skywalker's win, ultimately led to Skywalker's freedom.
The planet of Ankhural once featured a podracing track, but it has since been abandoned. Shortly after the Battle of Hoth, the 61st Mobile Infantry sought refuge there from the pursuing forces of the Galactic Empire.
Within the Anoat sector, during the period of the Iron Blockade, the Ivax Syndicate held control over podracing, as well as other illicit ventures.
Due to its inherently dangerous nature, podracing was officially prohibited by the New Republic. Nevertheless, the sport persisted in practice on certain isolated planets, such as Batuu.