Gaming is a popular pastime at Canto Casino
The act of gambling involved wagering credits or valuable items on various occurrences, such as droid-fighting events, or within games of chance like sabacc. A notable instance includes Lando Calrissian's fateful bet of the Millennium Falcon against Han Solo in a sabacc match, which resulted in his loss.
Tatooine was well-known for its widespread gambling activities. Canto Bight, a city located on Cantonica, was home to a diverse array of gambling opportunities across its numerous establishments. Nal Hutta was another location where droid-fighting was a popular subject for wagers. The Latero individual Greez Dritus had a gambling problem, which frequently led him and his companions into predicaments with the Haxion Brood. A lottery-style gambling system called the Platform Lottery existed on the Colossus, a supertanker fuel depot.