Haxion Brood

The criminal organization known as the Haxion Brood had a widespread presence across the Outer Rim, with Sorc Tormo serving as its crime boss. Functioning as the core of their operations and a symbol of their authority was Ordo Eris, which was a heavily fortified asteroid that served as their headquarters. It seemed the Brood had a strong hold on the gambling sector and parts of the smuggling trades within the underworld. The Haxion Brood's ranks were composed of bounty hunters enhanced with cybernetics, along with reprogrammed bounty droids constructed from pilfered droid components.

Within the Brood, undergoing cybernetic enhancements was considered an indication of dedication and allegiance. A280C blaster rifles and repulsors were standard equipment for Haxion Brood bounty hunters and commandos.


A Haxion Brood commando

Before or during 18 BBY, the Haxion Brood employed Sylar Saris, an alien criminal, to assassinate several leading figures in the criminal world. After completing the assassinations, Saris, who became known as the "Slayer of Ordo Eris" (named after the syndicate's headquarters space station), became greedy and ran off with a stash of credits, leading to a bounty being placed on his head, which was eventually collected by the bounty hunter Fennec Shand.

In 14 BBY, a Haxion Brood bounty hunter captured Cal Kestis, a former Jedi Padawan, as a result of Greez Dritus, his companion, having a substantial gambling debt with the syndicate, and imprisoned him on Ordo Eris. Following his escape, he was compelled to fight in the Haxion Fight Pit in front of Sorc Tormo. Dritus came to Kestis's rescue aboard his starship, the Stinger Mantis, which infuriated Tormo. The Haxion Brood persisted in dispatching bounty hunters to pursue Kestis after he fled Ordo Eris.

In 9 BBY, Sorc Tormo dispatched Korej Lim to hunt down Kestis, but the Jedi Knight swiftly defeated the bounty hunter on Koboh. Caij Vanda, a former bounty hunter who had been observing the fight, approached Kestis with an offer: Vanda would utilize her underworld contacts to find the Haxion Brood's hunters, and Kestis would then turn the tables on his pursuers by hunting them down and giving their bounty pucks to Vanda as evidence.

Throughout Kestis's quest to reach Tanalorr, he took down numerous additional bounty hunters. Kestis would then confront a combined force of Brood bounty hunters and Bedlam Raiders operating together under the command of a droid called Jo. Kestis hoped that defeating Jo would mark the end of his encounters with the Brood. After finally defeating every hunter the Brood had sent after him, Kestis went back to Pyloon's Saloon to look for Vanda, only to discover she was gone and a message telling him to meet her where they had started their business relationship. Kestis agreed, and discovered the former bounty hunter was waiting for him.

Vanda then betrayed Kestis, revealing that she had not retired after all. Instead, she had tricked Kestis into eliminating all of her rivals and raising his bounty to a level that she would consider collecting. The two then fought, and Vanda was defeated. As Kestis offered Vanda one last chance to give up, Boba Fett showed up to collect the bounty on Vanda's head. After Vanda's failed attempt to negotiate with them by using a thermal detonator, Kestis let Fett take Vanda into custody.

When the criminal syndicate Crimson Dawn organized an auction to sell Han Solo, a crucial figure in the Rebel Alliance and smuggler who had been frozen in carbonite, the Haxion Brood was present, along with other criminal groups.

Around 9 ABY, the Haxion Brood was striving to broaden its influence throughout the Outer Rim Territories.

